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*For Girls* What are you bringing to wear?

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Okay Ladies, I know this isn't really as much of a big deal for the guys since men wear pretty much the same thing anyways,  but what are you Ladies bringing to waear?  I'm not sure what to bring as I don't want to look overly dressed up but not look like a bum either.  I know we're not supposed to bring jeans, high heels etc etc to wear on base so what do we wear?  I'm thinking of bringing some cargo pants, (light greyish green) t-shirts, and of course dre4ss pants, probably black, grey and tan.  As for shoes, thats a huge thing, you can't really wear running shoes with dressy stuff but we can't wear heels either, I'm thinking those cute ballerina flats, this way I can look presentable and not goofy.  I just can't wait to be issued our clothes and boots and stuff so i don't have to worry about it anymore.
Approach shoes are pretty versatile.  A mix between a hiking and running shoe so the colour is usually grey or brown.

You may want to bring a set of heels for those few times you might actually be able to go out.  Specifically your course party.  I'm not sure why they wouldn't want you to wear heels.  Seems  little odd.

As for shirts, if you're going to go for a t-shirt, don't go for the athletic type.  Anything with a collar or buttons will do.  Although athletic t-shirts may be allowed for everyday wear, they aren't quite as professional looking and the staff have eyes everywhere.  Seriously.
Its says right there in the joining intructions available on the St. Jean CFLRS website, NO HIGHHEELS OR PLATFORM shoes. hence the ballerina flats, no heels, but still pretty with dress pants and comfy.  I was definantly thinking button up blouses for wear during the day, just in muted colour like off white, etc. don't want to stand out like a sore thumb and wear pink!

btw, Strike are you male or female?
Dolphado said:
btw, Strike are you male or female?

From the signature : " Don't piss me off.  I have two older brothers, work with a bunch of men, and I can kick their asses!"

So I would guess female :)...
LOL, my bad hahha, should have read the quotes, not just peeked in the gender section of the profile.  Thats it the blondes gotta go, Going to need some bottled intelligence.  Shoppers drug mart here I come!
From what I remember "way back when" there were times where we were marching in formation in civvies.  Might be the reason that they don't want you to bring heels.  There's always some numpty who would wear them when they know full well they are going to be marching from A to B.

Mind you, if you notice later on in the course, when you're allowed to go in to town, that others are wearing heels, just have someone at home send you a pair.

As for the gender question, Yrys hit the nail on the head.  I wear combat boots, but am damn tough, even with 4 inch heels!  (awaiting the comments from the crazier types on this site...)
Strike said:
As for the gender question, Yrys hit the nail on the head.  I wear combat boots, but am damn tough, even with 4 inch heels!  (awaiting the comments from the crazier types on this site...)

That can be a multipurpose weapon  ;D !
LOL yes she certaintly did make that clear to me, like I said, I so need some bottled intelligence.  I am planning on bring at least one going out outfit. I can leave it with my bags untill I need it, and one formal outfit "just in case".  Other then that though I just don't want to stand out too much as I have been warned against some how making your self an example of what NOT to do. And of course I do want to leave a good impression.
I wear high-heels from time to time....
NOTHING cash to buy it at canex...( and alot of tampons)  girls run out and have to share INDOC is a long time . halls cough candy for morning PT
Cash is not really an option, I'm on a very limited budget. I have a hubby and two kids to pay for while i'm gone (daddy's a stay at home dad) and the job I'm at now is enough to get by with very little spending money so everythinsg going to be bought slowly over the next month or so before I go.  I can't afford to take a hit on my first pay check when ever that will be.  $250.00 may not seem like a lotta money for some people but for us it is.
you  get a 200 $ cash advance when you arrive...bring nothing the mega is huge and you have to hull your junk up the stairs like  12 floors and  500000000 stairs move your room 30 times. IT ALL gets locked up for 4 months (no acess) all you have is kit they issue its heavey  bring some thread ......LOTS OF THREAD
I know you can get the cah advance, but really thats all gotta go towards formula, and rent and food for my hubby and the kids.  I wish I could spend it on me but I just can't. I wouldn't feel right doing it in the first place even if we could afford it.  I buy very little for myself in fact I've had the same clothes since highschool aside what I can pick up at value village and so forth.  The hauling stuff doesn't actually bother me, I pack about 1 duffel bag and thats it (I'm a light traveller always have been) I was just more concerned about what style to wear untill we get our kit, so I needn't worry about my stuff anymore.
Remember, if you find you are short anything you can always get it mailed to you.
Thats actually something I never even thought of, Thanks Strike!  I will definantly have to get the mailing information and tack it on the fridge with some stamps in a baggy for my hubby so he doesn't loose it!
Also, in the joining instructions it also says Bathing suit (1 piece of course) is that provided or should I get a plain one?  I currently have a bright one all kind's of colours, but once again don't want to stand out.
No idea on the bathing suit.  When I joined they issued us one but let us wear our own since the suits were quite busty and didn't fit very well.  ;D
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