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First Nations - CF help, protests, solutions, residential schools, etc. (merged)

This was the official policy at the root of the Indian Reservation system, ostensibly copied by South Africa in the implementation of their Homeland system...
Our official policy was bi-polar, on one had the push was to intergrade them by killing off language and culture, yet on the other hand we isolated them onto reserves which they had to get permission to leave. Very typically Canadian as we could not make up our mind on what we wanted.

I have always believed that Eugenics was a factor in the policy makers. Due to it's connection with Nazism, likley all that was scrubbed, but it was very popular belief with the upper and political class of the day between 1890-1930's. This is my opinion and I can't prove it, but it makes sense to explain the belief and actions/inactions that took place back then.
This is my opinion and I can't prove it, but it makes sense to explain the belief and actions/inactions that took place back then.
It's almost impossible to overstate the disdain the elites of any particular era hold for the people they think are beneath them, and what they are willing to do in line with those beliefs.
From the "one man's probation breacher is another's prisoner of conscience" file ....

More backstory on this chap via Google News here.
I know a certain band and Chief that would like to help string him up. Funny how the media only pays attention to victimhood bit and not the "We have a plan to succeed story" when it comes to FN's.
Given Amnesty's (under the category of 'who cares' organizations) somewhat broad criteria for 'prisoner of conscience', I figure a goodly percentage of federal and provincial prisoners might qualify.

He's under 2 months house arrest for defying a court order. I guess due process and rule of law can be selectively observed.
Taking the Truth out of Truth and Reconciliation … no bodies of children have ever been found at Kamloops Residential School, but it’s racist for lawyers to insist on truth and accuracy about that.*

Meanwhile, the Wiki article seems to have a pretty good summary of the situation that includes information I haven't seen elsewhere...

Has there every been any plans to do an actual excavation at that location or any of the others?
Has there every been any plans to do an actual excavation at that location or any of the others?
I thought there had been a couple excavations and nothing found. Interesting enough as what was the anomaly? In some cases maybe old orchards? Easy enough to determine though. A lack of bodies seems like as much of an indictment to me. 1900's there had to have been some deaths.

On money there is quite a bit of it flowing in Ontario right now depending on how much native you are 60, 90, 120 thousand plus
There was a cemetery in the area, the size and location of the graves were lost. As I understand it, the band had custody of that cemetery and did nothing to maintain it.
Pre-contact grave rituals for most FN's was to do open or elevated grave sites, with some doing elevated box burials. Post contact, most shifted to in-ground burials. During the Site C review, there was a potentiel gravesite, right where the new Halfway River bridge abutment would land. The area was a known trading route with a number of confirmed gravesites both pre and post-contact. Two bands fought over the ownership of the gravesite and that was a nasty and bitter debate. Speaking to the archaeologist for the file, the challenge in the region is that thanks to the acidic soils, very little remains are normally found in graves, unless metal was present. No one wanted to dig it up, in case there was nothing there.
CBC first reported this story, saying that they were court clerks. If they were wearing orange shirts instead of their robes that could be seen as a political statement while court was in session.

Tangentially, I've seen CAF members wearing Orange Shirts under their CADPAT... ;)
Man I wish i would have copywrited that orange shirt idea.

Maybe you should have 'self-identified' when you had the chance ;)

As millions in federal funding flow into a Labrador group whose claims of Inuit identity have been rejected by Indigenous organizations across Canada, a national Inuit leader worries the Liberal government is putting the rights of Indigenous Peoples at risk.

Natan Obed, president of an organization representing about 70,000 Inuit across Canada, said he wrote to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau over a year ago to express his concern about the NunatuKavut Community Council's ability to receive federal grants and fisheries allocations based on a "simple self-declaration of Inuit identity."

He said he has not received a response.
