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I finally got sworn in today, it feels amazing to know that I'm one step closer. Now I wait for BMQ
Yeah, I'm waiting for the call.
I'm so tired of waiting around  but like you said, it's worth it.
Congrats  :salute:
Congrats buddy!  I get sworn in the 25th.  Can't wait, 18 days now until BMQ.
Lucky bastard...I'm only halfway through the process. It is such a pain.
Congrats and Good Luck. I wish I knew when the heck I get to get out of this place for a while. Hah, I'm really sick of this 9-5 thing but I have wait till mid September just to hear back from then next selection board to find out if or when I'm off to IAP. Reminds me of a Tom Petty song...

Anyways keep your chin up and make us proud.  ;)
I am in the same boat as you , I also have to wait untill mid september for the next selection. Infantry too. The wait is killing me.
Why do people take one person's moment of celebration to bemoan their situations?  Why can't you lot just say congratulations and leave it at that?

kincanucks said:
Why do people take one person's moment of celebration to bemoan their situations?  Why can't you lot just say congratulations and leave it at that?


Commonality of situation? Human nature? Normal conversation? All of these seem to apply.
derael said:
All of these seem to apply.
as does whining, snivelling, and self-absorption. Part of teamwork is taking joy in your buddy's accomplishments and good fortune. His success is yours. His failure is yours.

Commiserate when he needs it, congratulate him when he deserves it, kick his ass when he brings it on mimself, and let him have his moment in the sun when he has one.

*Milnet.ca staff edit for site policy*
I'm sorry if my tone of voice does not translate through text, but in no way was I whining. In fact I'm still quite positive about everything. I was just stating that waiting is probably the hardest part about the whole application process.

Commonality of situation. Like where he said "Now I wait for BMQ". Heaven forbid I try and make polite conversation...

*EDIT* In future though I'll keep my "conversation" to myself in threads such as this. *EDIT*
Thanks everyone once again and I didn't mean to start a fight. Only 13 days left!
When you get sworn in does it mean you are officialy in the reserves or after you have completed your BMQ ?
Homer Simpson said:
When you get sworn in does it mean you are officialy in the reserves or after you have completed your BMQ ?

Another excellent and well thought question.  You are doing well today.  Again with some effort on your part you would have found the answer to our question which is once you are sworn in you are officially in the CF.