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Enough- [A Must Read on Our Success in Afghanistan]

Can only agree with everyone about this being BANG on!

Good2Golf said:
That said, one of the best pieces yet, and one that I point a lot of folks to is this story reported by CBC's Brian Stewart: Strategic Advisory Team - Afghanistan

My only humble addition is the transcript to this piece (although you miss the spooky "Law & Order-esque" music during the parts - about 2-3 minutes in - about how "some countries" aren't happy about Canada's perceived influence if you don't watch).

I don't know if anybody feels the same way as I do, but does anyone feel tired of explaining the situation in Afghanistan to people?

Everyone asks, and it gets sickening (and repetitive) knowing how ignorant many of the Canadian citizens are to the current war.

I'm seriously thinking of taking a laidback approach and telling people that I simply do not discuss the war with anyone anymore.

But excellent article, worthy of publishing, and should become a MUST READ for ALL Canadian citizens.
Quag said:
I don't know if anybody feels the same way as I do, but does anyone feel tired of explaining the situation in Afghanistan to people?

Everyone asks, and it gets sickening (and repetitive) knowing how ignorant many of the Canadian citizens are to the current war.

I'm seriously thinking of taking a laidback approach and telling people that I simply do not discuss the war with anyone anymore.

But excellent article, worthy of publishing, and should become a MUST READ for ALL Canadian citizens.

Not me.  I'll keep on explaining it to folks so long as they're still willing to listen.  To have been over there and participated in helping Afghans and not try to help Canadians back here understand what we are achieving would not be responsible, IMO.

Good2Golf said:
Not me.  I'll keep on explaining it to folks so long as they're still willing to listen.  To have been over there and participated in helping Afghans and not try to help Canadians back here understand what we are achieving would not be responsible, IMO.


Well put...

I've never been, so I can't say much.

I just find it frustrating to try to explain what is happening to people that think that "this can't be a peacekeeping mission if we are dying"...

Oh well....Education is a tool which must not be taken advantage of...
True enough, Quag. 

It can be difficult at times...sometimes it seems as though the message falls on deaf ears. 

I have to say, though, I have had many folks at least consider a bit more deeply what I had to say when I used examples back in Canada about why people do things they do; law enforcement -- the RCMP didn't pack up and stop policing after they lost four officers at Mayerthorpe, firefighters don't stop responding to fires when they lose one of their own in the line of duty.  So too will soldiers continue to do their duty even when comrades fall in combat.  No one of sound mind willingly seeks their own death, but it is understood by all these groups that there are inherent risks to carrying out their duties, and that death is such a risk -- it is exactly the character of the men and women who contribute so greatly to make Canadian society what it is today, that shines through.

Best. Rant. Ever.

Great job, Mortar guy, and +1 to mover1's suggestion ... get this out there!
Thank You.  I have been battling ignorance here in Quebec..no easy feat...I am just so happy to read it so well put.  My facebook group has been trying to change ideas and spread information and not misinformation. I am just so happy I found this group.  Will post often!
Thanks Mortar Guy!

More rants like this and exposure for them WOULD BE NEWS.

Let's educate the public one hippy at a time  ;D
Post the link to facebook, myspace, blogs, wherever you can.  Word of mouth can get things out pretty far, fast.  there's a reason guerrilla advertising works.

+1, MG.  Best rant ever.

I just wrote CBC and CTV telling them I'm boycotting CBC and their advertisers.

Letter to the editor in today’s Wpg Free Press is an example of what Mortar guy was stating:

Leave opinion out of reports

Reporting the news of the day requires that reporters and editors remain as objective as possible. Beth Gorham's coverage of U.S. affairs for the Canadian Press, especially her reporting on anything concerning President Bush, does not reach the appropriate standard of objectivity. When the Winnipeg Free Press publishes this material, it lowers its own standards of fairness and accuracy.
In her story on Aug. 23 (Don't repeat Vietnam error), Gorham describes President Bush's speech to the Veterans of Foreign Wars as "surprising," without any indication of who was surprised. She calls his comparison of the situation in Iraq to America's experience in Vietnam "stunning," but she never says who was stunned.
She says that "so many Americans view the conflict as a tragic, unnecessary quagmire that lasted far too long and produced only humiliating defeat." This ignores the growing consensus that a winnable war in Vietnam was undermined by political considerations in the United States. Adding her own emotional reactions and ideology to her report on the event makes it opinion, not news.
I suggest that the Winnipeg Free Press choose news stories that allow the reader to decide what to think about events, and leave opinion and commentary in the proper place in the publication

Landmark, MB

Well put MG

I'm on leave right now in the North Bay area, very disheartening to see the results of the very ignorance you are railing against even at the local news level. One more obvious sign or symptom of this is the ever more growing popularity of calling Afghanistan Canada's Vietnam, and then leaving no explanation as to why they even think that way.
  If this is a rant, you should start writing while you sit on thumb tacks to keep your edge. Ex ellant,informative and makes me wish i had the "spark", to articulate as well as you do. Maybe,just maybe the message is getting out there. The CNE is holding what is expected to be a big Red Friday Rally today,so I am curious to see the turnout.
Gimpy:  Mortar Guy has been doing a helluva lot more than "research" on this subject, as I should have thought you would have found obvious had you read the comments following up his posts.  It isn't a college essay or a peer-reviewed article requiring footnoting, fer chrissakes - give us all a break.
Afghanistan Canada's Vietnam,

The perpetrators of sound bite sized nuggets like this one

It's easy to smear the government - It's thought to be cool.
You don't need facts. You don't need a better idea.

I see no reason to be level headed or resign myself to it.
I write letters.  ;D  Mortar Guy sure did  ;D

Many people who would vote with withdrawl would do so simply
because they are tired of hearing bad news and don't understand.
People don't like controversy.

How about a sound bite in return?
:cdn:"Fighting for truth, justice and the Canadian way":cdn:
Superman really was a Canadian you know ;)

WE have to CREATE a narrative that we can ALL be proud of.
MG and Ruxted are well on their way with it.
It has to heard often enough to be recognizable.

OK, sorry for the rant.
Just to add a couple more points because I am still stewing about this one:

5) The size and nature of our allies' contribution has nothing to do with the size and nature of ours I know this may sound odd at first but there is a tendency within Canadian MSM to whine about the fact that Canada is taking on an unequal share of the burden in Afghanistan. They invariably trot out numbers and statistics to show that we've taken more casualties or that we only have 7% of NATO's population but we provide 9% of the soldiers to ISAF, etc. To this I say: so what? Who cares how many troops other countries are providing or where they are employing them - all that matters is that we are doing what we can with what we have. Since when did our international committments become tied to an index of other countries' efforts!? Since when did we become the whiny fat kid on the team who faults our teammates for their lack of effort after we'd effectively sat out the entire period known as the Cold War? We are doing what we are doing and contributing what we can contribute because it is a just mission in line with Canadian values and not because we have to make a token effort to appease NATO allies. To me this tendency is miserly, selfish, childish and decidedly un-Canadian.

6) "We should negotiate with the Taliban" Wow, what a great idea. I wish we had thought of that earlie... Wait, we did! Much of the "Taliban" that existed in 2001 was co-opted through negotiations and surrenders and many of those Taliban leaders even ran for election in the National Assembly and Provincial elections. Furthermore, there have been ongoing amnesty programs (i.e. Peace Through Strength) for the Taliban and high-level talks were held with the more moderate factions. The fact is that the ones we are fighting now are the ones who will never negotiate. Why the MSM never bothers to look into this whenever some of our brighter politicians suggest we negotiate instead of fight is beyond me.

Anyway, there's now smoke coming out of my ears so I'll stop. It's Friday and I need a beer (or seven). I ask that if you come across any myths or idols out there that are frequently employed by politicians and the media, bring them here and we'll explode them together. Keep fighting the good fight amigos and get the message out there!
