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Enhanced Reliability Check (ERC) - Merged

chupracabra said:
I have considered that, and no, as a honor grad, I am not too worried about that.
Education and intelligence are two totally different things - I get good marks too!

And I am going on 4 and a half years now due to no fault of my own. It's funny that I get a ******* verbal warning for calling some ******* a jerk, but some wiseass like you can insult my intelligence and nobody will say crap!
It was more of a suggestion - food for thought if you will.

Must be a good close group of buddies here? By the way, I was born here, I merely taught English in Japan like thousands of other Canadians - not something I feel I should be subjected to a security clearance that takes up to 2 years and asks ridiculous questions ...
The trick is to be polite and somewhat articulate.(simple for an honors grad) You can say whatever you wish as long as it is constrained within the conduct guidelines.

...like who my wife's half brother is and what he does for a living.
How do we know he's not a member of international organised crime? Or a terrorist? Or an NDP supporter? (kidding on the last one) we don't so the checks have to be done.

Okay so I previously had obtained an Enhanced Reliability Stauts for another government position I had worked but what happened was that there was an incident at work and I resigned from my job.  The incident was basically some lewd pictures of me and a girl were posted online and my employer found out somehow.  Anyways I received a letter informing me that he was revoking my Enhanced Reliability Status.

Now I have applied to the Canadian Military and understand that I have to complete an Enhanced Reliability Status check and am wondering whether I have shot myself in the foot with this incident. 

Any input would be great!  Thanks!
Insignia said:
Okay so I previously had obtained an Enhanced Reliability Stauts for another government position I had worked but what happened was that there was an incident at work and I resigned from my job.  The incident was basically some lewd pictures of me and a girl were posted online and my employer found out somehow.  Anyways I received a letter informing me that he was revoking my Enhanced Reliability Status.

Now I have applied to the Canadian Military and understand that I have to complete an Enhanced Reliability Status check and am wondering whether I have shot myself in the foot with this incident. 

Any input would be great!  Thanks!

You will have to indicate on the form whether or not you had a ERC before but that is it.  The ERC checks for criminal and credit checks but either your boss is out to lunch or you are leaving out some details because this sounds strange.
Basically this was a private website and we all went out after work one night to a local pub and got hammered.  There were some drunk american girls there and some pics were taken.  The pics were later posted onto a website where it was made clear where I worked.  Thats all the details there are.  In the letter it says I severed the bond of trust with the employer.

I am just curious to when they go do the ERC, if they will pass me over since I already had one before and then lost my status. 
Insignia said:
Basically this was a private website and we all went out after work one night to a local pub and got hammered.  There were some drunk american girls there and some pics were taken.  The pics were later posted onto a website where it was made clear where I worked.  Thats all the details there are.  In the letter it says I severed the bond of trust with the employer.

I am just curious to when they go do the ERC, if they will pass me over since I already had one before and then lost my status. 

No but if they ask then tell them what happened.
kincanucks said:
No but if they ask then tell them what happened.

I resigned from the position in july and I JUST got the letter today, and applied a week ago thats why I was concerned.  I have nothing else in my history at all when it comes to criminality and whatnot.

I would definately tell them what happened as in my opinion it was a stupid thing to get worked up about, but I can understand where my employer was coming from.  Live and learn I guess.  Thanks!
Hi everyone:
i have a simple question. if i am under security clearence, could i leave Canada for 2-3 weeks to a none nato country? will it mean a more complicated investigation? will i be deleted from the list? or no difference?
Are you asking if, once you have been cleared, and signed the briefing documents, if you leave Canada and go to a scheduled or non-NATO country, could this cause problems?
uzi said:
Hi everyone:
i have a simple question. if i am under security clearence, could i leave Canada for 2-3 weeks to a none nato country? will it mean a more complicated investigation? will i be deleted from the list? or no difference?

No, once you have gone through a security background check and it has been determined that you are trustworthy, the policy then becomes that you cannot be trusted when you visit another country. As a result, you can only visit approved exotic destinations such as Selkirk, Manitoba or, if you really want to rock, Dome Creek, British Columbia [but only in January/February].

HI guys

I just want to tell my situation and see what you think and see if there s anyone else in this situation. I applied for CEOTP pilot around February march of this year and i ve done everything from the interview to medical , cfat and so on. anyways couple of weeks ago they sent me to aircrew selection and i passed the pilot and navigator then the medical at DRDC , anyways so i thought i have done everything i could and now it was up to the selection board. However this week I received a phone call from the rec centre and they asked me when did I come to Canada. FYI I was born in Paris , France and raised in Istanbul Turkey and I came to Canada in 98 became an immigrant in 2000 and then I got my citizenship and haven t left Canada ever since. Now after all of these they told me that I might have to do an another security check for time in Turkey , I was clean in Canada of course, and They said it was because I haven t been in Canada for the last 10 years. They also said it might take a year. Now I understand that , of course military shouldn t take everyone that applies, but i dont know why i wasn t investigated when i first applied. I mean I already passed everything and now you tell me that it might take up to a year to do this background check. What do you guys think about this? Shouldn t they do this when I first applied before sending me to the med and ACS and so on. I honestly don t understand it, even though i am disappointed , I still want to be a part of the Canadian forces family. I really don t know what to think , I was waiting for a decision and this came up, a security check after 10 months... I talked to the captain at the rec centre he was really helpful but he said they may have to do that check and it may take a year. Right now i don t know what to say, I think that most of the people here can associate with me on having a passion for flying and serving your country. I just wanted to share this because I really feel bad. Also I would like to thank the guys who gave a lot of advice on ACS it really helped, Thank you
Barracuda13 said:
HI guys

I just want to tell my situation and see what you think and see if there s anyone else in this situation. I applied for CEOTP pilot around February march of this year and i ve done everything from the interview to medical , cfat and so on. anyways couple of weeks ago they sent me to aircrew selection and i passed the pilot and navigator then the medical at DRDC , anyways so i thought i have done everything i could and now it was up to the selection board. However this week I received a phone call from the rec centre and they asked me when did I come to Canada. FYI I was born in Paris , France and raised in Istanbul Turkey and I came to Canada in 98 became an immigrant in 2000 and then I got my citizenship and haven t left Canada ever since. Now after all of these they told me that I might have to do an another security check for time in Turkey , I was clean in Canada of course, and They said it was because I haven t been in Canada for the last 10 years. They also said it might take a year. Now I understand that , of course military shouldn t take everyone that applies, but i dont know why i wasn t investigated when i first applied. I mean I already passed everything and now you tell me that it might take up to a year to do this background check. What do you guys think about this? Shouldn t they do this when I first applied before sending me to the med and ACS and so on. I honestly don t understand it, even though i am disappointed , I still want to be a part of the Canadian forces family. I really don t know what to think , I was waiting for a decision and this came up, a security check after 10 months... I talked to the captain at the rec centre he was really helpful but he said they may have to do that check and it may take a year. Right now i don t know what to say, I think that most of the people here can associate with me on having a passion for flying and serving your country. I just wanted to share this because I really feel bad. Also I would like to thank the guys who gave a lot of advice on ACS it really helped, Thank you

Yes the CFRC/D should have done the check in the first place but they didn't and now it has to be done. Just because you have gone through all the processing doesn't mean that this important step gets passed over.  Sucks to be you but it has to be done.
They have determined that you are sitable.  That is all.  They will not invest the time and resources to do the background check until you are found suitable.  The fact that you were in Turkey all those years means the security investigation will be a greater challenge than someone who lived in Canada their whole life.  Yes it could take a year, maybe less and maybe more but if you are serious and really want this than I am sure you can hang in there.  Good Luck.
They have determined that you are sitable.  That is all.  They will not invest the time and resources to do the background check until you are found suitable.

Wrong.  The procedure is to do the CFAT then the pre-security assessment.  Nothing else.
i understand the circumtances, actually they didn t say for sure, and the corporal said that she was going to call Ottawa and ask them, maybe they might use the information from the immigration or citizenship services, if it satifies the military then i might not have to wait.

But in any case, i ll hang in here as much as it takes. Sorry for not using the paragraphs, i think my frustration at the time just came out in a big blob :)

thanks again guys
One question which every new recruit seems to ask seems to be "How long will it take?"

Many wiser posts on this forum state again and again "It all depends on your individual circumstances."

That said this thread applies to individuals who have lived and worked abroad prior to their DND application.

I submitted a DOE - Combat Arms application in Sept 03 and have yet to receive an offer. The bottleneck in the process for me has been the security background check conducted by CSIS. Before my application I spend a number of years teaching in various Asian countries. It took intill Nov 06 to clear the security requirement. Since then I have finished my interviews/medicals and should be hearing back soon. I've been told my file is in Ottawa and an offer is forthcoming.

There must be a number of other recruits who have been in the same situation. I would be interested to hear how similar applications have progressed (or stalled). ;D
Actually, interesting enough...

I was talking to someone a couple of days ago who said he'd applied for DEO as an INT O. He was saying that he had to get his Lvl III before he could enter the CF as an INT O.

Now this doesn't make much sense to me, as from personal experience, a LVL III clearance can have a 2+ year turn-around time.

I took it with a grain of salt, as I presumed that buddy was talking out of his ass.
He was saying that he had to get his Lvl III before he could enter the CF as an INT O.

That is BS.
kincanucks said:
He was saying that he had to get his Lvl III before he could enter the CF as an INT O.

That is BS.

S'What I figured. Thanks Kin...
i'm a little confused, if I was told "your background check is not done" means security clearence or background check?
uzi said:
i'm a little confused, if I was told "your background check is not done" means security clearence or background check?

Well it means that your background check is not done.  However, at what point of the processing are you?  How Long?  Are you from another country?  Sometimes CFRC/D personnel confuse the two too.