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DUI - Effects on Joining?

  • Thread starter Thread starter IanLookingForInfo
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...so there you have it P5O. Overwhelming opinions that confirm the following:

1. You were arrested and charged for DUI, check...Yeah yeah not convicted...yet.

2. You have no sense of remorse for your transgression, check.

3. You are some misguided impression that the Canadian Armed Forces is passing up a golden opportunity not to enroll you, check.

4. You think that leadership is your right and others with far more experience and age must bend over and bow to your superior ways, check.

5. See points 3 and 4 again, check.

6. Your overall attitude is one of a sense of entitlement, check.

7. In the short time you have been on this site you have managed to set a zero null impression of yourself, check. (Well done by the way, you may have a record there.)

How do you rectify your shortcomings...(get used to that comment if you ever make it to phase trg).

1.Simple: Stay on receive instead of transmit
Jammer said:
You were arrested and charged for DUI, check...Yeah yeah not convicted...yet.

pointfiveoh said:
<snip> it was a conviction I recieved and not a conditional discharge.
2, Accept your failures

3. You are entitled to nothing...you earn it.

4. Never piss on the people you meet on the way up...they'll remember you on your way down.

5. Respect for others...personal and professional

6. There is no shortcut

7. Life is hard enough, don't complicate it.

All of these pointers are applicable to...well...life. Master these and then you may have a shot at a career in the military.

That will be five cents please.

You get more bees with honey than vinegar, I'd have paid you ten cents if you followed some of your own advice.

:2c: :2c:

No one cent on here either, so, looks like you're only getting 4 cents now  :P
..soooo from two posts you now know me well enough to judge.

See, that's the kind of attitude that makes you come off like a bag of feminine sanitary product.
Jammer said:
..soooo from two posts you now know me well enough to judge.

See, that's the kind of attitude that makes you come off like a bag of feminine sanitary product.

And that's coming from someone doing the judging themselves though, that's my point, lol. I was ****ing around anyway...  ::)
Alrighty. I'm gonna lock this bad boy up for about a day and let things chill out a bit. If anyone has anything they feel genuinely contributes to the topic that they want to add, shoot me a PM and I'll unlock it.

milnet.ca admin
So I've read every DUI thread on here, as well as the criminal record thread, and have come to the conclusion from that information and from what I've heard from the knowledgeable members in this thread that the following information is useful and relative to this topic:

1) Your application is reviewed on a variety of factors. It seems the statement "a criminal record does not disqualify you" is true, however, it certainly makes you look bad.

2) If you're forced to wait (as it seems I am) until the end of your "judicial obligations," it would be a wise choice to volunteer somewhere, potentially somewhere related to the care of victims of your offence, and beef up the remainder of your resume.

3) You'll need references, even if you are accepted, it's likely those responsible for accepting you will want to hear from some other people that you're not a career criminal and that you've made improvements since your mistake.

4) If you don't have one already, get a full-time job. It seems CF interviews are like most other job interviews, and having recent work experience is likely a bonus. If you can, get a job in a field relative to what you're interested in doing in the army.

5) Furthering your existing education with training courses or college courses could also be useful in showing dedication and maturity. Again, if you can take a course that's related to your military interests it's an obvious plus.

Basically, if you and four other applicants are being reviewed for acceptance, they're going to balance the various factors. You may have a record, you may also be qualified in ways other applicants aren't, you may be the most fit applicant, you may be the most educated, or with the most experience or best references. Your best bet is to a) do things that show you've both learned from, and matured since, your given run-in with the law b) ensure that, as an applicant, you make your resume competitive c) be ready to convince someone that you're not a total moron and that you are still worth hiring based on the factors beyond your mistake. If you are unable to make your application stand out for reasons other than the stain on your record, you'll likely need a record suspension (previously a "pardon,") you may need one either way depending on the offence and what impact it has on the position you're applying for (ie dui would hold you back from becoming a medic as you need an unrestricted drivers license. Thus, even though you may get your license back, if there is a condition "I" you will be ineligible for positions that require a full license).

If anyone has anything constructively useful to add please do.Thank you everyone, and I hope future army.ca members/readers find this information, and find it useful!


http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/12896.0.html - Criminal Record (merged), thanks to mariomike
http://www.admfincs.forces.gc.ca/dao-doa/5000/5019-7-eng.asp - Forces DAOD on Alcohol Misconduct, thanks to garb811 http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/98610.0 - Thread on joining with a DUI
http://forums.milnet.ca/forums/threads/107018.0 - Thread on DUI in the Forces

I will add any more information I find and also update with any of my personal experiences as they come along.
pointfiveoh said:
...I understand theres a lot of applicants, but it's not like I robbed a bank or molested a kid, and I'm sure many of them wont have the education, experience, physical fitness or whatever their case may be, that I do...

In my line of work I occasionally get to share a very fast, very bumpy ride in the back of an ambulance with someone in the final moments of their life.  Sometimes this is as the result of someone drinking and driving.  I'm pretty sure that those people and their families would agree that while impaired driving is not like molesting kids or robbing banks, sometimes it is a lot like murder. I'm just sayin'.

I sense that you feel you are being unfairly judged by this forum.  Perhaps that is true, perhaps many who have posted here have rushed to judgement without really knowing anything about you.  On the other hand, perhaps the reaction you have received is a bellwether of how people in the CF feel about (a) impaired driving and (b) those who don't take responsibility for their actions.  I have read where you say you take responsibility and accept the consequences and whatnot, but on the other hand you also wrote that it was a bogus charge...you could have got off...lip surgery excuse etc...I infer from these comments that you do not truly take responsibility for your actions.  And as long as this attitude is reflected in what you post on army.ca, I think you can probably expect to receive more of the same.

WRT Brihard not liking you, don't sweat it - he hates everyone.  :)
Hunter said:
WRT Brihard not liking you, don't sweat it - he hates everyone.  :)

That's not true. Just drunk drivers, hippies, left handed people, and above all, lippy medics.
Hunter said:
But on the other hand you also wrote that it was a bogus charge...you could have got off...lip surgery excuse etc...I infer from these comments that you do not truly take responsibility for your actions.

I'd understand this if I'd actually pursued that defence at a trial, but I never said it was a "bogus charge," and I plead guilty without even mentioning that in court. That was simply something my lawyer suggested. I agree with the rest of your post, and I now understand why everyone judged me and what not...however, day one of being here, I obviously didn't. I'm waiting until October (completion of my probation) to file my application again/send in my documents/whatever CFRC tells me to do in any case, so I'll have plenty of time to redeem myself in the eyes of the community, and follow everyone's advice, by that time.
pointfiveoh said:
I'd understand this if I'd actually pursued that defence at a trial, but I never said it was a "bogus charge," and I plead guilty without even mentioning that in court. That was simply something my lawyer suggested. I agree with the rest of your post, and I now understand why everyone judged me and what not...however, day one of being here, I obviously didn't. I'm waiting until October (completion of my probation) to file my application again/send in my documents/whatever CFRC tells me to do in any case, so I'll have plenty of time to redeem myself in the eyes of the community, and follow everyone's advice, by that time.

For the love of all things holy, please stop bailing a leaky boat and just let this one drop.  You got off to a bad start here and it quickly got worse, not all entirely your fault, I may add.  You aren't going to change anyone's opinion, and, clearly, they aren't going to change yours.  Do your penance, eat the allotted shit sandwich, then put in your application and spin the wheel, just like everyone else. FWIW, a lot of the people in here served at a time when a DWI and a year of being squeaky clean was almost a prerequisite for promotion.
Hi everyone. About 2 years ago I was pulled over and had no insurance and blew over. I have paid off the fines and stuff for the DUI, but have not paid the no insurance fine. I dont think no insurance is a criminal offense so would this keep me from trying to apply? Ive read that you must be free of court obligations and i have no probabtion or anything like that, and have paid the criminal DUI fine. My license i have not got back. Any help is greatly appreciated.
haganator91 said:
but have not paid the no insurance fine.


Applying & worried about a traffic or speeding ticket? (merged)
5 pages.
Unpaid fines are discussed here.

haganator91 said:
have paid the criminal DUI fine.

Licence suspensions and unpaid fines as a result of a DUI are discussed here,

Joining Canadian Forces with Pending DUI 
3 pages.

Unpaid fines are also discussed here,

Security Check/Level Superthread [MERGED]

DUI convictions are discussed here,

Criminal Records Check - CRC (Merged)

haganator91 said:
My license i have not got back.

Licence required, or not required,

There are other discussions regarding applicants with DUI's, licence suspensions, and unpaid fines.

As always,  Recruiting is your most trusted source of up to date information.
haganator91 said:
Hi everyone. About 2 years ago I was pulled over and had no insurance and blew over. I have paid off the fines and stuff for the DUI, but have not paid the no insurance fine. I dont think no insurance is a criminal offense so would this keep me from trying to apply? Ive read that you must be free of court obligations and i have no probabtion or anything like that, and have paid the criminal DUI fine. My license i have not got back. Any help is greatly appreciated.

What province are you in? That's going to change how its viewed. A quick Google:

What happens if I ignore my ticket?

If no response to the ticket has been received by the court indicated on the reverse of the offence notice within 15 days after it was served on the person charged, the person is deemed not to dispute the charge. If the ticket is complete and proper on its face, then a justice of the peace shall enter a conviction in the defendant’s absence and impose the set fine for the offence.

What if I need more time to pay my fine?

A request may be made to a justice of the peace at the convicting court for an extension of time to pay the fine. This is usually granted if they can be provided proof, such as receipts from the court that some effort has been made to pay the fine in installments. If none of the fine has been paid then it will be unlikely any extension will be granted.

What happens if I don’t pay my traffic ticket fine?

If a fine is not paid within the time period provided by the court, additional costs are imposed and the amount may be forwarded to a collection agency or a request may be made by the court to the Ministry of Transportation to have your licence suspended.

If, after a licence is suspended the fine is paid, an additional $150 is payable to the Ministry of Transportation to reinstate the licence.

If your fine is in collections, the CAF is going to want you to have a payment plan when they do the background and credit check. So its not necessarily that's its a criminal conviction or not, its that you have a large, outstanding fine in collections that you've decided to ignore. You screwed up, pay the fine if able and move on with your life. If you can't, be prepared to be told you cannot join until you sort it out.

Credit check info here: https://army.ca/forums/threads/13319.425.html
Im in Ontario. Having a record has screwed me out of many good job opportunities.  My license is suspended until i can pay the fines. I  have no money to pay fines. I just want a clean slate in life. Thanks for the help guys i appreciate it
Just reviewing the forums because I had a complication while waiting for my date of employment. 

I had my license suspended for speeding ...suspension showed up in the mail 4 months after my ticket was paid for and forgotten about and thought it was behind me..because I am a new driver they were able to asses my ticket and decided to suspend my license for 4 months ( I have had no other infractions and because I do not have an employer they can't fill out the paperwork to reinstate my license for reasons of employment)....suspension began 1 week before I was to leave for boot camp...I spoke to the recruiter and he advised me that I had to wait for the suspension to be lifted to be employed by the army. 

I looked through the Careers online and the Career I had the job offer for Communications Researcher doesn't list needing a license, just wondering if I should look at other Career options, or if I am still on the Merit List.  Looking for help and advice on securing employment with the armed forces, I live in a small community and its been tough to find work because everyone knows for the past 8 months that I was leaving for the army. 
Contact your recruiting centre.

There could be other factors involved with this, like if you were charged criminally.

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