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Dress reg's changed?


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I'm a chick, broad, female... whatever. I have long hair and am perfectly capable of putting it in a bun or tucked up french braid for the field.
I personally have had no reason to wear my hair down in a braid. I can wear a helmet, crew helmet, toque, beret even that new neck gator.
So why is it they came out with this rule... mbrs can wear their hair in a braid as long as it does not extend past the armpit in length. Heck you could even wear it in two braids if you want to. (ref... CANFORGEN #??)
I can understand if you really wanted to do that you could do it in the field, but it poses significant danger as soon as you start working on a vehicle or lighting an immersion heater. But in garrison, argh!
Girls, it looks horrible!!

Next point, hair... females are to have their hair tied up neatly in a bun or in a conservative short hairstyle so that it does not pass the bottom of the shirt collar in length. Okay, maybe its because I am in Ottawa and visit NDHQ frequently but my goodness!!! I have seen more pony tales, poorly tied up buns, messy/frizzy braids, long and I mean long hair wavin' in the wind like a shampoo commercial, even dreads!!! IN UNIFORM!!!! again... horrible!

I just don't get it. What's going on here? We have dress regulations, I'm sure of it. Don't even get me started on make-up...

Realistically, does anyone know what we can do about this? For the CF as a whole.
I think you have already alluded to the problem.  It is a CANFORGEN coming out of OTTAWA.  I have seen more disrespect for our Dress Regulations in the vacinity of NDHQ than anywhere else in my life.  Last week I saw an Army Officer in DEUs on his way to work, crossing from the buses at the Rideau Center to NDHQ, wearing a Gortex Combat Jacket. 

George Wallace said:
I think you have already alluded to the problem. It is a CANFORGEN coming out of OTTAWA. I have seen more disrespect for our Dress Regulations in the vacinity of NDHQ than anywhere else in my life. Last week I saw an Army Officer in DEUs on his way to work, crossing from the buses at the Rideau Center to NDHQ, wearing a Gortex Combat Jacket.


Yes, I see this all the time down around CFRC Toronto and ASU Downsview.  It just looks bad.  The clerk at the medical desk has nasty cornrows and she doesn't look professional at all. It's a shame that this is the first time recruits are being exposed to the CF, and this is what they see.  (btw, I haven't been there once when she wasn't chewing a large wad of gum as well, really gross)

As bad as it may look that is an authorized (I hope interim) dress due to the fact that...err I'm not sure, the All Weather Overcoat is not stylish?  I recall seeing a message about it, and more realisticly I have seen Flag Car drivers here in Gagetown wearing that dress when driving RSMs.  I'll leave it at that.

Maybe if anyone, of any rank, were allowed to write anyone else of any rank up for poor haircuts things would change.

What could be more embarassing for a Colonel then to have a Private or Corporal write them up for a shyte hair day.

Either that or eveyrone regardless of sex should have shaved heads....no that'll scare people.
Hi everyone,

Yep - I can corroborate the goretex jacket-with-DEUs thing happening in Ottawa.  All officers and NCMs WO & up have to wear DEUs, and my understanding is that someone determined that the DEU coat doesn't provide enough protection in the winter.  Having tried it at -40 wind chill, I can concur!  Yeah, the gortex & dark green wool combo doesn't look the greatest - but it keeps you warm. 

Not a big fan of the braids either.  To my eye it just doesn't look professional or dignified, especially when your headdress is on.  JMHO.     
yea, not a big fan either...there is this chic in our unit who wears two braids like Heidi, honestly i think it makes you look like a little girl. I had long hair and had no problems putting up, then i got tired of it and just chopped it off :P

Maybe someone in the Navy can back this up.  It was my understanding that the braids came in to effect for health reasons -- wet hair in a bun for 12 hrs plus can cause some nasty growth.  I was told (by some Navy guys while I was in Halifax) that many women who had just come off watch at night where finding that by the end of the day they actually had mold in their hair.  They had to stay up all day and we all know the ship can be a damp environment in bad wx.  Just common sense.

Personally, when I'm in my flt suit I where a braid.  I'm around the aircraft so often and bobby pins and engines don't mix.  As for when I'm in DEUs, I always where a bun.

Of course, there are always people who flout the rules.  While in Winnipeg on course I saw a 2Lt with hair my length wearing it in a ponytail.  Someone must have said something because after that I always saw it in a braid.
trajectomologist said:
Okay, maybe its because I am in Ottawa and visit NDHQ frequently but my goodness!!! I have seen more pony tales, poorly tied up buns, messy/frizzy braids, long and I mean long hair wavin' in the wind like a shampoo commercial, even dreads!!! IN UNIFORM!!!! again... horrible!

...and that's just the male officers, don't get me started on the females! <bu-dah-bump!>  Thank you, I'm here til Thursday, try the veal!
I think you have already alluded to the problem.  It is a CANFORGEN coming out of OTTAWA.  I have seen more disrespect for our Dress Regulations in the vacinity of NDHQ than anywhere else in my life.  Last week I saw an Army Officer in DEUs on his way to work, crossing from the buses at the Rideau Center to NDHQ, wearing a Gortex Combat Jacket.

I cross that street in my DEUs almost every day in my gortex combat jacket, and I look great! Much better than earlier this year when I wore my old olive combat jacket ;)
In reference to the goretex with CFs, even the highest ranking officers here at RMC wear that. I have seen both olive drab and CADPAT goretex worn with CFs. It looks a lot more comfortable than the gabardine but still, it doesn't look overly professional. however, given the choice, I'd take goretex over a gabardine any day. Its such a common occurance, I don't see why they should change it unless they made a goretex jacket similar to navy and air force jackets for the army. Just my thoughts on this.
LOL, MP 00161 !   :D

That's a good point about the bobby pins & aircraft engines.....   I recant my opinion about braids looking unprofessional - it looks like they can be the <i>most</i> professional choice in some circumstances.   Thanks for pointing this out! 

I have never had  a problem with having my hair damp and in a bun for well, a day or so... sounds like an urban myth.

As for bobby pins, never worn 'em... they just fall out. But with enough jel/goop... whatever, anyone can have a tidy hairstyle.

trajectomologist said:

I have never had   a problem with having my hair damp and in a bun for well, a day or so... sounds like an urban myth.

As for bobby pins, never worn 'em... they just fall out. But with enough jel/goop... whatever, anyone can have a tidy hairstyle.


Ditto, never wore bobby pins, my hair was always tidy enough even without all the goop in it and also i've worn my hair for a day and taken it out and it was still wet and never have i found any mold....

Ditto, never wore bobby pins, my hair was always tidy enough even without all the goop in it and also i've worn my hair for a day and taken it out and it was still wet and never have i found any mold....

But were you guys in a salt water environment?

Whatever.  The point is, bobby pins and a/c engines = bad!

I have my hair in a long braid anyway because I can still keep it tied when I put my helmet on.  I just put the braid under my jacket/LPSV/flt suit so it is out of the way.  It's not very long anyway.

My big pet peeve is when women wear a braid in DEUs.  It looks so unprofessional.

As for the dreads, I did see a woman with corn rows once, however she had gathered the "leftovers" into a bun.  It actually looked very neat.

BTW, you notice how the majority in this conversation are women? Guess the guys are scared that we'd jump all over them if they threw in an opinion.  ;D
Strike said:
BTW, you notice how the majority in this conversation are women? Guess the guys are scared that we'd jump all over them if they threw in an opinion. ;D

BTW, did you ever check the past posts? We had a large discussion on this stuff a while back and you guys are just going over the same old thing. Maybe that's why it's just the women here. ;D
recceguy said:
BTW, did you ever check the past posts? We had a large discussion on this stuff a while back and you guys are just going over the same old thing. Maybe that's why it's just the women here. ;D

yes i guess thats true, heres the link: http://army.ca/forums/threads/22553.0.html

Well theres no problem with rehashing the issue.
BTW I don't know about you guys (females actually) but i can't get away without having like a million bobby pins in my hair at a time  :)
As for buns, i still opt for 'em, even on the field if it means having to lower my hair (a pain) whenever i put a helmet on, just looks better. I tried the whole 2 braid hairstyle as a joke at home but I looked too much like pipi longstocking.  :P
Why not require close-cropped hair - it looks professional, it's hygenic, and it's substantially more difficult to get caught in anything or to set on fire. When did civvie hair-style concerns start becoming reasonable considerations for the CF? Need long, flowing hair? Don't join the CF. Seems simple enough.
I heartily concur with the above statement.  I have always believed that we should all be held to one standard of dress.  That includes hair-styles.  One way or the other.  Women could cut their hair or we should be able to grow ours out to accommodate current styles.