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Done my tests *lineman* trade 052 bad news... :(

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heres my process
April 2005 - handed application
October 2005 - en-chanced security  form and supporting documents
Nov. 1 2005 - sent supporting documents
Jan 2006 - Interview and Medical
Jan 2006 - Fitness Test  - Finished all tests -
Merit Listed January18

Occupation Picked - Lineman 052

Feb.4,2006 still waiting

so basically at the interview the recruiting officer told me i had a really low chance of getting in, because all i have is my high school diploma, i have no experience in this trade, and the lineman trade is really competitive and I'm up against other people with college diploma's,  he also said if i dont get in by this summer i probably wont get in. And that my best bet was go to college first, get a degree and then sign up again,  or if i changed trades to infantry i could get in soon, but infantry doesnt interest me as much as the lineman course
It was really disappointing to hear this,
He also said i should keep a plan b.
so i signed up for college for september, i still have some hope for getting in i really wanted to get this trade threw the army not college.......   So maybe after i finish college
Has anyone gotten in with just their highschool diploma?

what does everyone think about my situation?

If you dont like infantry dont go, and dont listen to them if they tell it will be soon. They said that to me 8 months ago and said that it would be really fast for me to get back into infantry, well i am still waiting.....If you can wait go get some courses then re apply, but make sure what you pick is what you want, dont go for something because they tell you it will be faster....
You can go reserve side in the time being, you'll get some experience and that time could go towards your occupation Picked when you decide to re-apply.
Keep in mind however, that you might have more trouble should you component transfer from one MOC to another........ie 031 to 052. If it were me, I'd tell the recruiter thank you, but that you look forward to his call informing you of your report date for the trade that you want.

Don't get forced into your 3rd or even 2nd choice as far as your career goes. You can always get civvy experience while you're waiting for the offer, building your resume.

Good luck.
Ahhh the good 'ol lineman. What a wonderful trade. Anyone remember that part in "Enemy at the Gates" when the Germans send out the lineman to get picked off by the Soviet Sniper, thus revealing where the Soviet Sniper was to the Germans? May I recommend a different career choice? ie. THE INFANTRY!!!
HollywoodHitman said:
Keep in mind however, that you might have more trouble should you component transfer from one MOC to another........ie 031 to 052. If it were me, I'd tell the recruiter thank you, but that you look forward to his call informing you of your report date for the trade that you want.

Don't get forced into your 3rd or even 2nd choice as far as your career goes. You can always get civvy experience while you're waiting for the offer, building your resume.

Good luck.

Couldn't agree more...don't fall for the recruiter BS of "if you don't like the trade you pick then you can remuster"  "Recruiters are nothing more than car salesmen."  This was said to me by a former recruiter!  They will say anything to get you to sign, just to get there monthly numbers.  If you truly want 052 Lineman, then wait it out eventually they will call.

Watch and Shoot!
Keep the faith brother!  If you have to kill time doing some college, sign up in your local communication reserve regiment, as they are usually short on linemen.  Get your 052 in reserve, pick up some experience, and any other courses you can get.  Sign up for every damn course you can get, and take any call outs that you can work into your semesters off.  When you next face your RegForce intake monkey, you will have Line training, field experience, and possibly time doing line alongside the RegForce with your parent units.  Not only does this make you more attractive to the recruiter, it gives you a chance to get a feel for the trade, and idea where you want your career to go.
    I did my time as a lineman, and 052 is the only way to go!
I did my interview Jan 13th in Oshawa. The Capt. told me 052 was not accepting anyone and was told to choose another trade if I wanted to..
Hey bro,
    When I joined the regs back in jan 01, I only had a high school diploma and I got accepted for comms rsch(291) which is a very technical trade. So don't get too discouraged.
take it easy,