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Does the Army have divers?

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Actually the clearance divers use all types of equipment and are involved actively in the research of newrebreathers. You are well outside of your realm of knowledge. I suggest you can it. Military diving has almost nothing to do with civi diving and it has been proven over and over again that those with a civi diving background have a hard time adjusting to military diving SOP's....
Combat Divers use air tanks.  Many would like to use rebreathers.
To start with, everything i posted, came from what i have read in The maple leaf, and they said that DRDC and the EDU, developed rebreathers for COMBAT DIVERS. That is not saying that clearance divers cant, or dont use them. Arron, who are you to tell me not to post something?? You have no idea about my background, or knowlege in the least. Everything I have ever found out about clearance divers is that they do mostly things that are the equivelent of civi commercial divers, sorta kinda.

If you want to question me on this, ok. My boss, a PO1, who by trade is a hull tech. He was assigned to the clearance divers unit for 3 years. He has told me alot about them becasue I have expressed a great deal of interest in it, because I am in the proccess of going regs, and trying to get into it.
foerestedwarrior said:
Arron, who are you to tell me not to post something?? You have no idea about my background, or knowlege in the least. Everything I have ever found out about clearance divers is that they do mostly things that are the equivelent of civi commercial divers, sorta kinda.

Well when you are posting up half truths as the gospel.....
A rebreather is a type of breathing system that is "closed"(however there are "semi-closed" as well). It just means that when you breath out it kinda recirculates the breath because you only use a little of the oxygen when you breath in....this increases the length of the dives.This is obviously a very VERY basic explanation of the system.
Bruce, in addition to AW's post, a closed system produces little to no bubbles. It makes it more covert since a mass of bubbles doesn't rise to the surface everytime the diver exhales. Here's a better explanation:


Rebreathers are also significantly quieter underwater (good if there are enemy divers or underwater listening devices) and they are smaller than tanks.  They would actually be a very good tool for Combat Divers, but they are not in the regiments.
McG Did you do the combat diver course/selection? I have a friend who didnt make it through- he's quite bitter. I was on a Dive Resue team with him Civi side- he was a strong individual. Seems like a tough course- unless it was his attitde that washed him out, he wouldnt say.

Edited because I screwed up
I've never considered going Navy.  I'm happy where I'm at.
Sorry McG I mean t combat diver. He did the Combat diver selection...
Haven't taken that route either, but I work with several that have.
Heres a Q about your trade- When you say you "didnt take that route"...what would be the alternative? Like instead of branching into "combat diver" you alternatively choose to branch into.....??
...things like heavy equipment, EOD, Water Supply, jumping, rappelling, Soils Analysis, Bridging and on and on and on... ;)
MCG said:
Rebreathers are also significantly quieter underwater (good if there are enemy divers or underwater listening devices) and they are smaller than tanks.   They would actually be a very good tool for Combat Divers, but they are not in the regiments.
Also are very stream lined ergo less drag while under but take a lot more maintenance than the Aqua Lung.