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degree in agriculture, power engineer class 3 ticket

So I have a ticket and a degree any suggestions on whether I should go office with my degree, or go into a trade with my ticket.

Choosing in an economic mind set getting married soon, view the forces as a long term career.

Lastly can I use my degree to become an officer but do a trade that uses my ticket.

There's probably a question in there, so I'll answer what I think you're asking. If you look at it from a purely financial perspective, the Officer is the better choice.
No one can really make those decisions except for you.  All we can do is provide you with the information to make an informative choice for what YOU want to do.

The search function will provide a lot of information on almost anything your looking for.  If the in-site search doesn't agree with you (it usually does nothing for me) then go to Google, type  "Site:army.ca",  Then a space and your topic it will search army.ca for anything containing your keywords.

Good luck

Cheer's, Tollis