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DEO - BOTC January 2006

I got the call for my swear in date too.  Dec. 15th.  ;D I have to pass a fitness test again though and also do a refresher interview over the phone as my first one was more than 6 months ago.  Anyone else have to do one of these?
Hi everyone, i am not sure if this topic has been posted.  Just wondering if anyone on this site is going to St.Jean for jan 10 for officer basic.  I received my offer by phone for infantry officer near the end of october.
Just wondering if anyone from Toronto is interested in playing some squash for cardio (along all the running)! I have a free month from the Northridge Club at Yonge and Finch in the Toronto area.  If anyone is interested let me know. Otherwise, see all you guys in St. Jean ... Good luck to all!
Anyone from Edmonton or surrounding area hear anything about the swear in date or the ceremony itself (How many guests, semi-formal, how long, etc.)?
Is it just me or does it seem that the majority of us headed for BOTC in Jan are all infantry, is the majority of most BOTC classes infantry or is this one an expection.
According to the numbers, only 19 Infantry Officers should be attending BOTC.  The lions share of the Infantry slots (41) were on the September serials.
thanks for the fast response infanteer,well i guess i should be glad to be one of the 19.  I am from Cape, NS is anyone else from NS going in jan?
Well, I would like to answer my own question re: swear in ceremony in Edmonton.

I spoke with my file manager and he gave me the following info:

Jan 5-swear in ceremony on the main floor of Canada place (he told me they are moving down to the main floor but he doesn't know where yet).
1pm start paperwork
2:30pm-guests can arrive-watch videos and swear in

Leave Jan 6 (or 7)

Report into St. Jean by 3pm on Jan 7
mjaucoin said:
thanks for the fast response infanteer,well i guess i should be glad to be one of the 19.   I am from Cape, NS is anyone else from NS going in jan?

Cape where? I'm from Cape Breton, living in Halifax and have been offered a postion for Jan. 10th BOTC with a swearing in on Dec. 15th. Still sorting out some academic issues that may prevent me from making this BOTC but it looks like everything should work out fine.
What kind of GPAs do you guys have?  Any other mitigating factors that helped you get selected?
GPA = Less then 2.0

Due to my slack attitude regarding all things academic in my early years of uni.
What kind of GPAs do you guys have?   Any other mitigating factors that helped you get selected?
I am pretty sure my good looks were a major point for me getting selected. ;)

I read somewhere on here that your GPA was a factor, but it did not sound like it carried all the weight. There are lots of other qualities they score you on, which could possibly outweight a low GPA.

Does anyone know the complement by trade attending the Jan. BOTC?  I read 19 for infantry above.
I would also be interested in knowing the breakdown of the course, if anyone here knows.
I would be interested in knowing that too acclenticularis, i have only heard the 19 figure about infantry and i don't know if that is 100%correct.  As for my my grades RyanNS during my first year of university i failed 4 of 10 courses and didn't do to amazing in the others.  My second year I only failed one, my next two years I was on the deans list which is a combined average of 75 or 80% not sure.  The impression I got from the recruiter was as long as you show improvement during your university years.  
Hey all. I got the call a month ago, I sign the papers Dec 13th, & off to St. Jean Jan 7th. Artillery officer. Who is going to be there with me on course 068E? :pushup: :pushup: :pushup: :pushup: :pushup:
Make sure and pick up a can of CDF before you go.
