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Dead soldier hit with parking bill

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BulletMagnet said:
For instance did you know that the highest rates are charged to soldiers on deployment simply because the owner knows just how much said soldier is entitled to monthly for vehicle storage.

When your kids go to the dentist have you never wondered why the very first question is ' Do you have insurance?".
I have read through all these posts and can't help but think that sometimes the wives need to cool down before springing into action.  As Admin of Facebook HOH I have dealt with many Pet wives most of whom are great but a couple who are a bit shall we shall "panic- oriented".

My concern is why Joe would have posted this article and risked his hard-earned reputation on a bit off fluff  ( twice in the last few weeks)...I have a good idea of the source of his info and would only tell him to at least counter the information fed to him with info gathered from him from people actually involved.  How hard would it have been for him to find a couple of soldiers who have deployed and asked them their opinion?

BTW..his story was pulled from the news site rather quickly...

I've dealt with the indiviaual and wouldn't deal with him again, however if it is a fee he is entitled to then so be it....assisting officer should have been the one dealing with him and I'd be interested to know what disciplinary action is being taken against the individual who started this...if you are a clerk you shouldn't be passing on information that is nobody's business
The original email was not intended for the slander of a business, simply to ask for direction and assistance on the matter from her CoC.  The clerk who started it had no way to control who or how it was forwarded further.  No disciplinary action should be taken whatsoever.
RCR Grunt said:
The original email was not intended for the slander of a business, simply to ask for direction and assistance on the matter from her CoC.  The clerk who started it had no way to control who or how it was forwarded further.  No disciplinary action should be taken whatsoever.

I beg to differ.  The original poster, stated how she spoke sternly with the business owner, and made an idle threat which landed up being carried out.  The whole chain of emails was "emotional"; not "professional".  Yes disciplinary action should take place.  All involved should at the very least have a couple stern lectures; one on "Professionalism" and another on "Internet Security" as all involved are clearly identifiable and who knows where that email went outside of the CF and DND, ......... other than to SUN Media.
PPCLI Guy said:
As I understand it (having spent a fair bit of time on this one today) the family were not served the bill - and they will not have to pay it.
RCR Grunt said:
I said if there is a cost the family has not been prepared for, he should have contacted someone base-side, like the RMS clerks, to have it taken care of base-side, not grieving-family-just-trying-to-get-through-it-side.

I don't get my info from the wives net, I got mine from the emails received on the DIN, starting with the email regarding the Base Service Center from the chief clerk in 3 RCR which made its rounds all over the CF, and ending with the base wide email "clarifying the facts."   ...

The fact is that the Colonel is trying to cover his ass.  He doesn't want this to turn around and bite the base legally, and that's his job.  This is NOT a reputable business.  Soldiers here on the ground will tell you that.
If you had gotten the facts, you would not be mis-representing the situation as the dealer holding the family hostage.  Don't let the facts get in the way of a good tale I guess.

RCR Grunt said:
The fact is that the Colonel is trying to cover his ass.  He doesn't want this to turn around and bite the base legally, and that's his job. 
The base commander is attempting to present the facts that were not available in the email chain.  Despite that, emotional busy-bodies (read: you) are still doing their best to destroy that business.

RCR Grunt said:
The original email was not intended for the slander of a business, simply to ask for direction and assistance on the matter from her CoC.  The clerk who started it had no way to control who or how it was forwarded further.  No disciplinary action should be taken whatsoever.
As described in the initial email, it is apparent that the clerk who initiated this email chain approached the phone conversation less than diplomatically and, without looking into the logic behind the fee, attempted to embarrass the business into waving it.  This relatively hostile approach (even if it were presented in the gentlest of tones) would not have been conductive to inspire the business owner to explain his fees but instead would have insulted and put him on the defensive.  The clerk (still ignorant as to fact that the fee is the result of costs incurred to the business) then became belligerent and threatened to cripple the business through embarrassing it across the CF.  To me, it seems the clerk needs some remedial training in diplomacy when dealing with the public, and the venting in detail through the email suggests a reminder to think before you send is in order (the "I'm angry and want to embarrass this guy" is still visible even if it was put through the CoC to the right people).

Intentional or not, the originator of that email chain has done damage to the business and to the reputation of the Canadian Forces.
Some further thoughts for all,
Emotions understandably run high surrounding the death of one of our own.  Emotion, for a time, completely took control of this discussion.  It is time for all to take a step back and separate emotion from fact from assumption.  All those who received that email should see themselves as having a moral obligation to forward the corrected information (the base commander's email) to the person from whom the initial email was received and to everyone to whom they forwarded that initial email.

The question of disciplinary action cannot and should not be addressed on this forum.  There is much information we do not have and further speculation will only make matters worse for all involved.
It looks like those who are working to stir the pot have succeeded in spreading their part of this message. Today in the Charlottetown Guardian Military BLOG.

Pure and open profitting from any troops KIA is plainly and utterly disgusting. To think this is on base too!

Shame on Kevin MacWilliams and Carbank.

Shame ! Shame! Shame!

For those KIA/WIA this fee should be exempt.

No one should give this company any business PERIOD.


Overwatch Downunder said:

Pure and open profitting from any troops KIA is plainly and utterly disgusting. To think this is on base too!

Shame on Kevin MacWilliams and Carbank.

Shame ! Shame! Shame!

For those KIA/WIA this fee should be exempt.

No one should give this company any business PERIOD.



Oh give me a break.

What next, we ask for a credit on Gas for the trip the family and fallen took down the Highway of heros?

We ask that medical companies, not charge for the bandages used to treat the wounded, or the fallen before they died?

Should we ask for a refund from the company who supplied the body bags?

This is getting to be downright ridiculous, all this we deserve the world handed to us on a platter drum beating.

We serve the Canadian public, people!  We did it on our own choice.  And although I will fight, to receive what is owing to our band of brothers, I will not stand by while people try to squeeze blood from a stone, because of some self heroic belief of who we are!

The owner is a Veteran himself folks, and he could probably charge a lot more, if he wasn't one.  Cut the man some slack, as we are looking like a bunch of pompous primadonnas!


Any contract made with an individual has legal authority to apply any charges to the estate of the deceased, it does not lapse at the moment of death for either party to the contract.  The business owner has done nothing wrong.  If this had been a civvie (or service member on leave) who died in a snowmobile accident, would the same sense of outrage be felt by the "public"?

Too many people are too quick to assume that the sacrifice of dying in the service of one's country should then absolve all other expectations at the moment of death.

If any case is made that a business owner should waive such charges, how many times should we expect him to do so?  How quickly would he stop storing cars of members heading overseas because he cannot absorb the losses.  And why just auto storage?  Did anyone ask if his cell phone company waived all outstanding charges? What about his car loan, his mortgage?  Why is it that only a local small business owner is the target of such vitriol?

Perhaps if those folks at Tim Horton's had accepted the legality of the charges, and then dug into their collective pockets and offered to pay it on behalf of the member, all of this sentiment would be very different.

Sorry Tess, thats just how I feel.

Thats my opinion.

I would be storing my kit elsewhere.

On my deployment (and others from additional deplyoments), cars, boats, trailers, and caravans of deployed members were stored in a Unit compound for free.


Overwatch Downunder said:
On my deployment (and others from additional deplyoments), cars, boats, trailers, and caravans of deployed members were stored in a Unit compound for free.




With this "new Plug N Play" concept that the CF has been using for the past decade or so, full units do not vacate their Unit Lines, freeing up undisturbed storage space.  Only a portion of a Unit deploys and other members of the Unit will take over their vacated space.  With budget restraints over the past several decades, many buildings have in fact been torn down.  In 1998, approx 95 buildings were torn down in CFB Petawawa alone.  This included several Barrack Blocks, warehouses, the three Airborne hangars, etc.  Space became a premium.

Canada has been contracting out vehicle storage for over fifty years.  People posted to 4 CMBG often stored their vehicles.  The Service Member paid the fees, but was compensated in their Claims to the Crown when they finalized their Claims.  Any good Clerk knows this. 
Today I received two emails, both with the same originator, 3 RCR's PO2 CC, but split and commented on different parties after 2 ASU Petawawa's WO CC sent it out.  I "replied to ALL" with the Comd of CFB Petawawa's email message, and said shame on all of us for acting in such an emotional, rather than professional, manner.  I am not impressed with the list of 'senior' CF members, especially Clerks responsible for processing CLAIMS, who passed these emails world-wide.  It truly was very unprofessional of all of us to pass this on, especially when we overlooked these words from the PO2 in the very first email:

I was really stern when I was talking to him at this point and I told him that once the word gets out that he is charging fees for early withdrawal of vehicles in the event of a death, his business will not do well.  He responded to me and said, you are not in the position to make idol threats like that.  I told him it was not a threat but a fact  and if the word does get out, his business will be hurting. 

Totally unprofessional.

If, and it is only a matter of when, you get one of these emails, do not delete it, but do the right thing and correct the person(s) who sent it to you.  "Reply to All".
I'm wondering why the Unit (or higher) ISSO hasn't got on this yet.   ???  That's who I'd report it to.  Or send it to the spam cop.  >:(

At this point, the business owner should sue the originating member for libel.

Also, if I were sending an email out CF-wide, I would have proof read first.  "Idol" threat?  ::)
These did not come from a DND or CF source.  These emails are now spreading uncontrolled outside of the CF.
George Wallace said:
These did not come from a DND or CF source.  These emails are now spreading uncontrolled outside of the CF.

Wonderful!   ::)

Edit to add:  From an outside source to your DND email?
PMedMoe said:
  "Idol" threat? 
Yes, the explicit menace of being worshiped. You get used to it.  ^-^

One can only hope that the originator's chain of command remembers all these very public, embarrassing to the CF, repercussions at PER time.
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