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Dateing Ettiqiute Question

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Cpl Thompson said:
Whats the Ettiquite for if a freind of yours (even though you dont see him much anymore, and he has become more of an aquaintence) Decides he wants to date your Ex?

Should he still ask you if youre ok with it? 

Just wondering what the unwritten Mens Rule was on that.

He has to ask you, but you have to say yes.

I've got a old maxim around with the rules somewhere...
Coming in 2007 to army.ca a new feature/column

Advise for the Lovelorn  by Journeyman, the CF’s answer to Ann Landers (or should that be Ed the Sock)  ::)
Danjanou said:
Coming in 2007 to army.ca a new feature/column
Advise for the Lovelorn  by Journeyman, the CF’s answer to Ann Landers (or should that be Ed the Sock)   ::)
Well I am a caring, sensitive soul.

I care that those who write understand my message that "you're too stupid to be breeding - - DON'T!"

I'm sensitive to their abilities to follow my advice: no use telling someone without the proper kitchen appliances to "go stick your 'nads in the microwave"; they could use a bench vice though.

How much does this gig pay?

Note to self: Must STOP wading  into the really stupid threads.
Journeyman said:
Note to self: Must STOP wading  into the really stupid threads.[/size]

;D    :rofl:    I'm going to enjoy being in the Army I think.
Okay, here is my take:
First and foremost you should not lose a friendship over this.  Even if you and buddy don't hang out as much anymore you don't want to punt him off.  I would ask him "so what was the deal with ____ anyway?  Whatever happened?"  Figure out if he is still bitter, or if he just lost interest.  You also might want to find out if she happens to be a rabbit boiling psycho. 
If it seems like he doesn't care, ask him.  Just say "you care if I tagged up with her?" and be prepared for either answer.  If he doesn't, yer all set.  If he does, then you have to decide if you are willing to scrap your friendship over her and if it will be worth it (see a/m comment that starts "First and foremost")
For myself, I could care less what my ex's did after we parted ways.  Hell, in high school my best friend and I used to trade off our girlfriends once the other had been dumped and provide each other with the inside scoop as to how best be "successful".  But some guys would have a huge loyalty issue with that. 
Good luck with however it turns out. 
like i said, this time it was accually a hypothetical situation.....

however given the nature of the Ex, and the nature of the guy in the situation, it would have made for alot of akwardness and well...... I would probabbly not talk to either of them.... but like i said. its a non event.

*Edit* Zip, I coulda used a wingman like that in highschool...... Would have made things a hell of alot more fun.... then again. if i knew half the crap i know now when i was in high school......
Cpl Thompson said:

So I have a Question for you all...

Whats the Ettiquite for if a freind of yours (even though you dont see him much anymore, and he has become more of an aquaintence) Decides he wants to date your Ex?

Should he still ask you if youre ok with it? 

Just wondering what the unwritten Mens Rule was on that.


Woh....woh.... Tommy? Ah okay.... you and I shall talk at another time. Tommy...
Cpl Thompson said:
*Edit* Zip, I coulda used a wingman like that in highschool...... Would have made things a hell of alot more fun.... then again. if i knew half the crap i know now when i was in high school......

Hmmm, maybe you would reserve that if you had seen some of them.  What we lacked in standards we made up for in desperation.  ;D
Date her!! You'll survive. So will your buddy. You'll all be OK until the cougars come out to play.
The sad part is by the time this entire thread as been accounted for and the OP gets around to asking her out, the chick will have probably gone off to date someone else. 
Do you still have rights or a speaking part when it comes to an Ex - is this an Ex-wife or Ex-girlfriend - perhaps you should just wish him well ;) or good luck :-X whichever applies. 
Danjanou said:
Coming in 2007 to army.ca a new feature/column
Advise for the Lovelorn  by Journeyman, the CF’s answer to Ann Landers (or should that be Ed the Sock)   ::)

Or maybe Ed "the Happy Sock"!
Cpl Thompson said:

So I have a Question for you all...

Whats the Ettiquite for if a freind of yours (even though you dont see him much anymore, and he has become more of an aquaintence) Decides he wants to date your Ex?

Should he still ask you if youre ok with it? 

Just wondering what the unwritten Mens Rule was on that.


              You need to get a life, and grow up. You dodn't own her, this is Army.ca, not dear Abbi ! You cut her free ! Grow up

      ED the sock has a higher IQ
  Please take my EX's, far far away, and leave them in the bottom of a trench!!!
bilton090 said:
              You need to get a life, and grow up. You dodn't own her, this is Army.ca, not dear Abbi ! You cut her free ! Grow up

      ED the sock has a higher IQ

Bilton, are you the guy that lives in the Shoppers Drug Mart storage shed downtown that feeds the pigeons with his own eczema peelings?  I can't believe they let a DSL feed be put in there.  ::)

The Librarian said:
Date her!! You'll survive.

See, now that is why women have such convoluted relationships with their friends.  Guys worry about that sort of thing, because guy loyalties to each other generally  are stronger than women's with each other. 
**Sigh**  Let the indignant harpy-fest ensue.  :warstory:
zipperhead_cop said:
  Guys worry about that sort of thing, because guy loyalties to each other generally  are stronger than women's with each other. 

Yeah that's what you think.  ^-^
Boxkicker said:
  Please take my EX's, far far away, and leave them in the bottom of a trench!!!

Touché! There is a reason why someone is your EX, and the term EX, should go hand in hand with words like- Past, done, over, finished, Adios- And statements like, God what was i thinking, I'm so happy it's over i feel like singing, you're seeing somebody else HEEE HAWWW!! People are free, so just let them be, and move on! ;)
bilton090 said:
              You need to get a life, and grow up. You dodn't own her, this is Army.ca, not dear Abbi ! You cut her free ! Grow up

      ED the sock has a higher IQ


Ed The Sock also knows how to read previous posts.....

As I stated this was a hypothetical Question that I posed to the reader.... in actuality, none of this really happened....

but since bilton has decided to throw his own .02 into the ring, I will elaborate....

the situation was Guy A (Me) Guy B (Friend) and the Ex

Ex fooled around, and Dumped guy A in a rather cold and unpleasant way.
Guy B was at the time, a good Friend of guy A and had been through very similar circumstances as well....

fast forward now a few years.... Guy B and Ex are considering going out......

now..... That, was the ethical Dilemma... Does Guy A, have a right to be annoyed by that?

and once again, for Biltons Sake since Reading and writing don't appear to be his strongest suit....

This is Hypothetical...... (that is a 10 Dollar word for "Situation that did not really happen" as referenced by some of my previous posts in this thread.)

So, in closing, Nonevent, Never Happened, All is well over in my little world...

Mods, I feel this is starting to begin its final Descent. perhaps It might be best to close this.... but at your discretion....

Zip: Its Amazing where you can find a DSL Hookup these days....... besides, he could have wireless Access in the shed...
And Agreed 100% on the whole issue of Male Loyalty vs. Female Loyalty..... All men have heard the phrase Bro's Before "Insert name of Garden Impliment here".....    And Generaly among good friends it remains true.  Chris Rock has a Good Monologue (Bilton that means One Person Talking about something) on the subject in his "Never Scared" CD. Funny and True.
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