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Curious how everyone decided on their trade or Officer/NCM

Neolithium said:
Not all of us who are currently in the recruiting process are Nintendo Commandos  :camo:  However judging from the appearances and general attitude of applicants that I've run into at the CFRC, I can see exactly why you said that.

Google some of the user names here and see how many gaming forums come up for them.  ;)

I didn't really pick my trade, more like it was chosen for me.  The first time I joined, I chose three trades and got the third choice, Traffic Tech.  When I got in the second time, I chose Traffic, Supply and Postal but accepted the offer for Med Tech.

Over time, I realized that I was not suited for the Med Tech trade and applied for OT to PMed Tech.  The rest, as they say, is history.  :)
I have a degree in criminology and got very close to getting hired by CSIS. I tried to see if there were any other intelligence agencies out there that hired directly (versus putting in 10 years at a regular police force before getting promoted to intel) and I came across Military Intelligence.

After finding out that I didn't have the right degree (apparently you need political science or geography), I looked into Military Police Officer and found out that they have a Criminal Intelligence Unit (and a much cooler job description).

NCM vs Officer - i think the officer leadership training will be kick-ass. i'm not looking to be a cop (meaning: i don't want to direct traffic or attend domestic calls). I'm more interested in intel and strategic planning.
Well I originally wanted Field Artillery, but after mulling it over for a month after my interview I changed my mind. Turns out Artillery was full so I could switch to Sig Op. I realized that I picked Artillery for the "cool" factor. After considering all my options I finally smartened up. I've always had a knack for computers and I think Sig Op will keep me more engaged in the the long run. As for why NCM? I have 2 years of an engineering degree under my belt, but don't see myself heading back to university any time soon. I've changed and don't want to look back, someday I may pursue it again.

Now I just have to wait until next week to do my second interview and get an offer  :warstory:
ABC said:
I have a degree in criminology...

After finding out that I didn't have the right degree (apparently you need political science or geography),...  .

I dont know who told you that but that is incorrect.  You need a degree, which you have, but it doesnt have to be poli-sci or geography.  If you check the IntO Page (at http://www.forces.ca/html/intelligenceofficer_reg_en.aspx) it says those are only two of the normally preferred types of degress.  Your degree should not be a barrier.

"INT Officers are normally required to have a university degree preferably in Economics, Geography, History, Imagery Science, Information Technology, International Studies, Journalism, Military and Strategic Studies, or Political Science."
While doing an OT from my original trade a friend of mine mentioned Tfc Tech to me. Looked up some information about the trade and became interested in it. I mentioned it to the BPSO and found out it was open. Here I am two years later and have enjoyed every minute of it so far.
I'm a bit different than some of you guys.

I'm 35, I support a family, and was recently running my own carpentry business for a few years. Before that, I worked as a cook, computer tech, network administrator, framer. I have done a lot of different things, taken a few college courses, etc. but I only have a hs diploma and some trades training basically. Most recently I stopped doing the carpentry thing and got into a millwright/machinist course. I loved it and did better at the trade than anything else I have ever tried before. I decided I really wanted to make a go of the metal trades as a career, better late than never I guess.

I found out the economy took a dive and noone would hire me. I had to get knee surgery afterwards and found myself in a pretty serious rut. I went to talk to a recruiter, and found a job in the navy that really appeals to me, a MAR ENG MECH. Lots of cool stuff to work on there and I could actually get hired without 15 years of experience and multiple red seal certifications. I'm looking for stability for my family, and also something larger than just a job to get involved in.

I have been looking for something that I could make a career, that offered a lot of options for doing different types of work (as you can see from my history ;D) I also have always had a lot of respect for the forces and I am patriotic, a lot more so than most of my buddies. So I went ahead and applied for the position. I got my application in, and was booked for the cfat test and part one medical. I passed both, and at that time I handed in all my references, etc.  This was last week. This week, 3 of my references got called already so I'm pretty happy about that. Now I just have to get a letter from my surgeon at the end of the december stating I can handle basic (probably gonna be another month or so after that before I can really do it, a bit out of shape right now) and call back the medical tech. She told me that I can do my interview on the same day as my part 2 medical, in early January.

Hopefully I get offered a position!
When I was going through the recruiting process I hadn't even considered my trade that I decided on. My three picks where Boatswain, Supply Tech, and Cook When I turned in the application I was told that they had enough bosons and supply techs so cook became my first pick. He also suggested NCI OP as a secondary option so I put that down. So I went on my merry way and did some looking into the trade on here and a few other places and NCI OP peaked my interest. So the time comes for my interview and she asks me if i would like to change my choices before she finalized it. I said yes and had NCI OP and Cook swap places. All I have to say is that was probably one of the best decisions Ive made as I have loved my QL1 so far! ^.^
Well here was my selection process...

First I knew I wanted Navy

Then I knew I wanted to be an operator

I taught I would look into high-demand trades to increase my chances and get processed quickly

Sonar Op and Nav Comm were my 2 options. I decided on Nav Comm because I could not see my self doing sonar. Also Nav Comm has potential for land postings and also has a lot of civic posibilities if Navy does not work out for me.

I originally applied for prep-year at CMR when I was Grade 11 -  I wanted to be an Arty O.  However, I didn't quite make the cut, so said I'd apply to the Reserves for a bit and try for ROTP again in Grade 12.  When I joined the Reserves, I wanted to be an MP - however, when I applied, they had already started their recruit training a ways back, so I got referred to the Medical Coy - did reasonably well there so I stayed.  Buggered up my knee in Grade 12 and first semester grades took a big hit, so withdrew ROTP app that year.  Applied to Reg Force after not really doing much in university, wanted AD Arty, MP or Med A - eyes weren't good enough for the first 2 so they said, hey, how'd you like to be an Admin Clerk?  After I said "NO!!!", an hour and a half long argument ensued, including them offering me a commission through OCTP - into Admin or Log, which I declined less than graciously (I REALLY hate paperwork).  They said to my surprise that I'd done really well on the electrical/electronics portion of the CFAT, and offered me electrician in the Navy - I countered with Naval Weapons - he countered with Air - I said Sonar - he said NFW - Nav Comm? - No can't give you that - Rad Op? - NFW, and so on.  Finally came back to Med A - so that's the offer I got 8 months earlier than they forecasted, and haven't stopped doing oodles of paperwork since. 

I looked at the pros/cons of being an officer/ncm and all it came down to was that I like getting my hands dirty and on the ground doing the dirty work. As for choosing trades all it came down to was which unit was closest to me so yes I'm PRes as of right now. Due to the OC Transpo strike here in Ottawa it prevented me from following my father's footsteps in combat engineer so the choice was made for me! Field Artillery and I haven't looked back and it's been amazing so far. Intending to go reg's this summer and continue on in what's been an amazing experience thus far.
I had to choose NCM because I am going in through a Military co-op. Also, I would choose NCM anyways because I would wish to start the bottom (of the chain) to wherever I end up next. I have chosen Infantry because of the sheer adventure of it all. I don't plan on being one of those guys who signs up just to hold a gun. I will (hopefully, if I am selected) be starting in Reserves, I will stay in the Reserves until I am done school (June 2011). Shortly after, I plan switch to Reg. Force and go from there.

Zach McCurdy, Age 17
Canadian Forces Applicant
"I went to talk to a recruiter, and found a job in the navy that really appeals to me, a MAR ENG MECH. Lots of cool stuff to work on there and I could actually get hired without 15 years of experience and multiple red seal certifications."

With your background and stated interests (i.e. really like being a millwright), I would think HULL TECH would be your best choice.  They are the shipboard plumbers, carpenters, welders and all-round mister fix-its.  They're the guys you talk to when you want something obscure made.
Pusser said:
With your background and stated interests (i.e. really like being a millwright), I would think HULL TECH would be your best choice.  They are the shipboard plumbers, carpenters, welders and all-round mister fix-its.  They're the guys you talk to when you want something obscure made.

Yeah, I know about the hull tech, but that trade is closed  so it was my 2nd choice. I also based my decision on the CF recruiting site where the Stoker trade listed millwright as a related civilian occupation. I also am interested in prime movers, motors, bearings, everything to do with the millwright trade which should be a part of the Mar eng mech trade (I think). I feel it will be a fulfilling occupation, with some good technical skills that are applicable in many circumstances, such as the boiler power engineer experience, working on diesel engines (HD mechanic), as well as the seamanship experience and knowledge to be gained there.
Well since I got out of High School 6 yrs ago the idea has been bounced around, maybe twice a year on joining the Forces, every time it did I poked around at the different aspects of our Forces. Finally this summer it came to a crossroads, the poor economy was one of the factors to my losing my job. As i search for local jobs the Forces ads came up beside nearly every job i was interested in.  End of August I took the plunge and began my application process choosing Crewman, Arty, Infantry.  as time progressed i have since received and declined LCIS  offers, Had corrective eye surgery, currently on medical hold, hope to be off medical hold to receive my Crewman offer when 2010 jobs get listed. Thats the story so far!!  :salute:
How did I choose my trade?  I asked the recruiter if there was a job where I could be sleep deprived, lift heavy things for hours on end in the pitch black, pissing down rain, spend endless hours digging holes just to fill them in again, move 50 yards, and do it again.  I also specifically asked if it could involve laying on my belly in the freezing cold while finding and neutralizing mines and other nasty things.  If it could be a thankless job was also high on my list of requirements.