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Coyote Surv. Suite

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ghillie
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Just a quick question on the time it takes to deploy and then stow the mast and surveillance equipment. On a recent TEWT where the recce sqn was withdrawing in contact the time given was 20 min to set-up and 30 to take down. This seemed excessive to me-I am wondering if there is a cbt stowage time?
Thats right, that is one problem with the mast. I would always setup the Remote. It takes a while, for the veh can not be more than 3 degs tilt. You have to put together, the following parts on the mast.
1. Mila: the mounting plate
2. Sic: System interface control. its what all the cables hook to.
3. AZ/EL: its the motor and plate that turns and depresses the surv gear.
4. Flir: your Thema viewer
5. Camera with Laser.
6. the Radar mounting bracket.
7. MEA: this is what has the motor to turn the Radar
8. AHA: this is the Radar itself.
Then you have to set it up for the grid your at, the direction, centre the camera with the Flir and Radar. A good crew can do it in about 10-15. The average is 15-25 mins.
The remote only takes off 5 mins here or that, for you have to hump the kit upto 200ms away.
To stow it takes about 20-30 mins. for you have to take the kit off the mast, and put it back in the veh.
Remember the Mast it not all put together, or is the remote.
Most people prefer the Mast, just for the fact that you DON'T have to hump the gear 200m. You can deploy the mast at greater than 3 deg tilt just not to full extension.
Ghillie said:
Just a quick question on the time it takes to deploy and then stow the mast and surveillance equipment.   On a recent TEWT   where the recce sqn was withdrawing in contact the time given was 20 min to set-up and 30 to take down.   This seemed excessive to me-I am wondering if there is a cbt stowage time?

I am questioning your statement of the Recce Sqn withdrawing in contact.   If that were the case there would be no need to deploy a Mast or Remote.   You would use your Binos, Map, SAS (if you had it), TAC NAV and your Gunnery (Sights and Laser) instead.   You would not have the time to deploy surveillance equipment.

That being the case, there would be NO 10 to 30 minute factor to worry about.
George Wallace said:
Ghillie said:
Just a quick question on the time it takes to deploy and then stow the mast and surveillance equipment.   On a recent TEWT   where the recce sqn was withdrawing in contact the time given was 20 min to set-up and 30 to take down.   This seemed excessive to me-I am wondering if there is a cbt stowage time?

I am questioning your statement of the Recce Sqn withdrawing in contact.   If that were the case there would be no need to deploy a Mast or Remote.   You would use your Binos, Map, SAS (if you had it), TAC NAV and your Gunnery (Sights and Laser) instead.   You would not have the time to deploy surveillance equipment.

That being the case, there would be NO 10 to 30 minute factor to worry about.

I'm not positive, but I think for the dismantle part, he means that it is already set up when the crew gets bumped, or they see it coming.
Now Son, what I want you to do is just drive down that road...no, just drive...yeah, it'll be fine- trust me...LOl

Kinda like "Charlie, check out that defile"...")
Garry said:
Now Son, what I want you to do is just drive down that road...no, just drive...yeah, it'll be fine- trust me...LOl

Kinda like "Charlie, check out that defile"...")

That's what Bravo and Delta are for Garry
If the TEWT is similar to a scenario I saw last year, it would not be unreasonable for some of the solutions to propose setting up Coyotes in full surveillance mode and staggered in depth as part of a screening task.  (IIRC, two troops were enough to cover the entire space from the forwardmost OP or deployment line all the way back to a considerable distance minus of the handover line, and there was no expectation that there would be sufficient time to usefully tear down, move, and set up any one car.)
Can anyone tell me the amount of time it takes to set up and have the Coyote Surv. Suite fully operational?

It can be up and running in under 30 minutes with an experienced crew.  This is assuming that you have sighted your OP properly and you have no equipment failures.  You could have eyes within about 15-20 minutes if all goes well.  Keep in mind that it takes about 1 1/2 to times longer in the dark and your initialization cannot be confirmed until first light.
You're talking mast, right?

The ground version takes longer, depending how far the stuff has to be moved.

Is the artillery only getting the mast variant?
The artillery right now is not getting a version of this nor do I believe it will be in the near future. For the time it takes to set-up and tear down, it is to time consuming for the task that we are to be used for. We may be getting mini UAV's but that would be about it.

Thanks for the info.
Oh, Oh. Don't want to start anything, but I heard Armd Recce may receive the mini UAV also. ;D
The School Standard is from start to finish 30 Min for the mast, 45-1 hr for the Remote. When I was DSing a student on the ARSC, If he was not setup in 30 mins. I was running the clock.
FOO TECH G11 said:
The artillery right now is not getting.......mini UAV's but that would be about it.

Thanks for the info.

Just something else for 'em to crash  ;)

I am not going to start anything here because this is getting right off topic, but look at why those systems crashed and you will see the problem associated with it. Most of the crashes were mechanical in nature not operator error.

It was a joke....good natured ribbing....

See the little winking guy at the end of my sentence?

Geesh....  :o
