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Couple Q's before going to BMQ

6 hours from Kenora with a connection in Winnipeg. 40 minutes from Ottawa. There is your answer. For your city, do a search on expedia or any other such site.
They say to bring about $100 with you, and they also give you some money, don't they? I thought it i read it was like $220 or something...
I brought cash with me. Once there you will be paid on the 15th and the last day of each month. You can also use interac or credit cards at the Canex.
alexpb said:
They say to bring about $100 with you, and they also give you some money, don't they? I thought it i read it was like $220 or something...

Yes, I believe they give you a cash advance on your first pay right when you get there. But all the money they give you is used to buy stuff you need from the Canex I believe.
Here's a helpful hint that I learned on my 3's. Bring two toothbrushes, two toothpaste, two razors, and two shaving creams. Use one set once then put it on display for inspection and never use it or touch it again. Use the second set as your everyday set. It will save you time. Trust me.
ok trucker ..you think your instructors are STUPID? or are you just LAZY? theyve been doing this for years and years. and you think after weeks of seeing a brand new bottle of toothpaste and shaving cream that they wont catch on? you defeat the purpose of inspections.

i would dump that shyt on your head if i caught you doing that!!!
trucker00 said:
Here's a helpful hint that I learned on my 3's. Bring two toothbrushes, two toothpaste, two razors, and two shaving creams. Use one set once then put it on display for inspection and never use it or touch it again. Use the second set as your everyday set. It will save you time. Trust me.

...and they dont get suspicious when they see that your Jesus toothpaste is always full and that your toothbrush bristles are always in new condition?
P-Free said:
ok trucker ..you think your instructors are STUPID? or are you just LAZY? theyve been doing this for years and years. and you think after weeks of seeing a brand new bottle of toothpaste and shaving cream that they wont catch on? you defeat the purpose of inspections.

i would dump that shyt on your head if i caught you doing that!!!

P-Free, take it easy buddy...did you read trucker00's profile? He has something neither you or I have - military experience. If you don't agree, you don't have to take the advice.
The one thing the army wants in a solider is one who can solve problems and who has time management skills. If you can find an easier, time effective and the safest way to complete a task. By all means use it. If can master this, you'll have no problems on any course you'll take in the future, or during your career for that matter.
Another thing is teamwork. I found this system works really well for inspections and uniformity. Two people irons ever ones shirts and puts them away. Two people polish boots. Two people irons all the pants. And one person goes to locker verifies the layout according the kit layout. etc, etc.  Big thing is teamwork and uniformity.
  For the towels on the kit list, what size are they supposed to be?  Large bath towel, medium hand towel, or small face towel?

Thanks, Daryl
You people are all obsessive compulsive and should go get checked out. FFS people, it's basic training, no one is going to eat your spleen if you don't have the perfect anything. For the first couple of weeks, everyone there is an idiot anyway, no one knows any better than the next person what the fuck they are doing. Relax, go and enjoy the goddamn course. Sean Paul and P-Free, if you two would remove your heads from your hinies long enough to look around the forums about basic, you'd see that nearly everybody who has done basic uses the old two sets trick. Jesus started it when he was a f*cking private, he had two goddamn jars of water to turn into wine. Combo locks - you can buy them in sets of two, and get this, they even have the same combination. Navcomm, I believe you were on a reserve course weren't you? It's different on reg basic in St.Jean, do bring an mp3 player or something, also some books, it will really help. Arrgh, I know there is going to be another one of these threads in two days, why do i bother.  >:D
Island Ryhno said:
...FFS people, it's basic training, no one is going to eat your spleen if you don't have the perfect anything. For the first couple of weeks, everyone there is an idiot anyway, no one knows any better than the next person what the **** they are doing. Relax, go and enjoy the goddamn course.

Words of wisdom. We should just all arrive, meet new friends from across the nation (pretty cool i think), and go through the same sh*t together.
P-Free said:
ok trucker ..you think your instructors are STUPID? or are you just LAZY? theyve been doing this for years and years. and you think after weeks of seeing a brand new bottle of toothpaste and shaving cream that they wont catch on? you defeat the purpose of inspections.

i would dump that shyt on your head if i caught you doing that!!!

I did that on my bmq and I certainly am not lazy and my instructors were far from stupid.
Rhyno, yes I was on the reserves course. I thought there were probably differences between reg force and reserves bmq. We had some reg force airforce on our navy reserve bmq but I heard that army bmq is a lot different and that navy reserve is more similar to reg force basic.
trucker00 said:
Another thing is teamwork. I found this system works really well for inspections and uniformity. Two people irons ever ones shirts and puts them away. Two people polish boots. Two people irons all the pants. And one person goes to locker verifies the layout according the kit layout. etc, etc.   Big thing is teamwork and uniformity.

yes..thismay work until someone fucks up! then everyone gets in the shit for one persons mistake..no thank you!
It does work, and it's really the only way to do anything.  The entire point of BMQ is to turn a group of individuals into a team.  You'll pay worse if everyone else is wrong but you're right - because it means you're an individual.  If everyone is "wrong" but they're all the same (remember, we love standardization), you're not going to suffer as much.

The point is, been-there-done-thats are telling you how to get things done in the best way possible, it's worth listening.

P-Free said:
yes..thismay work until someone fucks up! then everyone gets in the crap for one persons mistake..no thank you!
P-Free said:
yes..thismay work until someone fucks up! then everyone gets in the crap for one persons mistake..no thank you!
You're going to be a Cbt Engineer right ?? So what's next... you're going to build a bridge, or clear a minefield, on your own because you're afraid someone else is gonna fuckup and make you look bad ?!?!??
You'll have to change that attitude ASAP and trust your mates. In the future, you will trust them with your life; now you can't trust them with your shirts ??