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Could I Get Someones Opinion?


Reaction score

My name is Michael, I am 17, and am interesting in becoming an Infantry Officer. That said, I am not sure if my résumé is competitive enough to earn me a place in the army. I have a 76% average in my grade 11 year (79 discounting my 2 weakest courses if that matters here), a gifted certificate (which means the province I live in recognizes I have a "Unusually advanced degree of general intellectual ability"), my Bronze Cross, National Life Saving (which is a lifeguard course), Standard First Aid, and have been on multiple Leadership training excursions, including a 22 day arctic white water canoeing trip. In addition I am chewin' on 2 Advanced Placement courses in my grade 12 year, and will be taking grade 12 chemistry, physics, biology, and calculus.

That said, that's all I have to apply with. For those of you who know the ins and outs of the recruiting process, do I have a shot? To those of you facepalming at the idea of me applying, is there anything I can do to increase my chances of acceptance? Please let me know.

Thank you very much for your time.
Hi Michael,
You will find a lot of information archived in these forums that will help specifically answer your question. Take the time to read some of the threads within the RMC/ROTP forum that speaks to your area of interest.
The specific minimum academic requirements are available on the RMC website. RMC.ca
Personally I have had the chance to learn a lot about the process and the requirements over the last couple of years that was very helpful I the application process.
If you are really serious, start investigating and do all that you can with the time that you have left in high school and over the summer. It is a very competitive program. On my tour of RMC last year we were told that over 3000 people applied for about 300 spots. The application average average was 83% .
Good luck with your investigation and your preparation.
Hello, durhamcadet1. This is the "Ask. A CAF Recruiter" Forum, in which only applicants, Recruiters, and DS are supposed to post, and we DS keep our posts to a minimum. Others, including you, should not be posting. We routinely remove such posts, however I am leaving yours in place as it is welll-articulated and provides good direction.