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Chuck007's story

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Hey guys, I did my Cfat yesterday been preparing for this and my physical test for the past 3 Months based on what i was give to study with and some internet site also, was told to study grade 9 and 10 stuff for the Infantry. I personally been out of school for 9 years now, Iam 24 years old alot of life experience from DZ licence, Ski Instructor and no alot about history but my best knowlodge is about religion in general. But especially Muslim and Arabic culture ( Koran ), IL be honest i only have a grade 10 behind me but i no alot about everything, It always was a factor of mine to get to no as mush as you can in life to be a better person and to be more knowlodgeable. I also believe some of us are born to be frontline soldires and some are not.

So hear i go, went in to do my Cfat today took about 1:15min in total. started to go thru it and noticed this was not 9 and 10 grade math that i remembered at all and what they told me to study, so got done the test i felt good with it. Recruiter called me in to his office and told me i pasted the spacial and verbal parts of the test but did do as well on the math side, was missing 4 points to pass the Cfat and be throne in to the Military aspect life. He looked at my file and he saw that i had a bankruptcy from about 5 years ago and started to judge me on it and asked me my education level told him grade 10 and he responded with this. ( Oh sorry but if you would of had a grade 12 i would have given you your 4 points but sorry i can't do anything about it ) I asked him why and was tried to talk about certain things that i was very knowlogeable on with him he absolutely did not what to hear anything at all and told me OK it's time to leave i have other people to see, Personally he made me feel like i was worthless and a piece of crap, Iam willing to lay down my life for my contry and was treated like that i could not believe it. Iam going in the infantry, i no eventually i would have be deployed to Afghanistan i speak a little Arabic i no the culture very well and I don't think alot of people can say that, I think he could of gave me my 4 points if he would of taken the time to speak with me and not just that i was packed and ready to go to St-Jean for BIQ i am the soldier of soldires with alot of passion a believe so....

I just wanted to tell my story and to make every one see we spend alot of money every year on our Military, ranked 4 in the world for spending 19.5 billion dollars each year, but yet we are only 66,000 strong and 26,000 of that is the reserves so regular force is 30,000 how much of that is Infantry? I believe we need men but some recruiters should not have the right to discriminate especially that Iam Canadian and willing to fight for my Contry and Iam learning iam not the only one this is happening to there are so many peoples on sites and forums that i have been reading about witch have very good grades and even some with college degres not passing and it's always the same things going on, This was happing to the sates also. so thru the years they have let up a little in the recruiting aspect of things meaning they are not so pickey, just look at the stats from the American Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines.... are 1,860,000 strong and counting in Canada we still have a population of at least 32,000,000 million people and are army ranks 54 in the world between Kazakhstan and Rwanda for foot Soldiers. to finish i had a super nice guy from palestine sitting beside me for the Cfat with a robotics engineering degree from Ottawa University and he past no problem out of 7 people in my class only 2 passed i think they should let up on certain things especially that we need people. they are changing their ads but not their recruiting methods...

Thanks alot... Future Soldier :cdn:
Michael, you must have split this a micro second before I did as it disappeared when I hit the button.......I think your title is a lot nicer than mine.
Chuck, from your profile,
    I personally no alot about the Muslim culture and the Arabic way of life the Koran is a big factor in this, I belive by knowing your enemy you gaine a big step in war. I also no alot about history and diffrent war tactics, Guns and ammo....

Please tell us where you learned your "stuff".
Chuck007 said:
Thanks alot... Future Soldier :cdn:

You're welcome.

And I think we'll just lock this as a testament to lost opportunity.

Milnet.ca Staff
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