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Chinese Military,Political and Social Superthread

Britney Spears said:
I meant in terms of purely military factors. Of course other socio-economic factors did play a role but there is hardly a military remedy for those.

Well... Its not that I don't see your point, there are differing opinions on what are the precursor events, the main events, and the "final-straw" events of the end of Imperial China.

The Opium Wars and the Treaty obligations were huge consumers of China's wealth, Taiping and Nien prevented China from regaining much of that wealth (by preventing tax and revenue flow, and further accelerating increased military expenditure).

Aside from what "cost" more, just indicating that the mid-century rebellions and uprisings might not have occurred without the Opium Wars (or at least without the outcomes), and that because of this the Opium Wars can be seen as more the root cause of the downfall - is a strong position by itself - so I will cease trying to prevail against it (or constructing really, really long sentences).

Besides, I think modern westerners have difficulty understanding how much the economic issues were a direct result of defeat in the Opium wars.

Well if you feel you understand it, and I feel I understand it, and we're both modern Westerners, we probably should allow other modern Westerners some benefit of the doubt (it is the modern Westerner way of doing things :) ).

That works both ways, of course.

Re: Xenophobia.
It would, but have we agreed that modern Western nations are xenophobic? I'm no longer sure that I even think China is.

Of course not, you're trying to view pre-19th century relations with a modern concept (equal trading partners) in mind. 

Re: Imperial China's relationship with Korea.
Then aren't you viewing Western colonial expansion from 50 to 550 years ago with a modern Western concept (egalitarianism and democratic freedoms) in mind?

Why would the Chinese view the Koreans in the 15th century as an equal trading partner? The disparities in the levels of economic development between China proper and the prehiphery most of the time was so great that nations like Korea and Japan were generally eager to pay tribute (a minor expense with no economic consequence)in return for either Chinese technology or political support. I just don't think the 18th-19th century Western concept of aggressive colonial expansion(generally based on a percieved racial superiority) can really be applied.

Fast thread! Half a dozen posts and I haven't responded to this one yet. I'll make a combined response to the above quote and from posts after the one I'm responding to:

- China, along with Egypt, India, Greece, Rome, Britain, and most other cultures (especially in their prime), all have projected cultural bigotry and viewed other cultures as being barbaric or culturally illiterate. I have been swayed to agree that this is not the same as projecting racial superiority.

- Most cultures seem to have had slavery, or at least servitude, and this was not confined to outside their race. As an example: Dublin was once a major slave trading port. Some cultures did have (or developed) conventions to allow only slaves from outside their own tribes.

- Christian conquest/conversion of Europe was probably the leading cause of European/Christian restrictions on European/Christian slaves (manpower shortages would also factor in)

I submit that if the Americas, Australia and the South Pacific islands had not been "discovered" and colonized, there would have been far less slavery by the Western nations.

Combining the perceived need for mass slavery, the restrictions on European/Christian slavery, and the rebirth of Western sciences led to a toxic and entrenched level of racial perceptions. If other cultural spheres had met the same circumstances would their racial views have been altered? Would Western Imperial racial views have been altered if the circumstances had been different?

I don't know.

But what was then is not now. Western philosophical thought did not stop (for most), and has progressed. Western reactions to developments in China should not be mistaken for Western practices in China in the previous millennium. And China today should not be viewed as just Imperial China set in contemporary guise.

And to merge up with TCBF :

Is the Chinese Central Committee receiving sound advice on the reason the west looks suspiciously on their build up?    Have they made a risk assessment regarding the state of their economy and the effect on trade - if any - saber rattling over Taiwan may have?

Do they Care?

I will speculate that yes, they have done a risk assessment and they do care, at least enough not to try for the closer rocks, Quemoy and Matsu. Arguably they should have enough overall military capability now, so why wouldn't they? Does China believe that:
1) a negotiated settlement is inevitable?
2) the assessed success rating is not high enough?
3) the assessed international economic response rating is not high enough?
4) the assessed international military response rating is not high enough?
5) it's the whole enchilada approach (and see 1 - 4 above)?

And side note to a_majoor :

As a side note, I have read 1421, and while it is a good read, the idea of a "round the world" expedition seems very tenuous at best, and I would like to see a lot more supporting evidence before I buy into the treasure fleets breaking out of the Indian ocean.

I agree it was a nice read up until the Cape of Good Hope, after that, even taking it from his point of view - well... I didn't need to wait until reading the critiques.

Well, how do they say, six of one and half dozen of the other?

I will  speculate  that yes, they have done a risk assessment and they do care, at least enough not to try for the closer rocks, Quemoy and Matsu. Arguably they should have enough overall military capability now, so why wouldn't they? Does China believe that:
  1) a negotiated settlement is inevitable?
  2) the assessed success rating is not high enough?
  3) the assessed international economic response rating is not high enough?
  4) the assessed international military response rating is not high enough?
  5) it's the whole enchilada approach (and see 1 - 4 above)?

Perhpas I could add that the Joe public setiment in China right now ranges from "We can do Taiwan easily", to "We can do Taiwan but they'd give as good as they'd take", and that only the threat of US intervention currently limits China's ability to act. As far as I can tell the military leadership has a substantially more realistic view of the situation, but obviously does not want to admit their weakness. If the actions of Taiwanese business is any indication, it would seem that the locals are fairly optimistic about the prospects (and by "locals" I mean large multinational corporations).
I suppose this go go two ways, the Logical Solution and the  Human Solution.  Logically, this may eventually 'sort itself out', as did the Berlin wall.  Of course, THAT could have turned out far worse as well.

But it didn't, and - all other things being equal -  would it probably take some fairly serious internal disputes to cause:

1. Taiwan to poke the giant in the eye with a pointed stick, then hope the world will save them (in the end, they won't); and/or

2.  China to pull an Argentina and expend precious political capital by seizing that which will end up theirs eventually anyway?

Does the mainland truly see Taiwan as a shining example of a 'free Chinese people' which creates a subversive threat merely through it's existance, or is the root of the perceived threat less politically dogmatic and more cultural?
It probably depends on who you're talking to, and how they're feeling that day.

I think a lot of people will sleep a little easier if the KMT wins the next presidential election in a couple years.
The emphasis on submarines makes sense if the aim is to undercut the USN and be able to enforce naval blockades against Tiawan, Japan or other littoral areas. I am curious if the PLA has the command and control capabilities to effectively use a large submarine force.


Chinese Building Up Submarine Forces
China has begun construction of its second Yuan class attack sub that will likely be deployed by 2010. "The new submarine is a key element of China's huge increase in submarine forces that some analysts say reveals Beijing is on a war-footing, while many U.S. military and intelligence officials play down Beijing's arms buildup. "(source)

Since 2002, China has deployed 14 new submaries with more in the works, an astonishing number. Two nuclear powered attack subs are also being built by China. "China also purchased four diesel Kilo submarines from Russia and is getting eight more over the next several years."(id)

Discovery of the first Yuan-class submarine in the summer of 2004 will long be remembered for the surprise of the deployment. The submarine was built and deployed without ever being detected in development by U.S. intelligence agencies in what officials say is part of a string of intelligence failures on the Chinese military buildup. Officials said the reason the submarine remained secret was that it was built completely underground in a secret Chinese production facility that included underground waterways to a port.

The question must be asked, why are so many in Washington, Ottawa, London and elsewhere not taking the threat China poses more seriously? China should not be viewed as an ally, partner, or even as a competitor. It is a potential enemy and a massive violator of human rights, a threat to its neighbors, and the main culprit behind the violence in Sudan.
Another light on the China threat board just clicked from green to red.....
This only goes to show the danger china poses, and we should begin expanding our navy for our own safety (wether we can expand our navy due manning issues and financial constraits is unkown to me)
There is only one way to fight China's military expansion. STOP buying products made in China.

We are only providing the necessary funds for China to do what they are doing.

Canadians have lost jobs due to China's ability to undercut costs.

First there was a fear that we would have to learn German, then it was Russian. Now it would appear that our children's children will have to brush up on their Chinese.
GUNS said:
There is only one way to fight China's military expansion. STOP buying products made in China.

We are only providing the necessary funds for China to do what they are doing.

Canadians have lost jobs due to China's ability to undercut costs.

First there was a fear that we would have to learn German, then it was Russian. Now it would appear that our children's children will have to brush up on their Chinese.

Have you ever wondered why Power Corps' Maurice Strong, Paul Demarais, and our friend Chretien are so heavily invested in China?
The ‘threat’ posed by China’s naval build-up – and it is a real build-up – is that every dollar devoted to new submarines and even aircraft carriers is a dollar which cannot be used to buy US bonds which, in their turn, underwrite the incredibly stupid and wasteful spending spree upon which President George W Bush has been embarked lo these six years.  In case someone hasn’t noticed the Chinese are financing an American spending spree.  Chinese taxes underwrite American governments’ (plural) programmes and services; Chinese labour makes things Americans could only dream of owning if they had to make them at home, at their current wage rates; China is poised to replace Canada as America’s top trading partner.  China is a ‘threat;’ riiiiiight.

I am reminded in the China as enemy rhetoric of the world about 100 years ago.

There were, circa 1900, two emerging ‘threats’ to Britain’s global hegemony – to Pax Britannica: Germany and America.  In 1904, in what must rank as one of stupidest foreign policy blunders in the 1,500 year history of an independent Britain, Britain succumbed to panic about Germany and signed the incredibly dumb Entente Cordiale with France which led Britain, inextricably, into World War I, which, left to itself, could have been, should have been just another in the centuries old series of Franco-Prussian wars - which are good for the human gene pool because they reduce, however slightly, the number of ‘breeders’ from each national group.

The situation was remarkably similar to the world today.  Britain was just coming off a disastrous military adventure in Africa – the Boer War – which had shattered the myth of British military invincibility.  Britain was financing its lifestyle from:

• Imperial revenues;

Invisible exports – a service economy; and

• Bond sales to, inter alia America and Germany.

The Brits were dumb in the Edwardian era; they made enemies out of competitors because they forgot the old lesson that a balance of power between competing states and empires is easier to maintain than a unipolar imperium.  We, the American led West, are the inheritors of Britain’s global influence; we need not repeat their mistakes.

Let us acknowledge China’s ‘build-ups’ for what they are: the actions of an emerging, competitor super-power.  Competitor ≠ enemy.

Forget learning French or English in school as a second language . . .  :army:
Edward Campbell said:
The ‘threat’ posed by China’s naval build-up – and it is a real build-up – is that every dollar devoted to new submarines and even aircraft carriers is a dollar which cannot be used to buy US bonds which, in their turn, underwrite the incredibly stupid and wasteful spending spree upon which President George W Bush has been embarked lo these six years.  In case someone hasn’t noticed the Chinese are financing an American spending spree.  Chinese taxes underwrite American governments’ (plural) programmes and services; Chinese labour makes things Americans could only dream of owning if they had to make them at home, at their current wage rates; China is poised to replace Canada as America’s top trading partner.  China is a ‘threat;’ riiiiiight.

I am reminded in the China as enemy rhetoric of the world about 100 years ago.

There were, circa 1900, two emerging ‘threats’ to Britain’s global hegemony – to Pax Britannica: Germany and America.  In 1904, in what must rank as one of stupidest foreign policy blunders in the 1,500 year history of an independent Britain, Britain succumbed to panic about Germany and signed the incredibly dumb Entente Cordiale with France which led Britain, inextricably, into World War I, which, left to itself, could have been, should have been just another in the centuries old series of Franco-Prussian wars - which are good for the human gene pool because they reduce, however slightly, the number of ‘breeders’ from each national group.

The situation was remarkably similar to the world today.  Britain was just coming off a disastrous military adventure in Africa – the Boer War – which had shattered the myth of British military invincibility.  Britain was financing its lifestyle from:

• Imperial revenues;

Invisible exports – a service economy; and

• Bond sales to, inter alia America and Germany.

The Brits were dumb in the Edwardian era; they made enemies out of competitors because they forgot the old lesson that a balance of power between competing states and empires is easier to maintain than a unipolar imperium.  We, the American led West, are the inheritors of Britain’s global influence; we need not repeat their mistakes.

Let us acknowledge China’s ‘build-ups’ for what they are: the actions of an emerging, competitor super-power.  Competitor ≠ enemy.


This is going to sound a bit leftist, but instead of taking a confrontationl approach to China, why does the west not work harder and help grow China into a real legimate democracy. This has already been happening to a point as China has made great strides since the last 50 years. It still has many areas to work on of course; poverty and human rights for example. The stratigic advantages to having China as an ally would be enormous in my veiw at least. I'm not saying we should go and invite them into NATO tomorrow, just that we should help them become a democracy though non-confrontational diplomatic means. This of course would be heavily dependent on the Chinese politicians, but hey, two super-powers on your side are better than one ;D
Good point Boater, I agree with you that China would be a huge ally but modern China has brought about a lot of queries for Westerners: Why the Chinese economy has taken a sudden leap? Why China can bring forth such a top basketball star like Yao Ming? Will China use up all the global oil reserve? Will China eventually overtake the U.S. in term of its economic strength?
Just because China has started doing some things that sell over here, and other things that make it look like it is changing, never, never forget that the goal of the Chinese is total domination. How they get there is irrelevant, they just want to get there.
The goal of any major power is domination in one form or another, but I also do not believe that the US will not remain top dog forever, no power in the world has ever been able to achieve this. As it looks like China is a raising power I believe it is in the best interest of the West to make it as sympathetic to us as possible before it can exert too much control over our economies, and if this means pushing democratic reforms through diplomatic means (such as Harper's stance last summit) I believe we should pursue those reforms for our own good.
If you seriously think that the manner in which the West treats China is going to speed them up towards democratic rule...dream on.  I am not trying to slag you or your opinion, but I seriously believe what I just said, and even just a quick view of Chinese history will confirm it.
Most great ideas start out as dreams, but all I'm saying is that if there is anything that we can do to further China's democratic development in the future we should seriously consider doing it, allies are always better to have than enemies. I do not believe we should appease them in anyway or overlook any of their indiscretions as that would be setting a dangerous precedent. In a sense lets at least try to put them on the same path as India. (China and India are apples and oranges, but it's the idea behind India's transformation not so much the country itself that I see as significant.)
If China ever embraces a form of Democracy, it's going to by way of a massive bloodbath. To accomplish anything remotely similiar to democracy they, the populace must first depose those who's star has been hitched to the Communist Party for 40+ years.
The best counterweight to China is to support Taiwan,Japan, Australia and India. Japan already see the PLAN as a threat to the home islands and it appears that they are taking a forward leaning position.
Here is an interesting analysis from the current (Jan/Feb 2007) issue of Foreign Affairs, reproduced under the Fair Dealings provisions of the Copyright Act:


It is a bit long (nearly 4,500 words) but well worth the read.  I have highlighted some (20+) bits I find especially important.

The Faces of Chinese Power
By David M. Lampton

From Foreign Affairs, January/February 2007

Summary: Accurately assessing the rise of China is a critical task. Yet U.S. policymakers often overestimate China's military might. And if they continue to view China's power in substantially coercive terms when it is actually growing most rapidly in the economic and intellectual domains, they will be playing the wrong game, on the wrong Þeld, with the wrong team.

David M. Lampton is Dean of Faculty, George and Sadie Hyman Professor of China Studies, and Director of China Studies at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies. This article was adapted from his upcoming book, The Three Faces of Chinese Power: Might, Money, and Minds.


Assessing China's growing power incorrectly has always proved to be hazardous. U.S. policymakers have underestimated China's power at least twice since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, once catastrophically and another time with serious consequences for U.S. credibility. In the fall of 1950, one U.S. official dismissed the possibility that the war-weary government in Beijing would intervene to stop the United States' drive to unify Korea. "I don't think China wants to be chopped up," he said. But he was wrong, and this and other misjudgments led to Beijing's intervention in the Korean War, at enormous human cost to China, the United States, and the Korean people on both sides of the 38th Parallel. President Bill Clinton also underestimated China. In 1993, his administration threatened to suspend normal tariff treatment if Beijing did not improve its human rights record within a year. China proved tougher than expected, and the Clinton administration made an embarrassing U-turn as the ultimatum was about to expire. The episode convinced the Chinese that Washington's tough talk on human rights was little more than campaign rhetoric and that for the United States human rights were an interest secondary to strategic and business concerns.

Accurately assessing the power of China is still a critical task today, especially with renewed tensions on the Korean Peninsula and continuing volatility in the Taiwan Strait. Overestimating China's leverage over North Korea is a problem. Since 2002-3, the Bush administration has subcontracted most of the effort to halt North Korea's nuclear programs to Beijing, mistakenly assuming that Beijing has the power and the inclination to stop Pyongyang. The Chinese government does not want nuclear weapons on the Korean Peninsula and has considerable leverage over Kim Jong Il, but exercising this power would bring substantial costs to China, and its muscle is unlikely to be sufficient if the United States does not simultaneously give North Korea positive incentives to comply. Washington and Beijing may be cooperating better now, following North Korea's nuclear test in October 2006, but it remains far from clear whether Beijing can compel Pyongyang to accept an agreement that may seem contrary to its core interests.

In terms of economic power, Americans tend to exaggerate China's role as a seller and exporter while underappreciating its activities as a buyer, importer, and investor. And they underestimate China's intellectual, leadership, diplomatic, cultural, and other symbolic power. If U.S. policymakers continue to view China's power in substantially coercive terms when it is actually growing most rapidly in the economic and intellectual domains, they will be playing the wrong game, on the wrong field, with the wrong team.


Power is the ability to define and achieve one's goals, especially relative to the capacity of others to define and achieve their own. Over 40 years ago, the sociologist Amitai Etzioni broke down the concept of power according to the means employed to exercise it: coercion, material inducement, or intellectual motivation. Power can be constraining, remunerative, or normative -- expressing, to put it crudely, guns, money, or ideas.

Chinese leaders are working to develop all three kinds. After dozens of interviews and meetings with senior policymakers, midlevel officials, scholars, and policy analysts in China, as well as government officials in neighboring countries, it is apparent to me that their broad objective is to modernize China in order to boost its military, economic, and intellectual might. Their strategy involves both openness (or globalization) and reform through marketization and urbanization, while they deemphasize and limit political liberalization. Their goal distinguishes China from both the Soviet Union, a military giant but an economic Lilliputian, and Japan, so far an economic giant but largely a bystander in military and diplomatic matters.

The Chinese people do not see their quest for economic growth as upsetting a global equilibrium; they see it as restoring an equilibrium that persisted throughout much of recorded history. As Angus Maddison, an economic historian at the University of Groningen, in the Netherlands, points out, from the first century AD until the early nineteenth century, China's economy represented between 22 percent and 33 percent of total global GDP, peaking around 1820. With the industrialization of Europe, the United States, and Japan, and with China's collision with the West and Japan, China's share of global GDP declined, down to 4.5 percent by 1950. The figure stayed at that level until Deng Xiaoping succeeded Mao Zedong in the 1970s. This long drop, and the national tragedies it generated, is known to every Chinese schoolchild as the hundred-plus years of "national humiliation." Since the late 1970s, China's economy has been regaining its share of global GDP; according to the International Monetary Fund, the figure reached 15.4 percent in 2005. Although admittedly imprecise, these data underscore at once China's progress to date and the great distance the country has yet to go.

Fortified by both globalization and its economic policies, China has thus become an ardent supporter of the existing international economic order -- an almost total reversal from Mao's opposition in the 1950s and 1960s. In international relations, dominant states typically want to preserve the status quo and rising states want to change it. But today, it is China that wants to preserve key features of the current world order, whereas the United States, the lone superpower, seems bent on shaking it up by creating "coalitions of the willing" assembled outside established international organizations. China's national strategy is designed to continue its fast domestic economic growth, the regime's principal legitimizing factor besides nationalism; attract maximum resources (technology, investment, and strategic materials) from the international system; and reduce external threats that might deplete its resources. This strategy does not emphasize rapid military growth, and with good reason: fast expansion of the armed forces would alarm the outside world and likely produce countervailing coalitions; high military expenditures would also drain Beijing of badly needed human and material resources just as President Hu Jintao, emphasizing the importance of turning China into a "harmonious society," sets out to expand human, environmental, and infrastructure investment for those Chinese left behind by the country's rapid development. After Mao's dependence on coercive power and Deng's on economic power, China now seeks a more balanced mix that also uses "idea power."


Coercive power typically has four broad uses: homeland defense, deterrence, power projection, and reassurance. Beijing is enhancing its capacities along all these dimensions. It is attaching particular importance to reassuring its neighbors and to using military, economic, and diplomatic instruments to do so.

The Chinese military budget has been growing at double-digit rates for about 15 years (in terms not adjusted for inflation). Beijing is not worried about the threat of a land invasion and so has continually cut its ground forces since the 1980s, while upgrading the remaining forces and the military's communications capabilities and capacity to conduct joint operations. It is worried, however, about the ability of its small nuclear force to withstand a first strike. Thus, it is modernizing and somewhat enlarging its arsenal. (It could, according to U.S. Department of Defense estimates, have 60 intercontinental ballistic missiles by 2010.) And it is seriously concerned about the possibility that Taiwan might permanently break away from the mainland: Beijing has deployed 700 to 800 missiles within striking distance of the island, increased its amphibious capabilities, continually upgraded its naval and air forces at a significant pace, and sought to discourage Washington from intervening if a conflict in the Taiwan Strait occurs. Still, China's capacity to project meaningful conventional military power far beyond its borders is quite limited and will remain so for a considerable period. As one Chinese military officer recently explained to me, "Earlier this year in the Solomon Islands we had to evacuate people, but we lacked airpower, and had to lease [foreign] aircraft, and Australia was helpful. In the Lebanon-Israel war [of the summer of 2006], we had to lease aircraft to get our nationals out."

One key challenge for China's grand strategy is to continue military modernization without overburdening the domestic budget. (According to official Chinese sources, China's military expenditures in 2004 were 12.7 percent of total expenditures.) China's military budget is growing at the same rate as is the total budget but not as rapidly as some components of the total budget, such as those for rural support, health, education, and welfare. Given the decision of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party in October 2006 to "put people first," the tension between military and domestic spending promises to become a bigger issue.

Another medium-term challenge will be to manage the anxieties of other states, especially the United States' concerns about its commitments to Taiwan. Have China's growth and the greater economic interdependence between the island and the mainland made Taiwan indefensible militarily? What would be the consequences of an attack for U.S. policy, given that, according to a recent Chicago Council on Global Affairs poll, 61 percent of Americans would oppose deploying U.S. troops "if China invaded Taiwan"? Thus, for China, reassurance is now key. As one Chinese scholar put it to me, "We used to hide our power, deny our power. But then this became increasingly impossible as our strength increased. We had to find ways to reassure people, use power constructively, because our power became increasingly undeniable."

In late 2002, Beijing reviewed its interactions with other nations' militaries and law enforcement and space agencies. It encouraged such exchanges partly in order to increase the comfort level of foreigners with the Chinese armed forces. After a tsunami hit the Indian Ocean region in 2004, China kept a low profile, sending a small contingent of military personnel on a humanitarian mission. Almost by stealth, of all the permanent members of the UN Security Council, China has become the largest contributor of military observers, peacekeepers, and police to UN operations around the world. These deployments have included missions to Haiti and southern Lebanon, where Beijing pledged to send 1,000 personnel after the war between Hezbollah and Israel last summer. China has observed and conducted joint exercises with the militaries of Central Asian states, Australia, France, Germany, India, Mexico, Pakistan, Russia, and the United Kingdom, among others. In September 2006, the U.S. and Chinese navies held their first joint naval search-and-rescue exercise, off the coast of California. Chinese law enforcement agencies have also cooperated with the U.S. Container Security Initiative to secure freight from three of China's largest ports, and Beijing cooperates with Latin American and European countries on space projects, such as satellites, and hopes to work with the United States in this area as well.

Despite China's velvet-glove approach, its neighbors are wary, mindful that its capabilities are mounting and its intentions could shift. This is one reason that virtually every country in the region welcomes a strong U.S. presence. Even Beijing may have quietly approved the U.S. government's statement, in October 2006, that it will continue to provide a nuclear umbrella for Japan and South Korea, because the move reduces the pressure on Tokyo and Seoul to acquire their own nuclear deterrents against North Korea.


Even more important to China's grand strategy are its efforts to strengthen its economic power and build what Beijing hopes will be a stabilizing middle class. So far, China has done rather well, thanks to a high national savings rate, rapidly growing and improving secondary and tertiary education, increased expenditures for research and development, the fact that a significant fraction of the population is still of working age, an expanding middle class, massive investment from ethnic Chinese abroad and foreign investors in search of high-growth opportunities, the productivity-enhancing content and continuity of Beijing's economic policies, and a growing private sector. Economic power, the most convertible form of strength, makes China attractive in a world that respects material success.

One should not assume that China's growth rate will slow dramatically anytime soon. But it is time to see it for what it is. Most outside observers exaggerate China's strength as a seller and underestimate its capacities as a buyer, investor, and aid provider.

This is partly because of China's dramatically rising global trade surplus. It holds $1 trillion in foreign exchange reserves -- a significant fraction in U.S. government debt instruments -- and surpassed Japan as the holder of the most foreign exchange reserves in February 2006. China's global share of industrial output as measured by real value added went up from 2.2 percent in 1990 to 6.6 percent in 2002. In textiles, shoes, sporting goods, and, increasingly, electronics, China is already a superpower, and Chinese exports have affected manufacturing employment in other countries, such as Mexico.

There is, however, another side to the story. The fact that an item bears a "Made in China" label does not mean that it was actually made in China. China hosts final assembly stages, which add less value, while lucrative parts of the production chain remain in other countries. (In 2002, value added per capita in the manufacturing industry in the United States was more than 15 times that in China.) In other words, China takes all of the heat for profiting from the globalized production chain even though, as the last link, it reaps only a modest share of the products' value. China, therefore, seems stronger than its underlying production capabilities actually make it. Although exports accounted for over 30 percent of China's GDP in 2005, firms with foreign investment accounted for 57.3 percent of total exports and about 85 percent of high-tech exports. A critical implication is that if the United States throws up barriers to nominally Chinese exports, it will be punishing its friends, its allies, and itself along with Beijing.

Meanwhile, China's strength as a buyer and an importer is underappreciated. China's middle class continues to expand. China was the third-largest consumer of luxury goods in the world in 2006 -- and the third-largest market for Rolls Royce vehicles. Because China imports so many of the primary and intermediate goods used to make its exports, it has given the rest of the world, particularly Asia, a piece of the action and, therefore, an interest in its success. Since 1979, Chinese imports have grown at an annual average rate of nearly 15 percent, making the country today the world's third-largest importer, after the United States and Germany. In 2003, China accounted for 68 percent of Taiwan's export growth, 36 percent of South Korea's, 32 percent of Japan's, 28 percent of Germany's, and 21 percent of the United States'. One report by the Chinese government estimates that 3-4 million jobs in South Korea are related to trade with China. Asian economies that previously exported predominantly to the United States, such as Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan, now do so to China. One official in Canberra quipped to me that the Australians now define their interest vis-à-vis China as being the export of "wools, alumina, iron ore, and educational services." Throughout much of Asia, the perception of China has changed from threat to economic opportunity.

As China's "going global" strategy gains steam, its role as an investor abroad is also growing. Beijing's ability to coordinate corporate investment, tariff and other trade policies, development assistance, and military aid is a potential asset when competing with more pluralized systems. In late 2005, a poll by China's International Chamber of Commerce reported that 23 percent of responding firms intended to increase their investment abroad in 2006. At the end of 2005, China announced that its cumulative foreign investment totaled $57.2 billion, up from $7.6 billion in 2000. China's sizable social security and insurance funds are also beginning to seek opportunities for investment abroad.

Many developing nations appreciate the deals Beijing offers, especially since it doles out investments without imposing conditions, other than the recognition of its "one China" policy. In late 2003, after securing a promise of $500 million in loans, trade increases, and tariff reductions from Beijing, Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf gushed, "The past belongs to Europe, the present belongs to the United States, and the future belongs to Asia." Chinese investment is aggressively sought by Latin America, Russia, Southeast Asia, and Africa -- as well as by U.S. municipalities. A Chinese-owned plant for refrigerators was put into operation in Camden, South Carolina, in March 2000; in Ardmore, Oklahoma, there are plans for a Chinese joint venture to run an auto plant that would employ about 550 people. Beijing is taking a page out of Tokyo's playbook: building production capacity in countries that are losing manufacturing jobs in order to get closer to its consumers and forestall protectionist countermeasures. An August 2006 article in Caijing magazine on lobbying in the United States advised, "An effective and long-term solution [to China's image problem in the United States] is to build a factory or to set up a company on the soil of the United States. This means hiring American employees -- their influence over the congressmen from their constituency is much stronger than any foreign institution or enterprise."


Besides coercion and material rewards, Beijing is using symbolic, intellectual, ideological, diplomatic, and cultural resources to increase its influence. It is strong in some of these areas and weak in others, but Americans generally tend to underestimate its capacities in this domain.

Corruption remains a serious problem for the Chinese leadership.
Nonetheless, as former Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew has said, "The quality of people in charge of China is impressive. ... They have capacious minds, analytical and quick on the uptake." Equally important, the Chinese Communist Party is growing and recruiting dynamic new members. Professor Cheng Li, of Hamilton College, reports that in 2004, 34 percent of private-enterprise owners were CCP members. China's leaders are relentless travelers and spend substantial time with foreign dignitaries; China's diplomats are capable, experienced, and language proficient, and they increasingly understand their host societies.

China currently lags greatly behind in discovering and developing new technologies, but its capacity to innovate with production processes and adapt existing technologies to local markets is growing. It is boosting expenditures for research and development, and as of 2006, there were 750 research-and-development centers backed by foreign investment in the country. Beijing is also building its own global communications and broadcasting systems, with increasingly diverse programming, and heavily investing in the promotion of Chinese language education worldwide.

In that spirit, it promotes all kinds of exchanges. Chinese corporations and universities are increasingly recruiting talent globally, and a growing percentage of technically proficient and business-proficient Chinese students who studied abroad are returning to China. In 2003, China surpassed Japan as the leading source of Asian tourists (spending $48 billion in the process), and it is estimated that by 2020 Chinese will be taking 100 million trips abroad every year.

The payoff in terms of image is good, even though China's reputation in the United States still suffers. International public opinion polls uniformly reveal that Americans have more negative views of China than do most other people, predisposing Washington to be tougher with China than are other governments. In fact, according to polls conducted by the Pew Research Center, the BBC, and The financial Times and Harris Interactive, in much of the world, including most of Europe, China is perceived more favorably along many dimensions than is the United States. And although other nations generally do not wish to emulate China's political system, its combination of high-speed economic growth and apparent stability is a development path that appeals to many.

These quickly developing facets of Chinese "idea power," however, should not obscure two countervailing considerations. first, the Chinese political system does not adequately reflect the diverse interests of the increasingly pluralized society that marketization, urbanization, and globalization have created. Consequently, the CCP's legitimacy is not robust, and the government tends to play the nationalism card in moments of stress. Second, the Chinese system's appeal, at home and abroad, rests largely on the country's economic success. If China's economic performance falters, the system's weaknesses will become more apparent.


Beijing's priority is sustained, rapid economic growth, because growth is fundamental to the regime's legitimacy -- and most everything else. Even China's foreign policy is judged by its consequences for growth and internal stability. Chinese authorities are also fixated on domestic incidents of social disorder: increasingly, Beijing simultaneously represses dissent, pursues reform, redistributes resources to neglected regions and social sectors, and makes intermittent efforts to fight corruption.

China's leaders have an ambitious domestic agenda that will preoccupy them for decades. They are struggling to achieve a precarious balance between rising demands and the state's capacity to meet them. Between now and 2020, about 300 million rural dwellers will move to cities, bringing with them huge needs for infrastructure. (At that rate, the government will have to build a city the size of New York every four months for the next 14 years.) China already counts 111 million Internet users and a middle class that numbers, according to midrange estimates, 130 million people. But the disparity between the haves and the have-nots is increasing. Whereas ten percent of the national population lives on incomes higher than those of residents of moderately developed nations, according to the Chinese scholar Hu Angang, more than 50 percent of the population lives on incomes typical of the world's poorest states. Many governments at the county and township levels are starved for revenue. China's population is aging: the ratio of workers to the elderly is anticipated to drop from 6.4 to 1 in 2000 to about 2 to 1 by 2040. There is no effective nationwide social security system, and it is unlikely there will be one before the demographic challenge hits. Other major issues include severe health-care delivery problems, infectious diseases, and educational inequalities.

Chinese power is also limited by the international system itself. Nations balance against threats. Beijing is coming to realize, just as Washington and Tokyo do, that for every international action it takes, an equal and opposite reaction will occur. As China's global trade surplus mounts, so does pressure that it revalue its currency; Beijing has long resisted the push, but it is slowly acquiescing. If China extracts resources from poor nations, brings its own laborers to low-income countries already burdened by unemployment, tries to strong-arm regimes that recognize Taiwan, or cozies up to local elites who alienate their own people, Chinese interests will face resentment (or even riots, as recently occurred in Zambia). If China fails to fulfill its promise to invest $100 billion in Latin America by 2014, its credibility will suffer. If China deploys more missiles that can hit Japan as well as Taiwan in the Taiwan Strait, Tokyo will react by deploying antiballistic missiles and strengthening its Self-Defense Forces. China is already surrounded by skeptics: according to a mid-2006 poll conducted by the Pew Research Center, 93 percent of Japanese surveyed, 76 percent of Russians, and 63 percent of Indians thought that China's growing military power was a "bad thing" (95 percent of Chinese thought it was a "good thing"). In short, the rise of Chinese power generates global responses that Beijing cannot fully control and that may not be in its interest.


For the United States, the rise of China can mean only one thing: engagement. Washington has no choice. China is too big, too important, too dynamic, and has too many other nations with an interest in cooperating with it to be pushed around. Americans cannot compel cooperation; they must earn it on the strength of their ideas and the two countries' mutual interests. For one thing, Washington must stop defining Chinese power principally as a military challenge; otherwise, it will squander scarce resources and push Beijing to adopt the type of truculence Washington wishes to avoid. Instead, the United States -- and the rest of the world -- will have to adapt to the centrality of economic and idea power in China's national strategy. As China becomes more competitive, the United States must move up the value-added ladder. And there is no way to effectively do so with a large percentage of the U.S. population testing "below basic" in reading and math or with health-care costs reaching 18 percent of GDP, as is predicted will happen by 2014.

China wants to be a responsible stakeholder in the international system because it recognizes that the system works to its broad benefit. But like Washington, Beijing will define its responsibility according to its interests. Regarding the Korean Peninsula, for example, Washington asserts that a responsible position is to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons; Beijing would also prefer to see no nuclear weapons on the peninsula, but it places primacy on avoiding war. As of late 2006, Beijing was most concerned about the economic progress of its 1.3 billion people, whereas the United States was focused on a broad range of security issues, not least of which was nuclear proliferation.

The danger is that the outside world will feel Chinese power principally through the massive, often unintended spillover effects of its appetite for economic growth. Although Beijing's domestic and foreign policies are not malevolent by design, they often have harmful effects, and for those countries on the receiving end of them, intentions may not matter much. A major focus of U.S.-Chinese cooperation should be to reduce the causes and consequences of such unintended spillover effects, especially in the areas of energy and the environment, particularly in regard to global warming.

This, of course, will require putting an end to the mutual suspicion that currently afflicts U.S.-Chinese relations. Both sides could take positive steps. Beijing needs to accelerate policies that reassure the outside world -- for example, increasing transparency in its military budget. China would boost confidence enormously if it stopped deploying more missiles across from Taiwan. Additional deployment does little to further deter Taiwan's independence movement, but it alienates Taiwan's people and creates anxieties throughout the region, especially in Japan.

For its part, Washington should instill trust in Beijing by not acting in ways that jeopardize China's nuclear deterrent. Both sides would benefit from much more extensive military-to-military exchanges and cooperation in space. The United States, China, and Japan must find ways to reduce the acrimony in Sino-Japanese ties and build a security partnership. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's trip to China in October 2006, his first abroad as prime minister, was a good first step, but there are mountains of suspicion and resentment yet to be scaled. China's growing power calls for other states to respect the country and work with it constructively. The twenty-first century requires U.S. leaders who have the imagination to see possibilities for cooperation with China and to devise ways to motivate Americans to meet the economic and intellectual challenges that China's dynamic growth increasingly present.

I double emphasized this point ” the Chinese Communist Party is growing and recruiting dynamic new members. Professor Cheng Li, of Hamilton College, reports that in 2004, 34 percent of private-enterprise owners were CCP members” because I think it (expanding the CCP’s membership) is one of the ways the Chinese are trying to legitimize their government – to gain the all important ‘consent of the governed’.  I expect to see increased membership in the Party, proper, and some nascent democracy within the party – election, etc.
