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CFAT Issue, Planning on joining Reserves

Macrinus88 said:
This is just the recruiting center closing right?

No, the entire CF is closing up shop. Notices went out this morning. Sorry.
Macrinus88 said:
This is just the recruiting center closing right?


The Mississauga recruiting centre detachment is shutting down. None off the local reserve regiments are. I can assure you neither the Queen's Own Rifles nor the 48th Highlanders are slated for closing unless someone has in the past few hours pulled of something truly spectacular and atrocious that I've not yet heard about.

To fail to qualify for infantry on the CFAT is, to say the least, a bit of a feat. You should be able to think back and know what parts of the test you had difficulty with. As much as I love my trade, we aren't Mensa. If you pooched it to that extent you should know already what your weaknesses are.

The only answer you will get on the CFAT rewrite that you can take to the bank will be from a recruiting centre that you attend in person. There are many informed opinions on the site, but it will not be the members here processing your application. Attend the recruiting centre, bring in your transcripts thus far, show the aademic upgrading you've done, and see if they'll offer you another kick at the cat.

If they do, be rested, fit and ready so you don't waste our time.
I don't need to be ridiculed because I failed to qualify for Infantry, I had Insomnia problems back then.

Any CF recruiting center allows you to join any unit/branch of the military right? Depending on if they have opening in those units of course.

4900 Yonge  Toronto, ON M2N 6A4, I will just go to that recruiting center.
Macrinus88 said:
I don't need to be ridiculed because I failed to qualify for Infantry, I had Insomnia problems back then.
If you consider this ridicule, I suggest you build up a bit of callus before trying to become an infanteer.
Macrinus88 said:
I don't need to be ridiculed because I failed to qualify for Infantry, I had Insomnia problems back then.

Any CF recruiting center allows you to join any unit/branch of the military right? Depending on if they have opening in those units of course.

4900 Yonge  Toronto, ON M2N 6A4, I will just go to that recruiting center.

I'm not ridiculing you. You would know if I was. I'm saying that to fail to qualify for infantry takes sufficiently poor performance on the CFAT that you should have some idea of where you went awry. If *that* offends you, best reconsider joining, because you will hear far worse, and you will be expected to be accountable for your own failings in this profession. We take the approach that you own it and learn from it rather than get pissy. That is the approach that I as an infantry NCO take to such things and you can expect to run into it time and again.

Yes, all CFRCs can process any trade. However to join a reserve unit - I was a recruiter or a reserve infnatry unit up until late March and can speak on this - *they* must initially accept you as an applicant and say they are willing to offer you a spot before your file ever gets opened by CFRC. So your first step is the unit you're looking to join.
Brihard said:
Yes, all CFRCs can process any trade. However to join a reserve unit - I was a recruiter or a reserve infnatry unit up until late March and can speak on this - *they* must initially accept you as an applicant and say they are willing to offer you a spot before your file ever gets opened by CFRC. So your first step is the unit you're looking to join.

Well considering he didn't even read the part I mentioned last month about requiring a 2nd rewrite waiver, and how difficult it is to get that, I am not holding my breath on a reserve unit even considering him, and since most are stood down with everyone gone on tasking/course.....

Macinus this whats going to happen if you show up at 4900 Yonge at this point in time...

You show up no letter in hand, they will say you need one first.  They may even look you up in CFRIMS since you have already written the CFAT twice.  They will see you have written it twice and not qualified infantry.  They will tell you whatever it says in the log from the last MCC who counseled you, probably to go take some courses and get pretty high marks.  They will ask, have you done this, if you say no, they will say thanks have a nice day, come back when you have done so. 

You seem to be under this impression we owe you something.  We don't.  While every Canadian Citizen has the right to apply to the CF, not everyone has the stuff to make it through.  We aren't Tim Horton's or McDonalds.  You have had two opportunities and didn't pass.  You now claim you had some sort of issue that affected your test, however you only now bring this up, when you should have brought it up when you wrote the test(s).  In fact you are given that opportunity, before you even write the test, to say "Hey I am not feeling so good today, can I write on another day?"  Its part of the verbatim, the invigilator says before prospects write the CFAT.  "If anyone has any issue they feel may effect their performance, let me know now, and your test will be rescheduled without penalty". 

But by all means feel free to waste the time of the Recruiter's, MCC's and file managers. 
Sorry, I just took offense to the "Failing infantry is quiet a feat in itself part".

What letter in hand? You mean my university acceptance? Im studying a CFAT prep this time so Im confident I will do well on the test. I did have Insomnia problems back then, it is why I only qualified for cook and then qualified for nothing, I was always fatigued and drowsy. Didn't wanna say anything about it but I don't have those problems anymore so Im fine to write it now.
Macrinus88 said:
What letter in hand? You mean my university acceptance?

No. The one from the reserve unti you wish to join. The CFRC will not process you unless you have one.
Macrinus88 said:
Sorry, I just took offense to the "Failing infantry is quiet a feat in itself part".

What letter in hand? You mean my university acceptance? Im studying a CFAT prep this time so Im confident I will do well on the test. I did have Insomnia problems back then, it is why I only qualified for cook and then qualified for nothing, I was always fatigued and drowsy. Didn't wanna say anything about it but I don't have those problems anymore so Im fine to write it now.

GO BACK AND READ WHAT I WROTE.  You need a second re-write waiver, studying a book you bought at Chapters won't cut it.  I am not going to explain what you need to do because I have done so twice already.
Macrinus88 said:
Sorry, I just took offense to the "Failing infantry is quiet a feat in itself part".

What letter in hand? You mean my university acceptance? Im studying a CFAT prep this time so Im confident I will do well on the test. I did have Insomnia problems back then, it is why I only qualified for cook and then qualified for nothing, I was always fatigued and drowsy. Didn't wanna say anything about it but I don't have those problems anymore so Im fine to write it now.

Your taking of offense is noted. But many civilians aren't used to facing blunt truth on things, and that's something we deal with a lot in this job.

Every piece of information you need on this has already been posted here and elsewhere. Do some research, re-read this thread and others, and understand the process necessary to argue why you deserve a a third try. You need to understand that, and you need to be able to articulate it to the reserve recruiter if you're going to have any luck convincing him in the first instance that you're deserving of his risking a recruitment spot on if he's to send you down to CFRC with a regimental letter stating their willingness to have you processed. That is what I would have expected had I faced a similar candidate when I was recruiting.
I am putting together a new CFAT.

It will consist of only two parts, yet will still provide a valid (and possibly superior) indicator of future performance.

Part I: Applicant is given a bag of assorted items for disposal and directed to a room with containers marked "Cans", "Plastic", "Paper", and "Trash". This is not as simple as it appears - it baffles many members of higher HQs.

Part II: Applicant is provided with a copy of this thread and a piece of paper upon which to write out the correct sequence of activities required in order to apply.