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CANEX toques

once a gunner

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ok so what's the deal with canex toques....authorized or not???/  I've seen plenty of Army types wearing these around bases in uniform....canex now carries a blue verison so I attempted to wear it as it fits better than that crappy issued one and is warmer.......new base policy today states no canex toques in uniform....my point is Canex used to sell the blue beret cloth band because it wasnt' in the system (now aval online) and no problems....canex sells blue jackets for wear in 3'bs  and canex also sold a parka which are listed in the regs as authorized.......why not the toque????/ 
hey gunner, maybe you should just move somewhere warmer so you don't need a toque  ;)

What do the canex ones look like?  Are they of a different material or style?  I take it they are noticeably different enough to get picked up while wearing it?
they are polar fleece.....much warm than the one that looks like granny knitted it :p
Nice!  And for once you're making sense, why sell them like the other articles you mentioned and not be allowed to wear them.  I'm curious as whether other bases have this policy as well.  Hmm, maybe I'll get a new fleece one and just wear it under my knit one!
The bases I've been posted to were all ok with the OD fleece toque, we were even allowed to wear them on our QL3.

Also where I'am you can also wear CADPAT toques. Dunno if all units are ok with it or if its just mine.
Like wearing the fleece as an outer garment in the field, polar fleece and cadpat toques are up to RSM's, Bde RSM's, Base RSM's, etc. Check standing orders under dress on some bases or units, and it's good to go. Others, not so much.
Well I'm home for lunch to get my toque that granny knitted for me!! ah well it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission....I guess we'll have to wait till someone head huncho in 1 CAD or NDHQ starts wearing the fleece toque before it's allowed....I'II just suck it up and solider on! :salute:
once a gunner said:
Well I'm home for lunch to get my toque that granny knitted for me!! ah well it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission....I guess we'll have to wait till someone head huncho in 1 CAD or NDHQ starts wearing the fleece toque before it's allowed....I'II just suck it up and solider on! :salute:

That sucks. I've worn my fleece one I baught at Canex in Meaford at 4 bases now and have never had an issue. If you want I will start walking by 1 CAD in the mornings on way to work, get it noticed a bit.  ;D
OD canex toque is ok in Wainwright, but cadpat one is not. Passed down in O gp here a couple of weeks ago. :p
Fleece toque is OK throughout LFQA..... really!
Kingston Is ok with the Fleece Toque's, but not the Cadpat
Why is there a resistance to CADPAT fleece toques? That's just silly to me personally. I mean it's a freaking toque!

Fortunately my son is only 12 and nobody cares if he wears the one I made him to school.  It is rediculous what they get their knickers in a twist about as we have seen on other threads as well.
No kidd! Also the no Back toques, no this, no that! Man!

Maybe I'll jack him up after school today just to see if I remember some of the stupidity I put up with when I was in
riggermade said:
Maybe I'll jack him up after school today just to see if I remember some of the stupidity I put up with when I was in

LOL you're cruel ;D

I would so do that to my kid if I ever have one ;)
OD toque is ok in Valcartier...but the cadpat one is not...passed in Ogroup a few weeks ago.
I've seen the CADPAT fleece toque and it is butt ugly.  :-X
I'll stick to my 1 RCR kit shop OD fleece toque, thanks.