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Canadian in the US Navy

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mariomike said:
I was thinking of "Top Gun", or "JAG".  :)
"Simulating Shipboard Life at Home":

"This guide was designed to assist those who would like to, but haven't had the opportunity or privilege to enjoy an extended period of time aboard a US Naval vessel."

I forgot to mention that the only military that would be worse would be, of course, the British, but they are serial sado-masochists and should be discounted for the purposes of this discussion.
daftandbarmy said:
I forgot to mention that the only military that would be worse would be, of course, the British, but they are serial sado-masochists and should be discounted for the purposes of this discussion.

Having worked, lived and eaten with both the US and British armed forces (specifically US Navy, US Army, RN and British Army), I would choose the Brits over the Americans in a heart beat, but that's only if I had to choose between those two.  My first choice is, has always been and will always be the Canadian Forces.  We get better pay, better benefits, better quality of life than either of them and we still get to do much of the cool stuff that they get to do (nuclear submarine service being one exception, but six months without surfacing doesn't do it for me).

Be careful you're not looking at the world through rose-coloured (note the "u") glasses.  Most US Navy sailors (not so much the officers mind you) I've met look at us with envy.
Bike to live,

Do you speak (or plant to learn) a high-demand foreign language other than French? Such as Arabic or Mandarin? Or are you planning on going into the medical field? If you do, there's another exception for you to consider:

The MAVNI program, which accepts non-immigrant/non-greencard foreign citizens into the US military:

link 1

The MAVNI (Military Accessions Vital to the National Interest) pilot program, authorized by the Defense Department, gives legal aliens with skills considered to be vital to national interest--doctors, nurses, and certain language experts--the opportunity to expedite the naturalization process by serving in the U.S. military.

Official US Army link

The program has been temporarily halted for now, though it will reportedly resume this year after a new screening process is implemented.

While this program is for non-greencard holders, potential candidates for this program had to have been in the US for at least two years on another visa category such as a student visa or a tourist visa or a work permit.


Still, have you ever thought about another alternative to the US Navy or the CF? How about the British Royal Navy? Canada is a member of the UK Commonwealth of Nations, which means that we as Canadians can join the RN or other parts of the British military.

Direct quote from the RN website:

British, Irish and Commonwealth citizens may join the Royal Navy or Royal Marines. However, certain career paths are only available to British citizens. See the link below for details.

However, the number of trades in the RN open to Commonwealth citizens such as Canadians, Aussies or Kiwis is limited and here is one example below:

RN aircraft handler rating


Good luck in whatever path you decide to take.
Bike to Live said:
Hi, I was wondering how a Canadian citizen can join the US Navy.

I know one member on here served in 'nam in the US Infantry.

Thank you.

You do know we have a SEARCH function, and if you don't like that, you can also use Google.  The subject of Canadians joining the US military has been covered before, and this is just another topic that we will now have to merge so that others in the future will not have to spend days sifting through numerous topics just to find the same information posted over and over again.

Thanks for coming out.

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