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Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

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I don't remember anything as advanced as calculus on the CFAT (admittedly, I did mine 5 years ago). I think the furthest it went was simple algebra with a heavy portion of word problems. I had some difficulties with the spatial reasoning section but that's something you can practise. I think your best bet would be to go to the recruiting centre and ask them what sort of skills are assessed and if they have any recommended areas of study.

Some trades require higher CFAT scores than others so your entry will be dependent on what you decide you want to do.
Hey there, the new cfat now has an additional advance reasoning/logic/problem solving section (or something like that). When I went to complete my cfat we were submitted to the new addition, but it appeared to be a combination of the first sections albeit a little more on the spatial side. I was really worried about the math section as well and prior to taking the CFAT I looked over the many pages on the test in the recruiting section and worked on mental math, as the calculator has been glued to my fingers through my school. I also found the following sites to be extremely helpful.

http://xpmath.com/ebooks/files/mastermath.pdf  This is a book that you can download that describes how to preform word problems step by step ranging from simple distance problems, to percents and beyond.

http://math.usask.ca/emr/menu_arith.html This site helped me increase the speed of my mental calculations. As the CFAT is a timed test, these exercises were very helpful.

There are many other sites to help, I suggest you read through the thread on the CFAT in the recruiting forum.

We've been over this countless times, theres a 40-page thread on CFAT and its still growing

Le_Quebecor ......please start looking around the site before starting new threads on the same old stuff, please

milnet.ca staff
Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) FAQ

I'm in the same position as you.. I wrote my CFAT July 31 and didn't qualify for my specific trade (TRAFFIC TECH). So the Captain that talked to me said that usually you can rewrite the test in 10 days, but since my problem was mainly with the problem solving he told me he was going to give me 30 days to brush up on the math and send in a waiver for me to write the test again. So I've been taking the chance to study up by getting a gr 10 math text book and finding a friend to help me practice the problem solving because he did well with that subject.

If you have any advice for me, I would be greatful or if anyone else can help me.

I also have recently written my CFAT, I didn't fail it, but however I want to go into a specific trade and fell short only a few points. My problem solving and spatial ability was excellent, however my verbal section i only got a 5 out of 15. The recruiter told me I could look at another trade or write it again and hopefully bring up my verbal. I know verbal skills are something you either have or dont have, but does anyone have any suggestions in which I could use while answering the questions?

SchroederKW said:
I also have recently written my CFAT, I didn't fail it, but however I want to go into a specific trade and fell short only a few points. My problem solving and spatial ability was excellent, however my verbal section i only got a 5 out of 15. The recruiter told me I could look at another trade or write it again and hopefully bring up my verbal. I know verbal skills are something you either have or dont have, but does anyone have any suggestions in which I could use while answering the questions?


Read a dictionary.
I just recently completed my process into the CF. I missed the officer qualification by 4 points. According to the recruiter in Hamilton there is a 4 points of error or something like that. If i came back after I got my degree, I would be eligible for officer. I was wondering if that is true.
Having a degree has little to do with the CFAT.  It is an APTITUDE test, not a knowledge test.  Do you have the aptitude to do a certain job, not whether or not you have a piece of paper to hang on your wall.
angrydevil said:
I just recently completed my process into the CF. I missed the officer qualification by 4 points. According to the recruiter in Hamilton there is a 4 points of error or something like that. If i came back after I got my degree, I would be eligible for officer. I was wondering if that is true.

If rewrite the aptitude test and pass, then yes, you would qualify.

And yes, it is possible to study and prepare for aptitude tests. 
Another "help me with the CFAT" thread? Outstanding. The 26 page <a href=http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/23193.0.html> CFAT thread </a> doesn't contain any useful information.

I don't think I'd recommend reading a dictionary since your retention would be pretty low but you might try reading some more "advanced" literature (Ulysses by James Joyce immediately comes to mind). You'll probably spend an equal amount of time in the dictionary but you'll have a bit more context for how those words work and their nuances.
If you have an university degree then there is a possibility of a waiver for your CFAT results.  So when you get your degree go back and take it from there.  However, as the CFAT score is part of the total score that is assigned to you after you are processed and it is that total score that determines whether you get accepted or not then it is in your best interests to rewrite and obtain a very high score. Next time the recruiter tells you something perhaps you should listen to what they say instead of coming on here looking for confirmation especially with the two responses that you got were right out to lunch.
I have just ordered the "30 days to the ASVAB (American version of our CFAT) Study Guide" from Chapters.
Reason being is because I have done my CFAT before and failed. What are your opinions on this book and what else can I do to prepare??
Lazarus** said:
I have just ordered the "30 days to the ASVAB (American version of our CFAT) Study Guide" from Chapters.
Reason being is because I have done my CFAT before and failed. What are your opinions on this book and what else can I do to prepare??

Hey whatever makes you feel better.  Recommend write down what you remember about the test, you practice your long division and fractions, read the Readers' Digest word power and play video games.
Doom said:
kin, are you serious about the playing video games part? haha?

Well some had said that those that do very well on the spatial ability test play a lot of video games.