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Canada's tanks

I'd be really out in front of my skis if I tried to answer that!

I will say, though, that in 2008 to get the armour package as-configured (particularly the belly armour) the work had to be done in Germany. The interior turret stuff, though, could be done in New Brunswick. I am sure that some bright engineers/plant design folks could figure out a way to put on some form of armour upgrade in New Brunswick.
the billion in service support contract with KNDS doesnt cover refurbishment of the 2A4's?
Though- that 15 number was set while that 20 A6M's were off the board for overhaul and upgrades, the completion of which leads to some interesting possibilities.

  1. 34 A4's+5A4M's was enough to sustainably meet domestic training/generation needs- it stands to reason that 34+5+5A6M's would do so as well, leaving the option of adding 15 A6M's to Latvia (flyover contingent?)
  2. 1, but instead of Latvia the 15 available combat tanks are tasked to part of a 2nd combined arms battlegroup to be shipped over
  3. 34 A4's + 5A4M's was an unsustainable stop gap, the availability of the A6's lets us shift to a more sustainable 34+9+9, leaving 11+11 for full doctrinal squadron+ spares in Latvia
  4. Somewhere between 1 & 2, full squadron+ 1-2 additional troops and/or spares (25-28 total tanks in Latvia)
Still no to deploying full tank regiment or heavy combined arms Bde, but better than a combat team - especially if the infantry can match the expansion
So what you're saying ( In my best Cathy BBC 4 voice) is Canada needs more Tanks. How about we get on board and buy 100 Leo 2A7M's plus 7 or so Bridge layers? Keep the 20 A6M's and give the A4's to Ukraine. Hopefully the R&O contract will maintain the ARV's AND AEV's
I'd be really out in front of my skis if I tried to answer that!

I will say, though, that in 2008 to get the armour package as-configured (particularly the belly armour) the work had to be done in Germany. The interior turret stuff, though, could be done in New Brunswick. I am sure that some bright engineers/plant design folks could figure out a way to put on some form of armour upgrade in New Brunswick.
Even without armour upgrade, Assuming "interior turret stuff" is inclusive of replacing the obsolete hydraulic turret drive with electric and bringing the FCS etc into more or less commonality with the rest of the fleet...

Seems like the benefits of doing so would be massive. Easier to maintain, can be fully functional trainers without need for conversion, actually deployable in a ballon up scenario
So what you're saying ( In my best Cathy BBC 4 voice) is Canada needs more Tanks. How about we get on board and buy 100 Leo 2A7M's plus 7 or so Bridge layers? Keep the 20 A6M's and give the A4's to Ukraine. Hopefully the R&O contract will maintain the ARV's AND AEV's
whats the difference between a 2a7 or 2a8 and our MC2?