Whyizzit South Korea, a country twice the size of Nova Scotia, with 50,000,000 people, no noticeable resource base, that was flattened 70 years ago, is still actively militarily engaged is becoming / has become the free world's arsenal?
155mm shells. Its own fleet of home grown rockets and missiles. Cannons and Mortars. Tanks and IFVs. Cars. Fighters. Ships. Submarines. Drones for every environment. Computers. Radios. Chips. Lasers. Radars. TVs. Consumer goods. Industrial equipment. Pumps. Tanks (vessels). Reactors.
Whyizzit Poland, a country the size of Newfoundland and Labrador, with 36,000,000 people, that was flattened by war 80 years ago, subjugated for 40 years, emerged with a third world level of GDP, is now on track to overtake the UK for GDP, is buying S. Korean designs and building them faster in their thousands, along with new ships, homegrown missiles..... I could go on?
And Canada?
Lacks will. Lacks initiative. Lacks incentive. Slack. Idle. Wanting In Military Proficiency. I find myself hard pressed NOT to see Canada in those terms. This land and its resources are wasted on us.