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Canada's First Nations - CF help, protests, solutions, etc. (merged)

Interesting article on Mcleans.

If anyone wants to donate money to Chief Spence they can send it, specifically per her wishes, to Clay.


I had a feeling when this BS started that they'd be their own undoing and I am glad to see that they appear to be. No doubt the sympathetic to their plight stupid will find some way to justify this... ::)
Yep All hell is about to break lose. they are holding an Idle no more protest in wawa today. They plan to Peacefully blockade the Goose. Hell what is to be gained here in wawa.
If you follow any social groups there seems to be 2 camps. The moderates who want to find solutions and others who seem hardly able to contain themselves with anger and are just itching for a chance to fight something, anything. The latter are acting like a bunch of bullies to the former.

First nations people who disagree with blockading border crossings for selfish reasons such as needing to bring children to daycare or not being able to afford missing even 1 day of work are shouted down by others who have accepted that blocking off a road will end first nations problems.  It's sad seeing parents worried about feeding their children being treated like 'traitors' and accused of being spies for the Harper government. Called cowards, accused of betraying their ancestors etc..

Really peaceful group that is.
What the hell does she need monetary donations for? It's cheap to starve.
There is a criminal/rabble rousing element at work as well. Caledonia has seen "warriors" from the aboriginal community at their worst.
I just looked at a couple of the Facebook pages and things are getting downright idiotic. From challenges to Stephen Harper's manhood to calling out whites, they appear to thrive on bully tactics. I have no doubt that if I registered on one of the groups and voiced my disagreement that I'd be attacked or muzzled - and therefore find it funny that these dolts are claiming that government trolls are responsible for asking for money.

Personally, Chief Spence has done nothing but convince me that she is a spotlight hound and a bully.
Sounds like elements of racism and a lean towards support of hate crimes IMO.  Time for someone to call a spade a spade WRT their actions and intentions.
Scott said:
I just looked at a couple of the Facebook pages and things are getting downright idiotic. From challenges to Stephen Harper's manhood to calling out whites, they appear to thrive on bully tactics. I have no doubt that if I registered on one of the groups and voiced my disagreement that I'd be attacked or muzzled - and therefore find it funny that these dolts are claiming that government trolls are responsible for asking for money.

Personally, Chief Spence has done nothing but convince me that she is a spotlight hound and a bully.

That's not surprising if the Warrior Society and American Indian Movement types are sniffing around in person and on line.  We would have AIM come around the area I grew up from time to time with the intent to stir up trouble.  They're a worthless bunch of shyte. 
I have zero doubt that they are. Each subgroup with an agenda of their own to advance, each with methods of their own. Idiots: pretty much the entire works.

Fully agree with your last.
Eye In The Sky said:
Sounds like elements of racism and a lean towards support of hate crimes IMO.  Time for someone to call a spade a spade WRT their actions and intentions.

Only white people are racists, dontcha know?
Some of the more recent replies seem to be expressions of frustration with the actions of certain Aboriginal groups or of the inaction on the part of the provincial police.  I'll be the first to admit that I do not know much about the First Nations but I think it is important to keep in mind that there are at least two sides to every issue.  There are also replies that are resentful, perhaps outright hateful, of the demands, behavior and attitudes of the First Nations but I have trouble understanding the origins of such hostility. 

I did read up a little bit about Caledonia and am aware of other past or current land claim disputes between First Nations and the Crown.  Are we unhappy because those designated with Indian status receive certain entitlements that other Canadians do not?  Is there anger because of the way they choose to stage their protests?  If the opinion is that members of First Nations are being treated with different standards, why do you think this is so?  Mismanagement of public funds is a concern for all Canadians, but it is a bit of a jump to start suggesting that the Indian Act and other related acts be removed.  How many of us know how governments funds are spent, in detail, on an annual basis and, how come the same concern does not apply? 

Is it because we resent their current way of living?  In instances, to spend recklessly or to misappropriate taxpayer money?  There are those who argue that the First Nations should try harder to integrate with the rest of Canadian society, but what does that entail?  Many of us are aware of abuses on Reserves, related to women, drugs or gambling.  What sort of steps would you propose to improve their lot, or, in your opinion, that is something they need to figure out for themselves because they have no one to blame but themselves?

Would we suggest that they go into agriculture and try to start a farm?  Anyone who owns or works on a farm knows how difficult that can be without proper investment.  I'll also be the first to say that yes, Aboriginal people can be racist.  They can be violent, greedy and in general unfriendly or biased against non-natives.  I think it is important for Canadians to have a better understanding of the Crown's relationship with the First Nations community and the history when discussing contemporary issues.  The key is to locate the facts amid the sensational fluff that finds it course on the internet or in your local bar. 

One thing I am thankful for is that, for the most part, lawyers do have the time and resources to pull that information and make an objective decision on these matters. 

Regarding Caledonia, the property development company had already reached a settlement with the government of Canada for all current and future damages.  The residents of Caledonia had also reached a similar agreement with the province of Ontario, although it did not come until much later and does not make up for the poor handling of the issue.  As for the OPP, why would they deliberately throw people under a bus?  That makes no sense to me.  I think the OPP were doing their job based on the decision of others who had a much more thorough knowledge of the legal implications surrounding the dispute. 

Anyhow, consider this an attempt to steer this discussion back on track.
Kat Stevens said:
Only white people are racists, dontcha know?

That actually seems to be a common held belief among the left that only white people are racist and "reverse racisim" is a phrase coined by the whites to try and shift blame away from their misogynist racist settler privileged ways.
Now, the Globe and Mail reports, protesters, assumed to be Idle No More have blocked the main rail line between Toronto and Montreal at a location near Belleville, ON. The report, time stamped at 1923 Hrs, quotes a CN Rail spokesman as saying the rail line has been blocked for a couple of hours and a number of passenger and freight trains have been held up.

According to the same CN spokesman: it’s believed rail officials and police are trying to determine their (the protesters') intentions.

Edit: format
E.R. Campbell said:
Now, the Globe and Mail reports, protesters, assumed to be Idle No More have blocked the main rail line between Toronto and Montreal at a location near Belleville, ON. The reports, time stamped at 1923 Hrs, quotes a CN Rail spokesman as saying the rail line has been blocked for a couple of hours and a number of passenger and freight trains have been held up.

According to the same CN spokesman: it’s believed rail officials and police are trying to determine their (the protesters') intentions.

Isn't blocking a vital rail line an act of Domestic Terrorism?
Of course not! Just ask them.
Hell I'm just spitballing ideas that the OPP can use to get off their asses and do their jobs.
my72jeep said:
Hell I'm just spitballing ideas that the OPP can use to get off their asses and do their jobs.

Stick a Timmies out there, they would be there in a heartbeat..........