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CADPAT as Navy Work Dress?

Should the NAVY adopt CADPAT as a standard non-shipboard dress

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Dirty Stoker said:
That USN camo is fugly.   I'd go for CADPAT workdress if they were Nomex coveralls.
I agree completely. I was down in Naval Station San Diego for the past 10 days on a an exchange trip with my SCC. The majority of the Navy personnel had "work dress" (don't really know what else to call it) but there were some who did have the didgital camo. If Canada was to adopt such a patern, it could cause some large problems. If someone was to go overboard in stormy seas(think North Atlantic) the camo would probabily blend in with the white caps and such. If Naval CADPAT was issued, there would need to be some sort of bright warm colour on the shoulders (red, orange, yellow).

Just my 2 cents.
NCDS are ok being made of nomex but  I think it looks kind of impractical the US is going to  navy BDU's I don't think Cam is a good idea but only the navy would give you something you have to iron and call it "combat dress"
Here is what they are looking at

and here is a link

Wow that really is ugly. I actually thought it would look good, but I guess that I was horribly wrong.
andpro said:
Wow that really is ugly. I actually thought it would look good, but I guess that I was horribly wrong.

Have you seen our NCDs? Its not exactly an attractive uniform...
Navy CADPAT....gimme a break.........lets just get a nice one piece NOMEX coverall (for the ship)

If we had SeaBees in Canada, it might work for them.

Hard Naval positions ashore, should wear salt-peppers. It looks professional and very Navy.
Ex-Dragoon said:
Have you seen our NCDs? Its not exactly an attractive uniform...

I have actually worn our NCD's, they are functional for working in and don't look bad (just my opinion). The USN camo just looks like sailors trying to be soldiers.

NCRCrow said:
Hard Naval positions ashore, should wear salt-peppers. It looks professional and very Navy.

That is a good point, I would wear the salt and peppers before combats, it gives our sailors a more professional look.
NCD's are sloppy and damn ugly looking and require massive sorting at sea between all three pieces.

and u are more apt to lose a piece when it gets mixed up between the messes.

Lets go..one piece..quick and easy

we did a coverall trial on Iroquois in 95...i guess nothing ever came out of it

the army gets like a new piece of kit everday...we still use leather ninja turtle mitts and have no extreme cold water-proof boot (plse correct me if I am wrong)

we should have "clothe the sailor"
The new sea boots are much better then those low pieces of crap they use to issue. We have nothing near to the army's mukluks or any of their cold weather gear which is a downright shame.
It's about time the naval clothing authorities make a recommendation to the CMS to adopt coveralls as the standard shipboard dress for all ranks. It seems to work for the Aussies, our heldets, the firefighters and the occasional seagoing Physician Assistant who has some difficulty following dress instructions, so why not the rest of the Fleet...

The old arguments in regards to dirty, basement dwellers needing to "clean into night clothing" while dragging around a jacket which constitutes a second layer of clothing just don't cut it in today's reality of real world deployments with real world emergencies, read fires.

Don't get me started with requirement to carry "war bags", that is quite possibly the stupidest thing that I've even seen! For those of you not in the know, the Navy uses an old mess tin pouch to carry anti flash gear / shell dressing / triangular bandage strung on a belt along with an inflatable life vest and a C3 mask for PPE during action stations.

Why not store the anti flash gear / FA supplies in the large pockets on the legs of a the new coveralls?  Makes sense to me but, when I was in position to say my piece, while wearing coveralls, the adults of the time thought I was a heretic. Then again, one of those adults thought that steel toed sandals for shipboard wear in the tropics would be popular with the troops while meeting all OSHA regulations

I'm also sure that something could be done about carrying the C3 mask, is there a need while inside a pressurized citadel on a highly mobile platform? What's gonna slime you?

Same can be said for the life vest, I'd probably have to get to the uppers in order to use it, so why not keep them there?

Ain't in fun to work in a risk averse organization.
OP Apollo Roto 0--we (I) carried those retarded war bags for like 70 days straight.

What a waste, we would go alongside the French & Kipper Navy (RAS) and they would be in shorts.

Laughing at us.

We had warbags on while Jessica Simpson waved to us from the USS Bataan on XMAS day.

what a laugh!!!
Listen up folks, the way you change things in regards to any type of kit is to put in UCR's (unsatisfactory condition report). DMRS (Directorate Maritime Requirements) will not look at anything unless there is a UCR. If each ship in the Navy puts in a UCR regarding clothing then CMS is forced to look at it. Just bitching about it will NOT get you new kit.

When the army started the clothe the soldier project, the Navy did not sign on, therefore when we ask about getting the gloves or underwear we are told to go stuff it. Since we are not part of the project we do not get to use any of it. Now the Navy is looking into a clothe the sailor, but this will take time because we are re-inventing the wheel, AGAIN ???

Finally, the folks who make the decisions about dress are mainly senior chiefs up in Ottawa who have not been to sea in years. Once again if they do not have formalized correspondence from the ships to help them make decisions then you will end up with kit like the NCD. (which in my mind looks like crap, feels like crap and is NOT professional looking.
Big fan of the idea of Coveralls....only at sea though. I like the look of the NCD's....