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Cadets that take things too far?

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Pte. Gagnon said:
Me and a couple buddy's from my corps try and go "hardcore" but were not stupid about it...we keep ourselves safe doing it. We're talking about have perfect cam...stuff like that.

in my opinion i don't think that any cadet is truly hardcore no matter what kind of cam you have or equipment.
i don't think you are truly hardcore untill you are on the front line fighting for you life your country and most importantly the person beside you.
Your right Hutch I agree with you totally. You can't be turly hardcore in cadets because there are people in real life so close to losing their life about everyday. I had a ww2 veteran come to our school and he said he wanted to be hardcore and cool like in the movies but then he said that once your out there you really know what "hardcore" is. So Hutch is absolutly right. You need to experience the horrors of war before you can say what you want about it or being hardcore.
Pte. Gagnon,

As one of the many adults on this forum, the frequent use of the word "hardcore" is a little disturbing. Do any of the cadets on this forum actually believe that the professional, career solider does things "hardcore"? How about the F-18 Pilot, or the Navy Clearance diver? Or the Firefighter? They do not do things "hardcore", they do them with skill, professionalism, SAFETY, and with discipline. You do not fly jets "hardcore", you do not fight fires, "hardcore", you do not clear sea mines, "hardcore".

Even under the most stressful situation, being a POW, male and female pilots, sailors and combat solders still maintain discipline and professionalism. They would not necessarily be doing things "hardcore".

Pte. Gagnon said:
Me and a couple buddy's from my corps try and go "hardcore" but were not stupid about it...we keep ourselves safe doing it. We're talking about have perfect cam...stuff like that.
I remember once our old WO, (God I miss him,) was telling us about how they used to have a group cadets who were considered "hardcore," and they would have a seperate camp site from the rest of the corps and would have their own flag... the jolly roger.
At first glance it sounds almost awesome, but when you think about it, I'd hate to be the cadet feeling belittled by this group of the so-called "elite." In the end this group was disbanded because it almost destroyed the unity of our corps.

62 RHLI is always careful when it comes to weather conditions and pushing the limits... some of this can be credited to our CO. Although everyone likes her and enjoys her cheerful attitude, I sometimes find she's got a rather large soft spot. Catered food, heated cabins and a 0730 wake up time are far from what I'd call the regular routine of a winter FTX.

I'm sometimes shocked by the irresponsiblity of some of our (newer) NCO's. One Cpl. came on our winter FTX with no gloves, no toque, and wore jeans. She was always way too cold to participate in any games we played, so she sat at the picnic table freezing her arse off. Another MCpl arrived for tagging on a blizzarding Saturday without gloves, and when I questioned her she answered "I didn't want to wear them, but now I regret it." Luckily enough, I had 3 pairs on me. (Don't even ask why.  ;D)\

Please excuse Pte. Gagnon, he gets a bit excited when he hears the word "hardcore"...  ;D

Please don't make me do drill, Gagnon..
FSgt_mandal said:
Someone lock this...........................Please......................
Second that, or please, steer clear of that damned "hardcore" debate...

I guess me and you have different views of harcore...i think of it as me being a cadet and trying to be like a reservist or a reg force soldier...
Pte. Gagnon said:

I guess me and you have different views of harcore...i think of it as me being a cadet and trying to be like a reservist or a reg force soldier...
Say it with me now... "wa-nna-be".  :P

Kidding.. kidding..
*Lexi runs and hides*
We have all been through the phase, as long as they aren't hurting anyone else don't make a big deal about it.  It's just maturity any 13 year old kid in Combat gear has the same attitude, just let them go through the phase it won't last too long.
Pte. Gagnon said:

I guess me and you have different views of harcore...i think of it as me being a cadet and trying to be like a reservist or a reg force soldier...
*bashes head against wall*

Explain to me, what is "hardcore"? Give me a good, solid example, and why it's a good thing. I don't mean the standard "I'm hardcore cause I can stand for x hours in the snow with no coat" BS. A real, solid example. I doubt you can. Being "hardcore", doesn't mean a thing. The best cadets strive to go to their limits, and maybe a bit beyond, but they know when to stop. That is what you should strive to be like. Not the idiots who freeze or injure themselves trying to be "hardcore".
condor888000 said:
*bashes head against wall*

Explain to me, what is "hardcore"? Give me a good, solid example, and why it's a good thing. I don't mean the standard "I'm hardcore cause I can stand for x hours in the snow with no coat" BS. A real, solid example. I doubt you can. Being "hardcore", doesn't mean a thing. The best cadets strive to go to their limits, and maybe a bit beyond, but they know when to stop. That is what you should strive to be like. Not the idiots who freeze or injure themselves trying to be "hardcore".
Bang on.
Egads, you nearly stole the words from my mouth.

(I don't know Gagnon by the way...  ;) ;D)
I already explained what MY version of hardcore is... Maybe it's different from other peoples...
What is "Hardcore" its being smart and planning ahead
causing bodily harm when its not required is not "hardcore" at all its just plain dumb
as for you comment about trying to be like a reservist or reg force soldier I have never seen a soldier do something like that
we try to plan ahead so we can adapt and survive not play tough guy to look cool
these kids best start thinkin instead of trying to look tough
Stirling hits the nail on the head. I can attest because I am a part of one of the professions given as an example, read page two of this thread to see the example I set out for all to see, it did happen. I think it just might be a case of youth being, well, youth. Excitable, wanting to impress, trying to seem "older" than they are, any one of a million examples. The thing is, if you're concentrating so much on being "hardcore", and whatever you think that embodies, then how much time does that leave for the rest of the things you must do?

I used to think, when I was a a new guy, that sitting around learning about ropes and knots or theory of fire wasn't going to get me anywhere when it actually came to fighting the fire. I thought, as a greenhorn, that I already knew what was needed as far as education and experience to do the job, boy was I wrong.

To be honest, there is no such thing as a hardcore firefighter. We are ordinary people who choose to put themselves into extraordinary situations. That quote is from page one of the manual, something I ignored at first because I thought it was just "putting wet stuff on the red stuff" All this being said I do not think that there is such a thing as a hardcore soldier, I would think that the soldier would far rather be looked upon as professional than some term that the John Wayne's and whatnot made famous, or infamous. I don't try to be bloody hardcore, I try to get the fire out with as little loss of life and property as possible, notice that life is number one and that includes my own!

Today I educate myself as much as possible because there are no such things as "born to be" in any world. You have to study and practice and be dedicated. You want to call that hardcore, go ahead, personally I don't give a monkey's bottom because it doesn't matter. I am paid to do this job and take all that comes with it, that's just real life.

As per request, thread locked. Good posts from some, repetitive ones from others, however, this one has run its course.
Good post Stirling, Couldnt have said it better.....Scott it isnt locked yet?
Bah, I forgot about that.....age catching up tome me.
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