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Budget 2007- Merged


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Another Budget, another feeding frenzy for Quebec's never ending demands for more and more. Three billion reasons to become instant Federalists until the next Budget handout. That the Minister for Finance could keep a straight face while describing the " Historical Fiscal Imbalance ", is the real story here.
Exarecr  It may seem like  Quebec getting more an more  but in reality it just the current gov trying to get more votes  for the next election witch I am hoping that they can so they can get a Majority this time .    IN  Canada if you want a majority its seems you have to break through  in both Ontario and Quebec they seem to have the most seats in the house of Commons .  Is it or fair probably not  but I think Harper  has been doing a good job  sense he got in its just my two  cents worth  on that .  I am by far no means a political expert  but it would also  seem that the current gov has a genuine interest in helping to keep the military up to date with new equipment .  Once again I am not an expert  on that  so if it means that we make a nice gesture for the the voters in Quebec and  than in turn  MR Harper gets a majority gov I think that will be good for the country and the CF  but hey what do I know  I am just a simple folk and probably way out of my lane cause I stated before I am not a political expert its just how I see it . 

In other words:
A government holds power at the pleasure of the populace.
SPQR rings bells.
Ottawa gives it away to Quebec under the Liberals
Ottawa gives it away to Quebec under the Conservatives....

Guess that, when you get down to it, politicians are politicans - regardless of their calling and regardless of what they proclaim when they are not in power, they will behave in the same manner - once they are in the seat of power.

Quebec, because of it's vast population base will control the purse strings for another year and then it's BC and Alberta's turn because their population has out paced Quebec. The times are a-changing and Quebec won't be holding the rest of Canada hostage for much longer.  I hope.
you are not the only one hoping. With the massive influx of people into this province (myself included) there should be enough next election if everyone actually got out and voted.

Geo has it right too with:
Ottawa gives it away to Quebec under the Liberals
Ottawa gives it away to Quebec under the Conservatives

and was not Quebec getting 1/3 of the equalization payments. Since when are they a "poor" province.
Sassy said:
Quebec, because of it's vast population base will control the purse strings for another year and then it's BC and Alberta's turn because their population has out paced Quebec. The times are a-changing and Quebec won't be holding the rest of Canada hostage for much longer.  I hope.
Nope: it's number of seats (MPs) that matters and Quebec is already at it's minimum.
       I think what needs to be done in the Next election is that  we get a majority  and than have the seats of the house of commons readone  it should be equal representation  for all  parts of Canada we are all supposed to be part of the same team  the fate of the country shouldn't hang in the balance because one of the  members  is unhappy .     
Does that mean you reduce all provinces to eg: 10 MP's, or conversely, increase all provinces to 75 as in Ontario and Quebec. That would mean that PEI, which presently has 4, I think, would probably end up with about 1 MP for every 15 citizens (SWAG  :) )

You make a good point on that note . I am not sure how it would be done like I said I am not a political expert ,  but how  can one say that  a countries fate should be determind by one or two provinces . I think all members of the country  should have an equal say  so that way when  there is a problem we don't end up having to have a referendum every time some one is unhappy  .
      As to how  equalization should be done I don't have a clue  .  I would just like to see it figured out some how i think the country would benefit as a hole in the long run . 
karl28 said:
As to how equalization should be done I don't have a clue.  I would just like to see it figured out some how i think the country would benefit as a hole in the long run . 

To whit, you are saying that it isn't?
While in power, the Liberals were pert much in agreement with what the Conservatives are saying - now that they are in power....
Quote from geo 

To whit, you are saying that it isn't? 

I am not actually sure what you meant ?  If I offended you than I apologize all I was trying to point out is that.  I think equalization would benefit the country in the long run .  Sorry for any confusion

karl28 said:
Quote from geo 
I am not actually sure what you meant ?  If I offended you than I apologize all I was trying to point out is that.  I think equalization would benefit the country in the long run .  Sorry for any confusion

I agree that equalization would benefit everybody, but can you imagine the power struggle to achieve that? Now there's a political bloodbath that would be fun to watch !!

edited to add: the Maritimes would have to be treated as a block, as would Manitoba/Saskatchewan. The territories would be another animal.
Seat distribution is roughly by population, but there are a few caveats: the one in question here is that each province is guaranteed at least as many seats as they had in 1984 (75, in the case of Quebec): there's been some minor growth in the total number of seats (308 vs. 282, if wikipedia is correct), but it would take a lot more before Quebec's share is effectively diluted (which is what I think is being suggested): I'm sure we would face (yet another) constitutional crisis before it ever (meaningfully) happened.
Constitutional change is the only way it could be changed short of boxing up 1/2 of Ontario's and Quebec's population and resettling them throughout the rest of Canada.
Just got this from Mike Duffy Live while channel surfing between periods and he was interviewing a Liberal MP Joe [I missed the last name] who was going against Mr. Dion and voting FOR the budget.......Mr. Duffy said to expect fireworks tomorrow.
Apparently there is going to be a wholesale desertion of the Dion decision to vote against the budget from the Quebec MPs

I suspect at the rate he is going, Dion is going to set a speed record for losing his leadership of the Liberal Party.
Can't vouch for the veracity of this site (looks like a Dipper's personal blog), but anyway: http://blogginghorse.blogspot.com/2007/03/dion-like-dinner-harper-liberals-to.html
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Dion like Dinner: Harper Liberals to support budget

More proof today that the Liberal Party isn’t a safe place for Canadians who want to stop Stephen Harper, because so many Liberal MPs agree with him.

There is a growing contingent of Liberal MPs who think Harper's budget -- that included no national housing strategy, no national transit strategy, nothing for Employment Insurance, no $10 federal minimum wage, no plan to end student debt, and less than half of what was promised to help recognize foreign credentials -- is worth supporting.

Well known "Harper Liberal" Joe Comuzzi has said he'll be voting for the budget. Same goes for "Harper Liberal" Keith Martin who on one hand calls the budget "uninspiring" but stil says he plans to prop-up Harper.

Conclusions:1) the Harper Liberals are alive and well in the Liberal Party and are flexing their muscles in Dion's face; 2) an "uninspiring" Conservative budget is still more inspiring than a vacilating leader like Stéphane Dion.
Heh - "Harper Liberal" - must be an NDP thing.
Has anyone noticed that the other leadership contenders that Dion gathered around him in the spirit of "keep your enemies closer", have not been overly supportive, and from the little I have heard, are wildly swinging at his back with all the political knives they own.