What - did they get a Housing Differential too?Cor Blimey...

But seriously - wow. That is not good.
What - did they get a Housing Differential too?Cor Blimey...
Capt Knapton is first ever female Paras officer to earn maroon beret
The Paras' first ever female officer Captain Hannah Knapton (pictured) earned her coveted maroon beret after passing the regiment's exhaustive entry tests yesterday.www.dailymail.co.uk
Her harshest critics of course will be primarily those whose military experience consists of many years playing Medal of Honour.Poor thing... she's a footballer. Clearly not Officer material.
This will likely not end well for her, and not because of her gender.
Glass half full: at least the Train Spotters in the Mess will have someone to slag now![]()
Her harshest critics of course will be primarily those whose military experience consists of many years playing Medal of Honour.
My bold, but it would be considerably less squalid if they were made to clean their quarters properly... looks like a leadership failure to me![]()
Absolutely. Don't want to live in squalor? Pick up your crap and don't piss in the bloody lift!My bold, but it would be considerably less squalid if they were made to clean their quarters properly... looks like a leadership failure to me![]()
I find it shocking that between the five regiments stationed in that barracks they don't have a Sgt. That kind of mess in my barracks room back when I was a Pte in Cold Lake would have landed me in front of the CO without a hat.My bold, but it would be considerably less squalid if they were made to clean their quarters properly... looks like a leadership failure to me
EXCLUSIVE King's guards forced to live in squalor: Inside the rat-infested royal barracks where soldiers who protect Charles III endure conditions 'worse than prison'
- EXCLUSIVE: WARNING: GRAPHIC - Photos show Wellington Barracks conditions
- From urine-soaked floors, dead birds in the corridor and rubbish piled in rooms
- One former Coldstream Guard described the base a 'worse than a British prison'
These are the disturbing images that reveal the squalid conditions Royal guards have to endure at one of Britain’s most prestigious army barracks.
The graphic photographs of piles of litter, blocked, filthy toilets and leaky appliances were taken inside the iconic Wellington Barracks, which is just 300 yards from Buckingham Palace and is home to five of the army’s most high-profile regiments: The Coldstream, Grenadier, Irish, Scots, and Welsh Guards.
The soldiers have had the duty of protecting the Sovereign and the Royal Palaces from 1660 to the present day, their soldiers photographed by millions of tourists from around the world as they stand on guard outside Buckingham Palace and St James’s Palace dressed in full military regalia.
Vile conditions Royal guards forced to live in are 'worse than prison'
EXCLUSIVE: Graphic photographs of piles of litter, blocked, filthy toilets and leaky appliances were taken inside the iconic Wellington Barracks, which is just 300 yards from Buckingham Palacewww.dailymail.co.uk
"Rubbish piled in rooms" is a good reason forsome junior leadersthe bone idle CO to be relieved.
Plan A.
Next door to Depot PARA in Aldershot is an old WW2 bunker complex that we called 'The Humps'.
I fondly recall leading beastings of 'dirty' platoons around those small hills (each roughly the size of the pile in the photo), in FFO, on occasion when the message wasn't getting through.
Funny thing... the turnout improved massively after only one or two sessions. I also discovered that it's not officially 'abuse of troops' if you're at the front, carrying the same kit.![]()
Kind of makes it worse if you are being dragged around by a turbo-charged geezer with a grin on his face.