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Britain's Conservatives planning to bring back compulsary national service.

For all you conscription haters: They chattering classes are chatting. To me, National Service means more than going to the Army. Conservation, Emergency preparedness, Elderly Care, Child Care, are all options.
For all you conscription haters: They chattering classes are chatting. To me, National Service means more than going to the Army. Conservation, Emergency preparedness, Elderly Care, Child Care, are all options.

I finally got around to reading the G&M article. I thought it was a good summary of the issue.

I agree with your comments about national service, it does not necessarily imply military service. It will for most countries, as the combat arms tend to be the most manpower intensive tasks facing the country that are unpleasant enough to require compulsion.

Of course, this is all academic in Canada. We will be at least a year into WW3 before any politician would consider introducing a new National Resources Mobilization Act.
Of course, this is all academic in Canada. We will be at least a year into WW3 before any politician would consider introducing a new National Resources Mobilization Act.
Assuming it wasn't just before an election. Then it will have to wait.