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Bringing my spouse with me?


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I have completed my reliabilty status, CFAT and medical with only my interview remaining.  This has been over a process taking more then 2 years so this didn't come up and I just thought of it today.  My longtime girlfriend and I have two children together but I am unsure if the Forces pays for "Commonlaw partners" to accompany me.  Do we have to do get married?  If so when is too late?
AtlanticCan said:
I have completed my reliabilty status, CFAT and medical with only my interview remaining.  This has been over a process taking more then 2 years so this didn't come up and I just thought of it today.  My longtime girlfriend and I have two children together but I am unsure if the Forces pays for "Commonlaw partners" to accompany me.  Do we have to do get married?  If so when is too late?
If the Forces recognize you as a legal Common-law couple, than you'll be treated like a married couple.  Contact the CFRC to confirm that you meet eligibility requirements, and whether or not there is any paperwork you need to fill out.  Make sure, if and when you enroll, that your initial posting message doesn't list you as single.  You want to make very sure that it lists you as common-law.