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William Webb Ellis

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I saw it the other night and can say it contained a scene, the like of which I have never seen from Hollywood.

One of the few movies that you can feel the apprehension.....Like when he was at the Jesus dance.
Oh, I laughed....sometimes...all I could was cringe.

There were things in that movie that NO man or woman should ever see  :-X
Well, the Bob & Tom show gave it two thumbs up.  www.bobandtom.com

Although it was suggested that it may not be the #1 movie choice for a first date....especially if she's Jewish.

I haven't seen it. Those that have may understand their comment  ;)
NOT a movie for a first date...or any date for that matter, with a Jewish girl...
I guess I should go see it then. Just so I understand it. I keep hearing about it......
Yeah.....Definitely not first date. Or any date. Or with anybody who's Jewish, or gay. Or with anybody who can't take a joke.

Yeah, you really have to be able to throw political correctness out the window to be able to laugh at that. But if you can....WOW. I still don't know how it managed a 14A rating in Ontario, raters must slept through it or something.
Gonna have to say it's the most offensive thing I've seen in a long time.  But, man, it was funny! 

bang bang skeet skeet vanillia face!  ;)
Well then get on to you tube, Cohen is freaking hillarious...

Check out how he gets these rednecks a going..






the 48th regulator said:
Well then get on to you tube, Cohen is freaking hillarious...

Check out how he gets these rednecks a going..

That fact he is Jewish himself really adds to the humor. It's kind of like a train wreck, you cover your face but you want to peek through your fingers at the uncomfortable parts.

After seeing the clips, I'm sure there are some parts of the movie that aren't "uncomfortable"  ;)
This movie is from his regular show.  It was much kinder to those who were in the movie than he normally is but still basically true to form.  I thought he played the racist card a little to much but he did nail the accent perfectly. Who knew you could make money from making a film that insulted and humiliated people, especially minorties? Whoo hoo,  he certainly added to the spectrim of our cultural dialogue.

With that said I just heard a rumour that another one of his characters is going to be made into a movie.  I'm told it is the Austrian gay TV news reporter.  ;D
Zell_Dietrich said:
This movie is from his regular show.  It was much kinder to those who were in the movie than he normally is but still basically true to form.  I thought he played the racist card a little to much but he did nail the accent perfectly. Who knew you could make money from making a film that insulted and humiliated people, especially minorties? Whoo hoo,  he certainly added to the spectrim of our cultural dialogue.

With that said I just heard a rumour that another one of his characters is going to be made into a movie.  I'm told it is the Austrian gay TV news reporter.   ;D


i saw borat.....id never used coke as a nasal spray before.  it was hilarious. them drunk fratboys were shockingly funny. betcha they are gonna have some issues later in life over that movie. man people are dumb.
FourNinerZero said:
them drunk fratboys were shockingly funny. betcha they are gonna have some issues later in life over that movie. man people are dumb.


Saw it tonight. Absolutely the funniest thing I can recall seeing. I wanted to gouge my eyes out a couple times, but man... Sheer brilliance. I wouldn't know where to begin in listing my favourite parts.
For me the funnyest thing about it (beside THE scene), is the fact that he is actually an observant Jew, has a doctorate (writing his wrote his dissertation on Jewish involvement in the American Civil Rights movement), yet still has the acting skill to remain in caracter the whole time. That my friends is skill. To those who dismiss him because he is "stupid", you are not actually referring to Baron Cohen himself. To the rest of us, he is a genious on and off the screen.