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BMQ Start

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I had my interview last week and he offered me Sept 3 (few spots left) or Sept 17.  I asked him for the 17th cause my bday is the 4th so I thought it be nice to be home for that with my family and friends.  He said he's calling me this week with an offer.  Well he said yesterday, but I'm hoping he is going to call this week.
I waited 4 months for a phonecall that should have came 3 months and 2 weeks earlier.  :threat:

there is nothing you can do but wait - and that is what makes it so hard.

many courses run across the country throughout the year, res or reg. You could be placed in a summer program that lasts two months, or you could be placed in a fall program that runs until the end of the winter. It all depends on many, many factors.

If everyone gets accepted into the canadian forces, you will be placed on a bmq course , you just have to wait for it.

i myself leave in just under two weeks to connaught ranges, ottawa. I'm excited, but anxious because i've been in the military for just over 2.5 months, and the majority of people i've talked to claimed to me that they did their bmq directly after they were sworn in. have patience, use all the extra time you can get to get yourself in shape [trust me, you don't know how bad of shape you're in until you do your first run], enjoy your civilian life, and god bless.
If your call is taking awhile 18-and-ready just look at it as time you can use to prepare. Look up everything you can find on BMQ and exercise regularly and then more regularly, and if necessary more regularly after that. I didn't have to wait long to get my call but waiting 2 weeks for the flight out seems like an eternity.
This is getting very Frustrating im still waiting for a call for a job offer and i comp everything on the 19th of june. im going to give them a call when they open just so i can gt some kind of answer. will update
I wanna know why some take a long time and others like myself went through in a week.  I guess I got lucky? 
Just seems odd.  I guess maybe depending on the recruiting center and how busy they are/how many new applicants.

Anyway, I feel for you guys I couldn't imagine waiting that long to hear back.  Soon enough my friends.
Well I called yesterday and the reason is that it's taking so long is that someone has to sign a waver form do to some credit problems from 4 years back. They told me that it should be signed yesterday or this week i hope. and im in vancouver and they have alot of people trying to get in so its really busy.
Like all of us, they, too, are allowed to be lazy. But they do try to push it as fast as they can because usually the spring time is the most hectic time due to all the younger applicants who want on a summer course.

Good luck to you all, This will also be my last post probably because I leave in just over a week and I have all of this stuff do. I still haven't gotten my I.D card  >:( but I'm going to contact the BOR in London tomorrow and book myself in there.

Bye for now and see some of you in September
Nova said:
Like all of us, they, too, are allowed to be lazy.

Positive already I see.

You do realize that people in the military take vacations too, right?  And that, as much as the military likes everyone to be the same, everyone starts out so very unique, with very different circumstances, qualifications, trade choices, and not at all evenly spread out each day? 
I can't decipher whether or not your post was in an agreeing state, or a disagreeing state, with mine. However, before anything starts, I just want to point out that my recruiting proccess took approximately 4 months. I was a little bit angered that it took so long, but I couldn't blame them because I was told several times that the ammount of people joining the military was massive - especially at that time, too.

When I said that the recruiters are allowed to be lazy, I meant that they are allowed to take their times - rushing things often lean to potential problems for applicants and themselves. We are all lazy, in a sense, to take our time on important things.

Now that is out of the way, I hope nothing heated was in the back of your mind.
18-and-ready said:
Im going to BMQ Sept 10th anyone with me?

I go in today to get the date of my course, but the recruiter told me Probably the 10th of September. Where are you going? St. Jean or Bordon?
:salute: for those of you that are going to start BMQ just remember that its all just a game but its done to teach you..listen to your instructors and give everything 110%.. try to work with every one whether you like them or not..for those that are waiting they will let you know when you are going to start..after all your interviews and testing they will send you to your swearing in and you will start not to long after..
its not easy but lots of fun and hard work
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