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BMQ Start

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When does the next BMQ start up? Iv got my interview on the 10th but my work needs to know asap plus myself just to get a rough estimate on things.

I'm not sure about the next BMQ start date but I'd advise you not to get ahead of yourself. The application process may take a few years or a few weeks or even a couple of days you have no way of knowing when you will be accepted and when the next available BMQ date is from the date of your acceptance or even if that particular BMQ has already been filled up. I wouldn't be telling your current employer that you will be quitting with in such and such time frame.

Its probably best to ask that question when you are done with the interview. The person with whom you have the interview will ask you if you have any questions after your interview is done, that's probably the best time to ask. ( Although I have a feeling that they will just tell you to go about living your life without worrying to much about when you will be sent to BMQ )

Now mind you I'm no expert on this matter, I'm just a hopeful candidate waiting for my training to start in a couple of months.
18-and-ready said:
When does the next BMQ start up? Iv got my interview on the 10th but my work needs to know asap plus myself just to get a rough estimate on things.


Don't say anything to your work until you have a signed offer. Even then, most businesses will do what is in their best interest, including letting you go earlier than when you expected if you give too much notice.

2 weeks is typically the bare minimum, with a month more appropriate for professional type jobs.  At 18, I'm assuming the 2 weeks is more suiting, and I'm fairly confident the Forces will be able to give you 2 weeks notice.

I've finished the CFAT and Medical.. Interview is on the 10th my work knew about the army the whole time.. actually about 6 months ago when it began
The owner is a pretty good guy he understands but wants to know basically just a month to expect it. But I guess I'll have to wait and see.

Thanks for your time guys
hey fellas, well I'm leaving for Basic on August. 27th to Nov. 30th in St. Jean, Quebec. a friend of mine just completed all his testing and hes just waiting on the call. But the recruiters in Mississauga, Ont. told him the next date after mine is on Sept. 3rd. Good luck you guys.
And if there is anyone out their leaving on the same date as me, let me know.  :salute:
Holy, I heard a few people saying there was one on...July 17th also.. I hope I don't have to wait till Sept that would push my plans back quite a bit.
I just wanna know but no one can really give answers this whole thing is such a waiting game.. gotta love it

How was your interview?
I've been so nervous about it, everyone says ill do fine but I am still nervous
the interview was a piece of cake, its usaually takes about 30 to 45 mins to complete. the questions are not hard at all. Just know information on the specific job your applying for (mine was infantry) and just be yourself. Trust me before you know it the interview will be over and if all goes well he or she will recommend you. im sure you will do fine, i was nervous as hell and i did great. Good luck.

Just curious to what recruiters to applied to??
lol, oops crappy grammer... i meant; what recruiters did you apply to? i was with Mississauga Detatchment.
Thats good to hear I am going for infantry also
I want to the Recruitment center in B.C. that was a few weeks ago to finish my medical
They are backed because of a switch over in staff or I would of had my interview faster
at least thats what they told me. Some members of staff didn't understand why they had me going in
so late and tried to get me in the same day as my medical, guess it just couldn't happen.
18-and-ready said:
Holy, I heard a few people saying there was one on...July 17th also.. I hope I don't have to wait till Sept that would push my plans back quite a bit.
I just wanna know but no one can really give answers this whole thing is such a waiting game.. gotta love it

Check the basic training subforum...It goes in order based on when you receive you job offer... the people on the July courses generally received their job offer a while ago...last I read on this site people are currently being placed for around Sept 3.. So you'll probably to going in sept (if all goes well)... my interview/medical is on July 17, I hope to get on Sept basic training course..   
Man you guys are lucky my interview was hell i had two people drilling me on everything. Im going for armoured and they where asking me questions about armoured and infantry at the same time. That wa on june 19 and im still waiting for a job offer.
As for the summer bmqs, im sure they are pretty much already filled up. I got my offer in April for BMQ starting July 16th. You will need to wait for your offer before you will know what course you are on, most likely in the fall sometime by the looks of the courses.
Thanks for your input guys.

I went to my interview it went well and the recruiter said he thought I was eligible and that he talked to the guy that slots in and I would most likely IF I got the call to go on sept
so now I'm just waiting on my offer.

( crossing fingers )
Canadian Kid said:
the interview was a piece of cake, its usaually takes about 30 to 45 mins to complete. the questions are not hard at all. Just know information on the specific job your applying for (mine was infantry) and just be yourself. Trust me before you know it the interview will be over and if all goes well he or she will recommend you. im sure you will do fine, i was nervous as hell and i did great. Good luck.

Just curious to what recruiters to applied to??

really your interview was 30 mins? i did mine on june 12th for infantry reserves and it was like a 5 min interview and he said i was eligable. ( i threw in my great grandpa fought and LIVED at vimmy and my grandfather fought and lived in france in WWII) i wonder if that helped me:P but yea they said 2 weeks, its been a month now:\
What.. theres no way the questions they asked took 5 mins..
mine took an hour an a half.. but we also did have some conversation in between questioning

If it takes a month they told me to call him and ask whats going on. You should do the same
all they asked me is like, why do u wanna join, do u have any problems with working with people of different races, he gave me a sheet  of drugs and asked me my experiences with them
When did you go in for your interview again?

I did all that and more a lot of it was yes and no questions
some of it was to elaborate on my work but there were something like 4-5 sections he went through.

Do you have any clue on when your training is? he told me sept
What recruitment center did you go to? I went to the one in B.C.
Savage said:
really your interview was 30 mins? i did mine on june 12th for infantry reserves and it was like a 5 min interview and he said i was eligable. ( i threw in my great grandpa fought and LIVED at vimmy and my grandfather fought and lived in france in WWII) i wonder if that helped me:P but yea they said 2 weeks, its been a month now:\

Savage -

The interview isn't a pass-fail scenario.  The military assigns you a score on several different criteria, including all the tests you have done AND your interview.  You are merit listed with this score.  The lower the score, even if you are eligible, the longer you wait.

Personally, while joining to carry on family traditions is an admirable reason, I hope you have thought it through more than simply basing it all on your grandparent's background.
Meridian said:
Savage -

The interview isn't a pass-fail scenario.  The military assigns you a score on several different criteria, including all the tests you have done AND your interview.  You are merit listed with this score.  The lower the score, even if you are eligible, the longer you wait.

Personally, while joining to carry on family traditions is an admirable reason, I hope you have thought it through more than simply basing it all on your grandparent's background.

obviously,i just said it so he knew i had background. and i obviously wouldnt join the army just becauses my grandparents did
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