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"Hell week" is usually a concept individuals make up to make others think they did something real hard-core, i.e.  if they passed a 'tough' course, then they themsleves must be tough. 

Of course, you definately have a few instructors who looked forward to making life miserable just for old times sake.  As one friend of mine said "What can we do to screw these guys up this week?"

GreyMatter said:
"Hell week" is usually a concept individuals make up to make others think they did something real hard-core, i.e.  if they passed a 'tough' course, then they themsleves must be tough. 

Of course, you definately have a few instructors who looked forward to making life miserable just for old times sake.  As one friend of mine said "What can we do to screw these guys up this week?"

Some things never change. Every course that went through the old battle school system was "the toughest course ever to go through here". ::)
I know that's a lie because my battle school course was the toughest in the history of all modern armies! :o ;D
2 Cdo said:
Some things never change. Every course that went through the old battle school system was "the toughest course ever to go through here". ::)
I know that's a lie because my battle school course was the toughest in the history of all modern armies! :o ;D

GreyMatter and 2 CDO both nailed it right on the head.    Actually my Recce+Sniper+Pathfinder while toting my 25mm on my back was harder. Sorry  :salute: :skull: :P
2 Cdo said:
Some things never change. Every course that went through the old battle school system was "the toughest course ever to go through here". ::)
I know that's a lie because my battle school course was the toughest in the history of all modern armies! :o ;D

I must not be tough... ours was slack compared to others, since they eliminated the 'hands-on' approach just before we arrived... ;D
TheHead said:
GreyMatter and 2 CDO both nailed it right on the head.     Actually my Recce+Sniper+Pathfinder while toting my 25mm on my back was harder. Sorry  :salute: :skull: :P

Ive always kicked myself for doing my ISCC course while still in the Infantry.  The air force version was much easier... apparently the one course a buddy of mine went on did their map and compass training / recce phase while inside of a hanger.  Back for tea and crumpets by 1630!
GreyMatter said:
Ive always kicked myself for doing my ISCC course while still in the Infantry.  The air force version was much easier... apparently the one course a buddy of mine went on did their map and compass training / recce phase while inside of a hanger.  Back for tea and crumpets by 1630!

Wow.... I bet they slept in hotels instead of hooches also :P
I found that the toughest weeks were the first two, more or less just getting adjusted to the training, after that it seemed to flow by more smoothly. BMQ was a shock to myself especially only being out of high school for two months.

I wouldn't consider the field hell, while I was in Basic I loved the two weeks in the field when we were living out in the tents and learning how to do patrols, guard duty, recces, counter ambushes, QRF, etc. Didn't really care much for the inspections. 

its actually 14 weeks now (13 Weeks plus week 0 for admin) but dont worry IAP/BOTP is now 15 weeks

I'm just wondering does that entail SQ as well? I was on the first 13 week course at CFLRS St Jean and still had to do an additional 2 weeks in Gagetown to become fully SQ qualified.

Even if your instructors do decide to push you really hard is that really a bad thing [depending on how its done], if anything the bond between you and your platoon will become stronger. I found that the best bond I've ever had with a group of people was during my BMQ.
Sigs guy, what was the course serial and when did you go thru.
I may have been one of your instructors.
Excellent opportunity for comparison:

Did Feetham believe he was giving students any form of 'hell week'?

Did Sigs Guy believe he was enduring any form of 'hell week'?

If both say 'No', would set a good example for the new ones coming in about the 'hell week' myth...
I'll admit I had my fair share of trouble during BMQ, but it wasn't due to a "hell week", it was more or less due to my own stupidity.

As for hell week, I think the instructors on our course made it challenging enough that we could feel pride in completing it. We all had our fair share of difficulties but in the end you get through it and you're a better member because of it. The worst week for myself was the first two weeks because it was just a shock to the system. However as long as any person has a good head on their shoulders, and works their hardest they should be fine.

I wouldn't say I endured any form of hell week, I guess it all depends on the individual. Some people hated their time out in the field and fell asleep while on guard duty, I myself loved every minute of it. People always speculated about what was happening the next week and if we'd be put through hell, but I think its better just to adapt to the situation and not let it get to you.

As well if you have any trouble completing BMQ or are recoursed all that one should do is learn from their mistakes and take responsibility for their own actions. I've known a few members who were recoursed during BMQ and they aren't any better or worse from other members. I myself had some trouble near the end because of a dirty rifle and was punished for it, however when I had to clean my rifle in the future I never had any issues because I learned from that mistake.

Basic is a unique experience, and even though it seems really shitty at first but the experience is one that you'll remember for the rest of your life and probably look fondly upon once you're done.
Sigs Guy said:
Basic is a unique experience, and even though it seems really shitty at first but the experience is one that you'll remember for the rest of your life and probably look fondly upon once you're done.
While I wasn't able to finish BMQ the first time (I VR'd but am in the process of rejoining), I totally agree.. I sometimes drive my friends/family nuts with all my military talk/ bmq memories... "I remember when I was in Quebec(st.jean)..." sorta like the phrase from American pie... "this one time at band camp" lol
All courses are what you make of them.
As a young recruit, EVERYTHING is pretty scarry cause, you don't know any better - but you're with 30-45 some other types all on the same ride (misery loves company :))

As an older trained soldier, each and every course, deployment exercise, etc will generate memories that will pull at your heart strings in the future... some of dread & some of nostalgia - it's life :)

It can be years since I've met some soldiers - I'll be walking down the street & they've come up to me, greet me & reminisce for a short while before carryng on with life....
hey - we're family.

I just finished Basic in Wainwright AB, just a tip... every week is HELL WEEK!  ;) the course is a challenge but i guarantee that you will graduate a better person.... They will try to break you down mentally until you reach the point where you think you have nothing left.... and when you consider quitting, you'll get a second wind that will help you make it through. Just be careful, I had to fight through an injury I acquired in week two of the course and its easy to use an injury as a way out... I found that the worse part of the course was living with the same people day in and day out. Before the course it was rare that I didn't get a long with most people. You will fight like cats and dogs and you will be called names you have never heard before... don't take it personally! The best part is the pride you will feel on grad day! I pushed my body to the point that I thought I was going to die! You will realize that you are capable of pushing your body to its limits! GET IN SHAPE if not your going to be one sore recruit.... I know I was!!! you will be tired, sore, bitter and really want to go home! but then you will catch yourself actually enjoying some parts of the course. It was by far the best decision I have ever made! Joining the military that is! Just remember its all a big mind game. As my seargent always told me! Bite your tongue, find a happy place and never say "I can't" So anyone here about to start BMQ good luck, it's going to be hard for some, and harder for others! FIND A HAPPY PLACE!!!!! best advice I can give you! As for the Field, you WILL see pink elephants! I sure did! ( sleep deprivation is a crazy thing) you will hallucinate! But it makes the field fun when you see your fire team partner talking to a tree (and yes he was convinced that the tree was talking back) And one last point the instructors are not really terrible people, they are just doing their jobs! GOOD LUCK
Did you do the res or regs for BMQ. Last time I checked they were only doing reg BMQ's at St Jean and Borden.
Was it a 13 week course?

Are you still doing a full SQ course afterwards as well?
