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BMQ - April 2011

Just an errant thought... and maybe someone can confirm this for me...

It seems that alot of the calls right now are for NCM-SEP... I'm going for regular enlistment, so I'm guessing that all the SEP trades are getting calls first, to ensure that they are through BMQ before their classes start.  I'm going for either Weapons Engineering Technician or Marine Engineering Mechanic, so I'm figuring that I won't receive my call until a little bit later (say, hopefully, May or June).

Would this seem to be what I'm looking at, or, again, am I overthinking things while I wait?

Any info from people who know and not people who are guessing would be appreciated.  I do appreciate the guesses as well, but at this point, I don't think that someone who might know something and unknowingly gives the wrong answer would be helpful, and it might cause a stir among the crowd.

I appreciate the help, to anyone with answers for me.

Hey NavyHopeful,
You may want to contact your file manager directly for an answer as most people viewing this thread will be those going to basic training this month.. The way I look at it is the wait is the wait, if you want it bad enough then waiting a couple more months won't be the death of you.. I did everything for my trade and was constantly waiting for the next step, but patience is a virtue in the forces. " Hurry up and wait"  is as accurate a saying as ever. I was given 4 days notice for my swearing in and 3 weeks total before I fly out to St Jean. So just make sure you're ready for whenever the call comes if this is infact what you want.
Just my  :2c: ,
The need to be ready is paramount. Myself, I was phoned Tuesday, April 14th at 10:00. To be sworn in April 19th and on a plane for St. Jean the following saturday April 23rd for a course start date of April 25th.

This is less than 10 days to inform my current employer and live out my obligations to them, prepare my required documents and purchase any items I'll need for my course.

Obviously it can be done, however it pays to be mentally prepared.


NCM - Naval Electronics Technician (Tactical)
That's my train of thought as well, guys.  Well I hope that I don't have to wait too long.  I'm really excited about all my obligations being accepted.  Now I just want that phone call so I can get the ball really rolling.

Good luck to all starting BMQ in April.  Hopefully I'll be getting the call before too long and Might even see you guys and girls there!

For those of us going on the 23rd, can't wait to meet all of you guys.

Only 2 days left
So anyone here at the Montreal airport?!!!!!

I'm pretty sure that I'll be here for a few hours before an officer comes
I'm here at the Mega, so far it's pretty laid back. But I'd say we'll hit the ground running tomorrow
Infared said:
What did you apply for if you don't mind me asking?
I applied for medic and found out its closed for another year  :(, so im going to go ahead as veh tech and hopefully thatll come soon.
From what I hear lately, there has been a few VR's Voluntary Release in the April 11th/25th Basic Courses. There has been discussions with the recruits that it's not so bad and this time is only a snapshot of their total time in the forces, it's going to get better and when basic is completed they are going to finally realize their dream and their careers are going to be rewarding.

Seems to me that St. Jean has toughened up a whole hell of a lot.
My platoon so far lost about 4 people to the express test, one to a diciplinary recourse and two VR's, one which happened in week 2 (he REALLY wanted to go home).