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Blackberry Q10 - a great choice?



Hey guys, asking for anyone who has used/has a Blackberry Q10 and can give an honest review on it. The only reviews I've read in which the negatives weren't negatives for me (Small app store, small screen, etc...), and the benefits of it seem very intriguing to me. Although I feel as if I'm 90% sold, and I just need some more details from a rather direct source, than an indirect source, such as an online review. All I need is that extra 10% to push it 100% sold.

My intention for this phone is, well, for using it as a phone. Not a mobile gaming platform (App games look mediocre), not a 24/7 video caller, not a 24/7 texter, well, maybe a 24/7 texter. My primary intentions is for organization between social and work. Since I'll be employed by the government and given a sick pair of shades, I think the Q10 will seal the government-agent look. I figure this would be a decent phone, and would come in handy for being in the army.

It's relatively expensive from Sasktel, however, to buy it from Blackberry's shop site, you can get it for cheaper. As in ~220$ cheaper unlocked from BB's online shop.

If someone could provide their  :2c: on the phone, that would be well appreciated.

I have been lurking these forums for a while and logged in just to give my opinion. If it matters, I am not a member of the CF. Regarding your choice, it really depends how you look at a phone (which you have briefly stated below). If you buy a BlackBerry phone, you're looking for the very basic talk and text options because as you mentioned, the app store has little to offer. You'll be taking a hit on a lot of things though.

I understand you don't want any games on your phone but you may want to consider other applications. For example, my phone plan with Telus comes with nation-wide data but calling is only local to most cities in my province. Considering you're in the military and you may be posted away from your family and current province, calling them through your cell will cost on top of what you already pay if your plan doesn't include nation-wide calling. An alternative in this scenario is to use the app called Viber - You can call using VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) which uses your data (wifi if accessible) instead of minutes. I understand you want a phone to manage your social and professional life. Again, I find having a larger app store can really help you with this. Another example is I use the Calender app on my laptop to organize important dates. The default calender app on Android doesn't support syncing the Microsoft calender. However, it was easy enough to find an app that can do it with a beautiful user interface and a widget so I can view dates without opening the app. This is something you'll have trouble getting out of a BB. Then there are small things that can help you out such as having a compass app, an app to help you find the optimal time to wake up (according to the sleep cycle theory), etc.. You may come across these in the BB app store but I'm going to shoot for that it's unlikely. Just to be clear though, I don't know if the apps I mentioned are in BB's app store.

There are also some small things to consider such as the company is almost out of business. You'll be using a QWERTY keyboard instead of touchscreen (I have tried texting on a BB and the small keyboard isn't my style). The phone itself though is okay, I didn't have any troubles when I was loaned one. The quality is decent and the calling was fine. If you haven't already, I would go to the store and try it out. If they have a return policy in place, I would also try getting your hands on one and trying it out for a week or two.

I've owned a Z10 and a Z30 now, plus older 9900.  While phones are really like clothing as what is right for you, you will not find a better communication device on the market.  And it is the absolute best physical keyboard you can buy.  And while I can type pretty fast on the virtual BB10 keyboard, the q10 keyboard is another level faster once you learn it.

As to apps, that is not such a big deal anymore, since BB 10.2, you can run 90% of android apps on BB devices, so if you want Netflix or Shazam etc you can goto the Amazon store or other stores and get them.

I personally went with the bigger screen of the all touch devices, but my old boss got the q10 and loved it, even with the smaller screen.  I'd definitely give it a try I don't think you will regret it.  BB10 and it's swipe based UI and universal hub inbox is a great communication phone, as well as running games if you like that stuff.

I've got a Q5, and I share much the same outlook as you do.

I use it as a phone. Its got physical buttons for me to dial and text with comfortably. I can read voicemail messages as text as a nice bonus. I don't use it in a way that the smaller screen footprint makes a difference; e-mail and web bro'sing are perfectly functional. I'd rather have a Q10 than the awkward square one.
Considering you're in the military and you may be posted away from your family

I'm with a reserve unit currently, so I won't have to worry about being posted elsewhere, excluding courses and possible deployments for disaster relief, at which point my preferred plan provides unlimited international + local texting if needed (and in the event I actually bring my phone to courses or deployments, which is highly unlikely).

You'll be using a QWERTY keyboard instead of touchscreen (I have tried texting on a BB and the small keyboard isn't my style)

I forgot to mention that I've been using a Samsung Link for 2 years, which is a smaller keyboard than the Q10. It's why I love the QWERTY keyboard. I'm also typing quite a bit as well, so I know the QWERTY like the back of my hand. I've also tried touchscreen texting and I abhor it, which is why I'm not buying the Z10.

I've got a Q5, and I share much the same outlook as you do.

How is the Q5? I looked at it, but I've always been a lover of keyboards that have keys that touch each other, like a regular lenovo keyboard for example. I also prefer the overall look of the Q10 over the Q5, but I'll give the Q5 another look.

since BB 10.2, you can run 90% of android apps on BB devices

I've heard of that as one of my friends got a Z10 for 200$ unlocked approximately a year ago (his dad's work had surplus Z10, that's why he was one lucky guy  to get it for so cheap) and he states the BB10.2.1 platform can run .apk files (Android files), and I've seen him run .apk files, so it's verified. So despite the Blackberry app store having so little, it's not a huge deal anyways.

Thanks everyone for their input!
Chuk said:
How is the Q5? I looked at it, but I've always been a lover of keyboards that have keys that touch each other, like a regular lenovo keyboard for example. I also prefer the overall look of the Q10 over the Q5, but I'll give the Q5 another look.

I'm happy and have no regrets over choosing it instead of the Q10. It does everything I want. When I'm using it to browse and cross-reference, it handles several tabs just fine. Keyboard works better than my LG did, and I don't need more than I've got.