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Between BMQ and Civilian College (Subsidized college)


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I will be catching a train to St. Jean on March 30, 2008 and my college course doesn't start till August 13th.  Which means there is plently of time between the two.  I was wonder what I will be doing following my BMQ course, before I start college in August.  If anyone could answer that, it would be great.
It depends on your trade and how your training is put in place. If your reserve force I can tell you that you will probably be doing your soldier qualification course if any slots are open. Or possibly at times your trades course. I cant comment on REG force since I dont know much about that matter.
Well I'll be in the Regular Forces for the Air Force.  My trade is AVN Tech.  That's what I'm being sent to school for.
After BMQ, you "should' be posted to CFSATE in Borden Ontario for either contact training or familiarization to your new trade. Don't worry the system will take care of you. Where are you going to college?
It's an interesting thing, one of the people I know just finished BMQ, and rather than going to Borden for his AVS training, he is going to a civilian technical school now. The military is paying for him to get it done elsewhere.