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Bayonets: your essential Zombie killing weapon accessory.

Kev pull a Percival, blow the causeway at Johor and then jump on a boat on the south shore for nearby Indonesia. No self respecting Zombie would go to Indonesia. Yeah I know Percival stayed around to surrender, but surrendering to Zombies is not an option, they don't need anyone to build railways.
Infidel-6 said:
I'm thinking a LAV or Stryker with Mine Flail...

  Ideally robotically controlled so I don't need to get into said LAV or Stryker and that close to the Zombies.

They know.

On the other hand, the advantage of such a vehicle is that even once your ammo is depleted, you can crush  them on your route to escape. Just ford a random river, then pop the hatch and give them the finger. Laugh.
TimBit said:
On the other hand, the advantage of such a vehicle is that even once your ammo is depleted, you can crush  them on your route to escape. Just ford a random river, then pop the hatch and give them the finger. Laugh.
Got to have plenty of fuel though.
Should I get advanced warning on a pending zombie outbreak  I would consider the safest place to be would sick parade on a Monday morning - massive crowds of injured or just lazy  people could hinder a slow moving zombie hoard for days!
Here a reference site for an actual Zombie fighting force.
The comment part at the bottom of the site is great!
I wonder if OP CADENCE is preparation for the Zombie apocalypse or a recruiting ground for the undead?

For firearms users worried about making your own reloads with limited tech, I would suggest going very old school and investing in a black powder musket. Black powder is much simpler to make (and is more tolerent of minor errors in measuring proportions etc.), and the honking .58 cal musket balls will do a huge amount of damage to whatever they hit.

If you want more accuracy, primitive rifled firearms from the period will allow you to reach out and touch someone that much farther away. Bayonet fans will be pleased to know that both plug and socket type bayonets are appropriate, and some historic examples are indeed swords in their own right, just in case...
Like I said,,,,when (not if) the Z Apocolypse hits....head for the sporting goods stores.
grab some .22 cal weapons. Ammo is plentiful. Maybe some heavier caliblre stuff for longer range engagements.
Rations, water and a mode of transport is essential.
Had the opportunity to read World War Z. It seems the only really safe place would be the ISS, but ponying up $20 million for a ticket would be a bit steep.

For dealing with problems on the ground, a heavy crossbow might suffice. These things had the power to penetrate plate armour, so should do a number on a Zombie's head, but are easier to aim and fire than traditional longbows, composite bows etc.

Some crossbows used levers to pull the string back, while others used a hook in the archer's belt and a stirrup mounted to the end of the stock to facilitate faster cocking and higher rates of fire than cranequin mechanisms, so you will have the ability to deal with multiple targets.
Thucydides said:
I wonder if OP CADENCE is preparation for the Zombie apocalypse or a recruiting ground for the undead?

For firearms users worried about making your own reloads with limited tech, I would suggest going very old school and investing in a black powder musket. Black powder is much simpler to make (and is more tolerent of minor errors in measuring proportions etc.), and the honking .58 cal musket balls will do a huge amount of damage to whatever they hit.

If you want more accuracy, primitive rifled firearms from the period will allow you to reach out and touch someone that much farther away. Bayonet fans will be pleased to know that both plug and socket type bayonets are appropriate, and some historic examples are indeed swords in their own right, just in case...

Reloading is very slow and it has a low rate of fire.  Shooting it will alert the mob and you're pretty screwed. You might kill one or two before you are overwhelmed.
Not to mention the weght of those .58 cal balls.
Water can become a problem.
ettibebs said:
Here a reference site for an actual Zombie fighting force.
The comment part at the bottom of the site is great!

"I think me and my friend Dez are training well but we need some pointers towards surviving! We have weapons, non-parishable foods, a good temporary spot to sleep, and ammo! Do you think we are missing anything besides gun license?"

Read more: http://www.myspace.com/zapt_stud#ixzz0vNIFfguC

Looking at the home town of the dude that started this, I'm not surprised for 2 reasons - it's Cajun/Creole country so there may indeed be zombies there, and the other is the banjo picking going on in the background...

medicineman said:
"I think me and my friend Dez are training well but we need some pointers towards surviving! We have weapons, non-parishable foods, a good temporary spot to sleep, and ammo! Do you think we are missing anything besides gun license?""

Did I miss a memo or something? When do you need a gun license to hunt zombies??????? ;D
Probably won't need one once they take over, unless they (the Zombies) enact new regulations requiring you to register and license your guns.

medicineman said:
Probably won't need one once they take over, unless they (the Zombies) enact new regulations requiring you to register and license your guns.


OMG that explains EVERYTHING! The Liberals are Zombies preparing the ground for the Z apocalypse  :o
Just give them directions to Jack Layton's house then. Oh wait, the starvation that would ensue.  >:D
Many of you guys are off your nuts. Anything you do that makes noise will attract more zombies. Travel light, travel quick and travel quiet. Get yourself off into the weeds somewhere. Any firearms you carry should be silenced. Hell, even a 2L plastic bottle over the end of a .22 will quiet it down a bunch. Many people look at zombie survival like a COD type of mission. I prefer a Metal Gear type of view though. Blend in, pick your battles, make it just one more day. A mountain bike and a well packed ruck will give you better odds than a loud ass gas powered anything. Especially with all the new solar rechargeable battery assisted bikes out there these days.

If you're advocating raiding the local gun shop after the apocalypse has begun, it's already too late. Get your gear now. Instead of putting money aside for your kids college fund each month, be smart, buy gear. Plan your route away from civilization, and start stashing rations, ammo and medical supplies out in the boonies. 
The trick is to stay rural. Less people = less Zombies. Saskatchewan is a good place. Find a small town that has a grocery store (running on windmill power) build up supplies of ammunition, food and water, and when you see the occasional green wearing zombie shuffle down the #1 take them down at 800 meters. Lots of early warning, and good visibility.
Good Plan. Although I like the grid roads better. Even less people and more vantage points.