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Bayonets: your essential Zombie killing weapon accessory.


Nothing says "Zombie killer!" like two chainsaws tied to a kayak paddle!
I don't know seems really heavy and unweildly to me...

I am sticking with a .22 or at least my .223 add in a corwbar and shaolin spade tight fitting ninja clothes and my personal E&E plan I think I have it all sorted
I'm a fan of the .22 idea, especially now that I've recently found out that some Canadian retailers are offering 50 round drums for the 10-22.

Bring on the undead!!  :threat:

Some people just don't see the threat....They will though but it will be at about the point that the zombies are feasting upon them.

Not us few though, we know the truth and shall be prepared
BulletMagnet said:

Some people just don't see the threat....They will though but it will be at about the point that the zombies are feasting upon them.

Not us few though, we know the truth and shall be prepared
I say, the more that ignore the threat, the better for us.  Not only will it slow down the initial hoardes as they feast on their brains, but they will get very little "brain nutrition" from those lowly-masses, slowing them down even further.
BulletMagnet said:

Some people just don't see the threat....They will though but it will be at about the point that the zombies are feasting upon them.

Not us few though, we know the truth and shall be prepared

The truth is out there my freinds.
Due to the several pictures of chainsaw blades I felt the need to post in thread:

Despite numerous refs to chainsaws used against zombies in Hollywood and  literature in real-life zombie encounters it is a poor choice due to the previous mentioned contaminated  blood splatter comment as well as it's dependence on fuel as I for one know I don't want to have my anti-zombie weapon sputtering out of fuel in the middle of a hoard or running around with a gas jerry can strapped to my back. Fire is also a poor choice due to the zombies lack of pain response - if you light him/her ablaze untill such time as it's brain is cooked it will continue to press it's attack, lighting any other consumables unfire around it and possibly boxing you in or ignighting the previously mention jerry can of gas you have strapped to your back for your chainsaw.
Seriously, gimme an AR-10 (failing that, I will just fall back on my C7), a pair of Brownings (the refurbished ones), and a whack load of ammo, and I should be set.

When the day comes, I do not care to be close enough to use the "chainsaw halbred" thingy.  Look cool or not, it's about survival man. And the idea of being close enough to use a bayonet? YIKES!

:akimbo:    :troll:
Unless you self-reload your cartridges AND are able to produce your own pellets (two exquisite and useful skills, admittedly) I would say that bow and arrow also offers an interesting potential if you can make your own arrows (i.e. if you live on a wooded lot).
1. You can shoot from a distance, say your porch.
2. They are reusable (if you deign pull them out after use)
3. You can also hunt with them (preferably with clean ones)
4. They are Earth-Friendly! (just kidding...)

Bow and arrow, the way to go.
The biggest issue with any weapon is skill at their use. I havent a clue how to get a head shot  with a Bow at 25m let alone a safe distance such as 100m
But I know I can do it with a rifle, you are right though there has to be total round accountability or your wasting a precious resource.

Really the best bet is survival and escape before combat, but if combating the zombies can't be avoided well then you better be good with what you have or you can consider yourself as good as eaten!
If I had to take a zed from up close, I want one of these bad boys. Or this for more slicing.

But if I could take em out at 100m or more, I sure will take that option.
TimBit said:
I would say that bow and arrow also offers an interesting potential if you can make your own arrows (i.e. if you live on a wooded lot).

Bow and arrow, the way to go.

Ever try making your own arrows?  Not as simple as it seems, especially if you're finding and making all the raw materials.

So you practice up on your head shots regardless of what range weapon you choose
As Zombies don't breathe then oceans, lakes and rivers are really not an effective barrier.

Therefore the only effective weapon against them would be

Arrows and bows aren't that easy to use, plus the range is limited. The arrow is subject to wind etc as well.

On the other hand .22 LR cartridges are plentiful. Light, and a .22 can be used by just about anyone. When the Z apocolypse hits (not if but WHEN) there will be a crapload of .22 ammo everywhere. Walmart, Crap tire, sporting goods stores etc.
I would tend to stay at a safe distance from the Zs, and have an escape route available at all times.
I'm thinking a LAV or Stryker with Mine Flail...

  Ideally robotically controlled so I don't need to get into said LAV or Stryker and that close to the Zombies.

Just recently coming back from Singapore - areas like that, those people are utterly screwed.  No civilian guns and urban sprawl/heavy jungle -- its like worse case scenario for people, and the ultimate zombie feeding stop.

  Which is why the zombie outbreak starts in China...

They know.
