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Aviation Systems Technician ( AVN Tech )

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ottawaguy25 said:
I am a Cpl in the army and I'm very seriously looking to OT to AVN. I want to ask a couple questions if possible.

1. Are you only qualified on one aircraft or are there possibilities of more?

You will generally only hold maintenance quals on one type at a time. You may end up with servicing/elementary quals on different airframes depending on where you are posted. It comes up for transient servicing, or things like basic servicing of CF 18's when they land at bases other than their own.

2. How does QL5 work is it just specialization of a certain aircraft or what exactly is it?

This has been changing over the years, in my experience the QL5 is generally tied to type training. I have seen QL5 granted without type training upon completion of an accepted apprentice training program. Once again, it really depends on your location.

3. How do you feel about the trade? Pros and cons if u have time

That can be a long discussion. If you like working with your hands, and enjoy troubleshooting and problem solving, you stand a good chance of finding job satisfaction within the trade. It really depends on what you're looking for.

4. A regular day once qualified and in your place of work? Like work environment and work load?

Flight line work... shift starts with a brief, outlining unserviceable airframes and priorities, admin info gets passed on. Hit the floor after that, rectify snags, prep airframes for the days flying and carry out checks, tow jobs, starts and the like. You will likely end up doing a good amount of servicing for the first bit of your career (A/B checks, fuelling, tow jobs, marshalling etc). More experienced techs generally end up on heavier jobs and we train the newer folk as workload and the flying program permit.

5. How close to the other Techs (AVS, ATIS, ACS) do you work?

ATIS, essentially never in my experience (12 years, three wings).  AVS, every day, but more working adjacent to not necessarily along with. ACS is kind of a target of opportunity trade, they're not out doing all the preventative stuff that AVN/AVS are, we fetch them when we find structural/corrosion issues during the course of our work or inspections. Keep in mind this is mostly a first line scenario, ACS digs in a bit more during periodic maintenance inspection.  My crew at 423 Sqn right now will have maybe 45 people on a good day, probably 30 AVN, 12 AVS and 3 ACS all ranks included(from Pte-MWO).

That's all i have for now thanks a lot

I am using my buddies account because I don't have one.  Just an FYI
Heres some more info on the AVN course: http://www.rcaf-arc.forces.gc.ca/itp-pfi/page-eng.asp?id=942
PFL, its been about 3+years since this was originally posted. Care to share your experiences.
Since the question was asked a while back and that the schedule did not provide any other dates at that time, I wonder if a new schedule has been determined since then? And if so, if someone would be kind enough to post it here?

Thank you in advance.
Serial 1201    12 April - 14 Dec 12
Serial 1202    18 May 12 - 12 Feb 13
Serial 1203    03 July 12 - 05 Apr 13
Serial 1204F  29 Aug 12 - 29 May 13
Serial 1205    15 Oct 12 - 03 Jul 13
Serial 1206    27 Nov 12 - 28 Aug 13
Serial 1207F  24 jan 13 - 23 oct 13

Good luck guessing which one he'll be on, if any.
Thank you CDN Aviator. Even if we don't know which course he could potentially be on. At least we see that there will be more than just the one session. He'll be starting his common core March 30th and we were wondering if there would be any courses starting soon after or later.

Hey everyone, I'm considering joining the Air Force as an Aviation Systems Tech (AVN Tech) but I have a few concerning questions that I'd really like answered, especially if you have any knowledge about the trade.

1. How much say do you have towards what you would be working on and where you are posted?
2. How are the tours as an AVS Tech? How long are they and how often are you sent?
3. When at your home base do you work a normal 9-5 type job or shift work?
4. Are there any air force bases that are right near a large town such as CFB Edmonton?

Any information would be great and appreciated. Thanks.
Jako155 said:
Hey everyone, I'm considering joining the Air Force as an Aviation Systems Tech (AVS Tech)

AVS Tech is not "Aviation Systems Tech". It is "Avionics Systems Tech".

"Aviation Systems Tech" is an AVN Tech.

1. How much say do you have towards what you would be working on and where you are posted?

Between "none" and "very little".

2. How are the tours as an AVS Tech? How long are they and how often are you sent?

Entirely dependant on where you work, what you actually do and the situation at the time. Too many variables to answer that one.

3. When at your home base do you work a normal 9-5 type job or shift work?

Shift work for the most part, based on working along side techs for many years. Different units work different ways and, of course, as you progress, your employment differs and so do the working conditions.

4. Are there any air force bases that are right near a large town such as CFB Edmonton?

There is a helicopter squadron at CFB Edmonton. You can search the RCAF website and it will show you were everyone is based.

Edit : AVN/AVS Tech (whichever one you actually mean) is not an "aircrew trade".

Thanks for your honest answers Aviator. I’ve changed the acronym and I’ll try to figure out how to move the topic. Yeah, I’m aware that the tours really depend on what you’re working on. I just wanted a general idea for the air force entirely. 
Jako155 said:
I just wanted a general idea for the air force entirely.

There is not "general idea" for the RCAF entirely. Tactical Helicopter units will deploy doing things one way (due to the nature of supporting the Army), while long range patrol units will deploy and do things another way to suit who they are working for. It follows that other fleets do business to suit their unique needs.
There is a bit of info on the site if you feel like digging through some of the existing threads.  You will find that work schedules  vary greatly depending on where you're at.  People working in first line jobs are subject to the flying program and will frequently work any manner of odd shifts.  Techs in second line maintenance, shops, teaching positions and most of the office jobs are generally working a straight day gig....  0700-1500 etc. 

Feel free to fire me a pm if you have specific questions.
Another quick question: Do you know of AVN Techs doing PT? I heard they may have one PT morning every two weeks or something. Plus is it really that hard to find time for yourself to work out during shift days?
PT depends again on where you work.  If you're in a shop/office or second line job, it's usually not tough to get away a couple times/week to train.  First line work is always at the mercy of the flying program.  423 Sqn is the first place I've been employed where the flypro has been adjusted to allow techs to have time for PT.  We have two maintenance crews with alternating day/evening shifts....  The day crew gets 90 min for PT first thing in the morning on Mon and Fri of the day shift.  Any other PT has to compete with flying/maintenance activities for time.  Some days I can get training in during work time, but sometimes there's just no way.
moose34 said:
For the cfat, looking to see if I would qualify for avn and then in the long run, for flight engineer.

If that's the job you want to do, apply for that job, and see what happens.