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Attention any bigger guys in the CF


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Hi everyone, first off thanks for taking the time to look at the new guy's post.  I've been fascinated with the military ever since I can remember and decided about a year ago that I wanted to become a part of it.  The only problem I have is that I'm quite a large guy (6 '3, 285lbs).  I used to be 340 ( Yeah, I know lol) and was down to 250 until about November 2007 when I started gaining weight again (a whopping 35 lbs total).  I'm trying to figure out where I'm going wrong.  I burn an average of about 2,000 calories at work, sometimes 1,500 and up to 2,500 (night shift at Wal-Mart, luxurious I know :p) just from walking, which doesn't include the heavy lifting I do, usually anywhere from 70 to 170 pounds, plus hauling around skids that can sometimes weigh literally a ton (stupid kitty litter).  I've began to keep a food journal including fat, sugar, carbs (etc) content to keep myself accountable for what I'm eating and to make sure I don't intake too much empty calories and the like.  I try to train (jog and lift weights) as much as I can but it has been quite lax lately.  I have read quite a bit on this site about nutrition and fitness and got some good eating  and training tips but would like some extra insight if possible.  Could it be winter weight gain?  Am I just lazy for not training as much as a should, be hence the weight gain?  Is the night shift screwing with my metabolism?  Am I possibly throwing my body into a "starvation state" because of how much calories I burn in 8 hours?  Sorry for the novel of a post.  Any insights or advice would be greatly appreciated and hopefully I'll be in shape for BMQ soon! :)
Well, muscle weighs more than fat. Infact, I find that the more exercising and such one does, the heavier you get.

So muscle gain could account for a lot of the weight you gained.
Thanks very much for your reply.  I'm hoping it accounts for some, except my 42 inch pants used to be a bit big on me and now I find them a bit tight.  ???
How about trying this link for proper food to be eating.

And here for Jogging, Diet, Cardiovascular, and Strength.

Using the search function will also help, as there are many threads on here that can be of help to you, as you already know.

Sleep is also important too, and there are a few threads on that here.

Best of luck to you!
bms said:
Well, muscle weighs more than fat. Infact, I find that the more exercising and such one does, the heavier you get.

So muscle gain could account for a lot of the weight you gained.

I hate that statement.  Muscle tissue is DENSER than fat tissue, 1lb of muscle and 1lb of fat both weigh the same, the muscle just takes up less space.
You don't compare what weighs more by giving them the same weight, you use volume. Its like saying you hate the statement that lead is heavier than water, and citing that 1 lb of water weighs the same as 1 lb of lead  ::).

Anyways, muscle has a density of about 1.06 g/mL, while fat has a density of about 0.9 g/mL. Therefore, you will notice a fat loss before you notice a muscle gain, and you may lose fat and gain muscle but your overall weight may stay the same or increase.
Why are you rolling your eyes at me YOU are the one who said muscle WEIGHS more than fat (without mentioning anything about volume/density), not me. 
This thread now reminds me of that episode of "Cheers" where Norm and Cliff are discussing which weighs more, a pound of lead or a pound of bird feathers.....
CDN Aviator said:
This thread now reminds me of that episode of "Cheers" where Norm and Cliff are discussing which weighs more, a pound of lead or a pound of bird feathers.....

Neither they're both a pound ! >:D
It's naturally assumed that when comparing the mass of things(thats weight divided by the force of gravity) that you don't set both to the same and then compare. You take a given volume and see. I mean, it's like someone saying "I'm hungry" and you saying "I love mah kitty".

And weight isn't even a good measurement, since some gravity forces can be equal. However, you write in a form that the most people possible will understand. Sure, the molar mass of myosin and actin vs adipocytes could have been used with the appropriate density equations and structural formulae and such, but the point isn't filling every loop hole so that people can't post about them. It's about posting things to help as many people as possible, and then laughing at the people who do post about small insignificant things(thats right, you make me laugh over my morning coffee).
theyrecoming said:
I try to train (jog and lift weights) as much as I can but it has been quite lax lately.

theyrecoming said:
Am I just lazy for not training as much as a should, be hence the weight gain?  Is the night shift screwing with my metabolism?  Am I possibly throwing my body into a "starvation state" because of how much calories I burn in 8 hours? 

You answered your own questions:

You are not doing enough cardio exercise regularly

You are not eating enough based on your activity level.

There is no magic bullet, only the fact that it's gets easier as you get lighter, especially the running. (I was 245, I am currently 6'3 and 235, heading to 210-215. I have been there and lower before for fights, so I am not talking out of my ***).

You have to get to know your body and how it works, understand how much your burn for specific activities. This is why REGULAR exercise is KEY, because it makes your caloric needs predictable. Then you can meal plan, and also KEEP TRACK of whats going on. The scale is USELESS. Ditch it as a measure of health and fitness.

Look into CrossFit. Take a boot camp if you can (20 days 5 days a week). That style of PT is good for big guys and delivers the practical fitness required for military service.

And the biggest thing:

KEEP POSITIVE AND NEVER GIVE UP. Set realistic goals that motivate you. Benching X. Running X in Y. Taking your shirt off at the May 24 party, WHATEVER. But keep your head in the game.

EDIT** Oh yah, and one REALLY BIG one. Trade the beer for liquor. Less calories, easier to manage and your farts will stink WAY less.