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Army Communication & Information Systems Specialists (Sig Op, Lineman and LCIS Amalgamation)

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From what I heard yesterday it will be a while until they start to replace all the static postings with civilians, not for another couple of years. Did anyone hear anything else about sig ops split between field and IT?
Hey guys, EXCELLENT post. Thanks for your effort in writting it.

I has a question. I just graduated from BMQ this week (hooray), my trade is LCIS tech. Now, I LOVE computers, that was the part of joining the army I signed up for. I wanted to work on computer systems and repair them, maybe get in to the GPS and such. I wanted "LCIS" tech.

Now I find out, that there is a good chance I'll be a Sigs Op? That sucks, I really really really don't want to go Sig or Line.

I guess my question is, what exactly will happen to me? I'm sort of in the middle of all this and heard so much different stuff!
First courses are supposed to be run for the ACCIS in 2009, so if you finish your courses before then, you'll be grandfathered. Keep in mind though, the new trade may have SigOps doing a lot of the tech support end, leaving LCIS trades at 2nd line working on circuit boards. It's all really up in the air, I wouldn't worry about it too much. There will always be the opportunity for you to switch into the right subtrade if you get stuck in the trap.
meni0n said:
From what I heard yesterday it will be a while until they start to replace all the static postings with civilians, not for another couple of years. Did anyone hear anything else about sig ops split between field and IT?

IIRC, this initiative is called Replace The Soldier.  The email I have at work states it will start this coming APS (2009).  Not a few years from now.  The email was written by one of the Sn Officers behind this, a Sig O, LCol who's lastname initials are V V.
That don't sound too promising for someone headed into Sig's to get replaced by civvies before even getting through BMQ :/

The intent of the program is to replace Sig's folks that are in static, non-field positions to field positions, not to reduce the # of Sigs pers.
Snafu-Bar said:
That don't sound too promising for someone headed into Sig's to get replaced by civvies before even getting through BMQ :/

It's good and bad. What it means is that the static positions, jobs such as running base servers, setting up cell phones, etc, that you have at the base Comm Sqns, will be filled by civillians, allowing the Sigs to go to more field oriented positions.
Ok that makes sense, those with combat training are better put to use and those with the tech xp get the static positions as civvy contracts.

Thanks for the clarification.

Coming from a briefing from a Col of an ASG, they put in memo to a General, voicing concerns about how it's done. Basically having misgivings about people on category, IR, compassionate and people in critical positions. People who are fit and due for postings will be posted to field positions but a lot of things are still left to hammer out. With the amalgamation coming, not a lot of things are clear. Will have career manager briefing soon and a meeting and will try to find out more. But from what I heard in Kingston while on course is that JSR will be the main IT place and the brigades be more Tac Rad. New QL5s for Sig Ops are coming as well, more focus on CP setup. Many things are still in the air and haven't been cleared up yet.
FYI - anyone on the way out.....the Coast Guard is hiring.  ;D  True story.

PM for details if anyone is interested in taking their pension to another gov't gig.

Career managers are saying not to hold your breath on this happening anytime soon. Looks like its sliding to the right...
From the Master of Signals, the CLS wants the first Common QL3 course run April 2010.
signalsguy, do you mean the amalgamation or the movement and replacement of personnel from static to field? Career manager told me the amalgamation will be happening soon.
The impression I got was that the amalgamation was going to happen on sched, everything else won't. I am not holding my breath on this one. I went to one of the briefings and CWO Symes and CWO Hohmann didn't have any realistic answers - they don't know how to make it work. Its easy to throw up some slides and make pie in the sky statements...

Besides, if you've seen the latest numbers we've got way bigger problems - they can't recruit for LCIS and Sig Op.

And moving people from static to field, thats been going on for the past few years. IM Group has been giving up positions to other orgs and elements since at least 06. Theres been a lot of talk about stopping 'accomodation' of injured folk but what I'm seeing now is that they need to hang on to anyone with a pulse to fill all of the static jobs that aren't easily civilianized.

meni0n, do you think JSR is still a viable org at this time? I know a few pri 1 places that are gagging for people. Scale JSR down (recreate 79 Comm Regt?) and increase the size of the brigade units, maybe make them into Bn size elements with tactical, satcom and IT companies. Redistribute the rest of the positions to other orgs - CANSOFCOM for example.
For the static positions being eliminated, right now it's on hold because there is no plan and a lot of issues to be resolved. As for JSR, I couldn't tell you as I've never been posted there, but from the presentation we got on our fives this summer and from talking to people who are from JSR, they are short people as well. Those guys deploy frequently, some for longer times some for shorter but it seems that the sig op trade is really short of personnel everywhere and with the talk of a split between rad op and IS it will make it more confusing. There are just a lot more questions than answers out there right now.
I can tell you for sure JSR is short on people.
My hubby is due to return from a TAV in Afghanistan next week. He only got back from tour in June, and is already slated for 3/09.
They recently had on guy (brand new father of 2 weeks) go over on a 2 month TAV and had to ask him to stay because one guy for the next roto dagged red the last minute, and they don't have any backups.

Part of the trouble with the LCIS shortage there (as I understand it) is that they alway had LCIS and ATIS techs there, but since JSR went back to the army, all the ATIS are being posted out, and only LCIS are being posted in.

I think JSR is PRI 2 for postings.
Recently I attended the CM briefs for ATIS/LCIS/Sig Op/Linemen and the word from the respective "green" C & E CMs was that the amalgamation was put off a year but would be going forward.

FWIW...all of the above mentioned MOCs are red and, according to the CMs...not looking good in the next few years, with the exceptiono of Linemen.  The Linemen CM said he is going to be "green +" WRT to TES/PML and there will be NO retention offers after the APS.

Just what I heard from the Herd.
I recently attended the MES briefing and I think this is a great initiative. There are so many reasons our current trade structures are not working. Recruiting, retention, job satisfaction etc. Let's face it, what we have now is not working out very well. To quote Doc Phil, "how is it working for you"? Well it isn't. The current Op Tempo is burning out our Signallers. I think this new structure will allow us to evolve, as technology is evolving. Having a single entry point to the Signals trades will make the decision at the recruiting centers that much more easy. Sure, it may take a couple of years before you will be a lineman or technician if that is what you want, but so what! Nothing wrong with being a Soldier/Signaller when you first start out, gives you a good base for the rest of your career. Be thankful we are not the British Army, you would be in the infantry for 3 years before being considered for Signals. For the record, it is my understanding the new trade will be called;

ACISS - Army Communications and Information Systems Specialist.

The sub occupations for Cpl - Sgt;

CST- Communication System Technologist
IST - Information Systems Technologist
LST - Line Systems Technologist

The sub occupation for Sgt -WO

CITSM - Communications and Information Technology Systems Manager.

MES isn't helping our recruiting. The Master of Signals was recently told by new PATs waiting their QL3 that some were told Lineman won't exist in a few years, SigOp is closed, etc etc. The recruiting system needs to be pushing our trades and get some people in the door. Maybe MES will help, but right now it seems like a whole lot of ideas that don't have a solid implementation plan.
The CST and IST are confusing me, which one is the sigop and which one is the lcis? Another question, how is the POET going to work for people selected for the lcis positions? Is that going to be the QL4 ? Open Circuit, are the rumours also true about the sigop trade branching out as well, between IT and radio?