Here is a post that I posted elsewhere:
As a reservist ACISS (Army Communication and information Systems Specialist) I love my job. That being said I only do my job, 1 or 2 nights a week and 1 - 3 weekends a month.
What I like about my job is the variety. While the end goal is always to provide communication support for the army this can be done in a variety of ways. Sometimes I'm dismounted and running around with the infantry (which can be fun when it doesn't rain

). Other times we will set up a cp sometimes we operate out of the truck, other times it is literally an antenna out of a window. Or I can I be doing 8 on 8 off in the TOC. I even got lucky and managed to get to participate in an amphibious assault which was pretty ******* cool. I've also been on shift while an amphibious assault was happening , not quite as cool as being on the boat, but nevertheless ;D. One other time I was told that if I wasn't out of an area by a certain time I was going to die as they were going to live fire artillery in the area. Sometimes I sit on a hill for the weekend and relay messages while watching movies on tablet. I've worked with Service, Engineers, Infantry, MPs and the artillery. Throughout my time with the infantry I've had various roles. I've been the a platoon sig, an OC's sig, a duty sig in an infantry Cp. One time we showed up and they told us they only needed 1 guy to be the OC Sig and the two of us got to be a C6 Gunner for the weekend 8). I've literally experienced every piece in the puzzle and it has made me a better signaler as a result.
I also like the early opportunity of leadership in the trade. I'm currently a detachment commander and I am responsible for up to three people, thousands of dollars of equipment and I am responsible to liaise with senior officers from other units and at time provides guidance and suggestions with regards to communications. It truly is a lot of a fun.
There some things I hate and sometimes I'm bored (especially on the midnight - 6am shift), but it is what is and the good outweighs the bad otherwise I would of left the reserves.
I wrote that about 8 months ago and I still feel the same way.
Since that post, I've got to fire an artillery howitzer, went up to Northern Canada, flew in a twin otter and just missed getting in helicopters. There definitely are some cool options and the more available you are, the better chance you will get to do some of the really cool stuff. Unfortunately I'm done school now, and I am now working in an office 9-5 as a civvy so I will be more or less restricted to weekends at least for the short term.