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Army Communication & Information Systems Specialists (Sig Op, Lineman and LCIS Amalgamation)

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So it's been awhile since I posted in this thread, I've been awful busy being a Sig Op, now probable -IST.  Or so I've been named on the magic list of people on the ACISS website... I kept an eye on this though and gained some insight from it. But we were all mostly told the same, from across the country. That's kind of a shocker actually!

A career manager's brief in Edmonton a couple weeks ago was pretty funny though... When we asked the current Career Manager's what's going to happen in regards to postings for the new trades. They said, literally, and I quote, "We have no idea!"... They said PER/Merit Boards/Postings will not even be taking into account the new trade issues until next year. So for this APS, you'll be posted and/or promoted/career managed as you are, a Sig Op, Linemen or LCIS. They also had no idea what's going to happen TO current postings next year when all of this has to be taken into account...

For example... I'm currently a system administrator (Cpl, old QL5 qual'd with many IT courses). Originally I'm a Sig Op, now I'm apparently going to be an IST. Going on tour (yay!), going to do my tactical system admin job (TacC2IS), come back... If I want to get posted to say, LFCA, Ontario, say JSR or Ottawa, something IST-like..... What if there's a very limited number of IST positions? Does that mean I'm deadlocked in my current posting (LFWA) until an IST from LFCA wants to be posted here??.... What about for the other sub-trades? Line is basically full and has been for some time, same with LCIS. In fact, LCIS career manager said they're over staffed and won't have a problem switching some to IST etc...

I'm just afraid for awhile the trade in general will become deadlocked and stagnated while they figure out what and how to do with all of us!

It's my singular opinion (NOT WORTH much) they've done well (generally speaking) so far with the amalgamation, a year later than they originally planned BUT, better than expected... But what about the real meat and bones? What about 1 year from now when I come back from tour and this new trade is apparently full on? Am I going to be required to do some kind of odd conversion trng or is all my qualifications going to "grandfather" me into the -IST unquestioned?....

Still a lot of questions out there we can collectively dig for and keep our eyes and ears out for...

Oh and for the guys who think they don't have the money to post Sig Ops, you're wrong... From the mouth of the career manager, they have like 240 cost-approved moves for this APS alone. Doesn't mean they'll even move that many he said, but he wanted to kill that rumour. You'll still be posted according to the army's needs, then yours. But postings are available!
Sig Joeschmo said:
Am I going to be required to do some kind of odd conversion trng or is all my qualifications going to "grandfather" me into the -IST unquestioned?....

Make sure you submit a PLAR before you head out on tour.
Sig Joeschmo said:
What about 1 year from now when I come back from tour and this new trade is apparently full on? Am I going to be required to do some kind of odd conversion trng or is all my qualifications going to "grandfather" me into the -IST unquestioned?....

When you look at the ACISS site and look at what they gave you (I'm still "Pending Decision") it will tell you if you need to submit a PLAR or not.  If you do, do it now or you could be reverted back to the core trade.
GrilledLincoln said:
We are no longer allowed to put names forward for those courses.
I'd be interested to know when/if this change actually took place. I've seen several reserve mbrs on reg QL3 and QL5 courses in the past couple of years. No one I've talked to is aware of such a restriction (but reg mbrs will of course have priority).
GrilledLincoln said:
when they put the Calender out there was only DP1 didn't mention anything about mod 1 or mod 2
I think you should take another look at the course calendar. Note the competency code for mod 1 ("Nil"; it's only half of a course).

Those in the know, correct me if I'm wrong.
Rheostatic said:
I'd be interested to know when/if this change actually took place. I've seen several reserve mbrs on reg QL3 and QL5 courses in the past couple of years. No one I've talked to is aware of such a restriction (but reg mbrs will of course have priority).I think you should take another look at the course calendar. Note the competency code for mod 1 ("Nil"; it's only half of a course).

Those in the know, correct me if I'm wrong.

I'm just stating what I was told that my unit in particular is no longer able to put names up for the Reg Force ACISS, probably has something to do with the backlog of people in the Reg Force trying to get trained.

I will double check the course calender tomorrow at work but from what I can remember it doesn't say anything about mod 1 or mod 2, I also asked my unit and they told me the course i'm slated for is the full thing.  Does anyone know the full length of BOTH Mod 1 and Mod 2 as I would like to get fully trained by the end of the summer.  If I knew that information I would be able to tell if i'm slated for both mods or just the first one.
According to the CFSCE Trg Calendar, the PRes ACCIS DP1 Mod1 is either 46 days or 30 days, dependant on which serial you get loaded on this summer.  There are currenlty no PRes DP1 Mod2 courses slated for the next FY.  The Reg Force DP1 is 75 days.  DP2 is broken into two mods also, a DL and a residency for both Reg and PRes.  The DL portion is 8 days and the residency is 17 Days.

Here is the DWAN link to the CFSCE Crse Calendar

*Edit to add link
For those in the Reserves who wish to become LST, the projected training time to accomplish this is 4 yrs from point of entry.
Swingline1984 said:
For those in the Reserves who wish to become LST, the projected training time to accomplish this is 4 yrs from point of entry.


This sounds a bit ridiculous. Four summers to become a Pte(T)?
Sounds reasonable if LST DP1.1 is 2 summers long. First summer: BMQ/BMQ-L, Second Summer: ACISS DP1, Third Summer: DP1.1 LST Mod 1, Fourth Summer DP1.1 LST Mod 2.
SevenSixTwo said:
This sounds a bit ridiculous. Four summers to become a Pte(T)?

Straight from CFSCE my friend.  Don't get wrapped in traditional monikers.  You are not a sub-occ (a true LST) until you have completed your DP 2.1.  The 1.1 only gives you the "Specialist" qual, which basically means you are trained to be employed as a Lineman's helper.  Everyone, I say again EVERYONE will be ACISS.  What this means is you (read; a potential LST) will have to become, and train as an ACISS Operator before being "selected" to move into the LST sub-occ based on aptitude and interest.  Your pers (or you) will be Pte (T) at the completion of ACISS 1.0.
211RadOp said:
According to the CFSCE Trg Calendar, the PRes ACCIS DP1 Mod1 is either 46 days or 30 days, dependant on which serial you get loaded on this summer.  There are currenlty no PRes DP1 Mod2 courses slated for the next FY.  The Reg Force DP1 is 75 days.  DP2 is broken into two mods also, a DL and a residency for both Reg and PRes.  The DL portion is 8 days and the residency is 17 Days.

Here is the DWAN link to the CFSCE Crse Calendar

*Edit to add link

Thanks for the info 211RadOp.  Sucks that they aren't running both mods this summer, I suppose the attempts made by the Trg NCO to get us on DP1 and DP2 will be wasted time.  My unit staff must have been misinformed at some point.
My guess is that they will run the DP1 Mod2 next summer to complete the remaining 30/45 days.  To run the full DP1 (75 days) will take 15 weeks (based on a 5 day/week schedule).  As most PRes pers at the DP1 level will be students, there is not enough time in the summer to run both Mods for them in the Jul/Aug timeframe.
DP 1 Mod 2 will not be a summer course, if you read the QS in full detail it explains how it will be a home unit responsibility. There are 2 competency codes that are given with DP 1, the first for rank qualification and the second for job qualification. When these pers return this summer from DP 1, they will get the first, and with time in rank, be able to be promoted to Cpl before getting the job qual. Because of the equipment that needs to be taught in mod 2 most units don't have there will be a few different options for getting the qual. Every unit is going to have to look at there specific options and make those decisions themselves.
Trying to figure out this course in whole is very confusing, and every unit is going to interpret parts differently. I know for the past few weeks straight now I have been dealing with this course and making sure my pers are ready and have all the pre-reqs required before they go. Its going to be interesting to see how this works out in the reserve world, its going to be a lot of changes, with no money to support to changes....
Do you happen to know these Pre-reqs, my unit is apparently very slack and I haven't been told anything about pre-reqs, and since im going on taskings in march right until I go for my DP1 in May i'd like to get these things cleared away.
Yes, they are: BMQ and BMQ (L). You must have DDC and Driver wheel for LSVW and Milcot, have successfully completed a BFT within 365 days (or as a reservist a PT test), also must have a level 2 security clearance or atleast in process of getting one, and PO 001.
LFCA requires reservists have a BFT before they go on Cl B.
GypsyPronto said:
Yes, they are: BMQ and BMQ (L). You must have DDC and Driver wheel for LSVW and Milcot, have successfully completed a BFT within 365 days (or as a reservist a PT test), also must have a level 2 security clearance or atleast in process of getting one, and PO 001.

I was told driver wheel was required for my 3's. Still had 7 who didn't have it.

Likewise, a VP course. Until that PO got tossed out due to a couple of the first guys to get checked for competence royally flunked. Had a MCpl sig on an ex last week who didn't know what "fetch sunray" meant, after having gone on tour.

Milcot hasn't been run at my unit in the last four years, and we've got ten guys going for DP1 this summer.

Those may be the pre-reqs, but I'd suggest there will be folks showing up in Kingston without them.
Milcot isn't a pre-req for DP1.

LSVW, DDC and SB course are.

However, you can be exempt from LSVW, DDC and SB if your unit says it was impossible for you to do the course before the summer.

Ex) Bob joins in September. He does BMQ and SQ (BMQ-L) on the weekends all the way up to the summer. He get's to go on the DP1 in the summer because he didn't have time to do the driver's wheeled course.

If you COULD HAVE done the driver's wheeled course before your DP1 then no you can't go because your unit can't apply for an exempt for you.
SevenSixTwo said:
Milcot isn't a pre-req for DP1.
It appears to say otherwise in the QS. I was surprised too. Anyway, I have seen this requirement for driver quals waived for plenty of candidates.
Sorry to cut into this riveting discussion, but it seemed like the best place.

Who here that is currently serving has been selected to go IST? Any one here have a lot of experience on the IT side of the house that would be willing to answer a quick couple questions via PM?
