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Army.ca Meeting & Greeting in Toronto

Dodger1967 said:
Hey Vern, if you don't want to bring a Pace stick, I can loan you my whip !  ;D


Nah, it's OK...I already have my own.
How did MFI get started? Who are its Founders?
A. For those of you who haven't been with MFI that long, MFS Nebula is the founding ship of what has grown to become MFI.

Back in 1993, some of the key officers of Star Fleet International’s USS Royal Sovereign (Gary & Judy Davis, Ryan Rosal, Mark Klinger and Kim & Rob Johnson) decided to break away and form our own shuttle for the sole purpose of enjoying the FUN of Trek Fandom. We all swore that we would not allow the evil alien entity known as politics aboard ship. As most of us were either Active Duty military or prior military, we decided to make Veteran’s Day our “Independence Day" from Royal Sovereign and signed our petition for shuttle status on November 11th, 1993.

So paul where do you parade for Independence day?Do they still parade on the Royal Sovereign?Or is this just celebrated on the MFS Nebula?Do you get shore leave?

Also I cannot pic out your uniform,looks kinda cool!Can you upload a pic so we can see?Be great for publicity.
EX_RCAC_011 said:
How did MFI get started? Who are its Founders?
A. For those of you who haven't been with MFI that long, MFS Nebula is the founding ship of what has grown to become MFI.

Back in 1993, some of the key officers of Star Fleet International’s USS Royal Sovereign (Gary & Judy Davis, Ryan Rosal, Mark Klinger and Kim & Rob Johnson) decided to break away and form our own shuttle for the sole purpose of enjoying the FUN of Trek Fandom. We all swore that we would not allow the evil alien entity known as politics aboard ship. As most of us were either Active Duty military or prior military, we decided to make Veteran’s Day our “Independence Day" from Royal Sovereign and signed our petition for shuttle status on November 11th, 1993.

So paul where do you parade for Independence day?Do they still parade on the Royal Sovereign?Or is this just celebrated on the MFS Nebula?Do you get shore leave?

Also I cannot pic out your uniform,looks kinda cool!Can you upload a pic so we can see?Be great for publicity.
Ok all of us were at one point, or another were members of Starfleet International Star Trek Fan Orgaization Inc. Some of the members of MFI, still participate in SFI, but to a lesser extent. I broke away recently because when I asked for donations from Canadian Members of SFI for the Canadian Soldiers in Afganistan, I got very offended by snide remarks made on the subject and resigned. SFI for a club that claims to follow the ideals of Gene Roddenberry, is full of "Senior Officers" who seem to delight in, politics, backstabbing, favouratisim and a lot of other harmful and degrading actions. I have found with MFI that such actions are frowned apon, it's a much more relaxed club, based on friendship, rather than politics.

Gary Davis, Rob Johnston and many others including myself have served in the military, but I'm sure many more of our members haven't.
We don't Parade, we don't salute and MFI certianly doesn't really work along military lines. We do use that experience however, to guide us mainly in Administering the club. I don't expect members of lower "Rank" to call me General, or Sir, the club is meant for our members to have fun and volunteer in their respective communities for worthy Fan Conventions, like Toronto Trek, or charitable causes like Toys for Tots, or Ronald McDonald's Children's Charites. Individual Chapters called "cells" are somewhat autonomous and aren't really expected to adhere to a strict code of discipline, or reporting proceedure. We do however like to be informed on an informal basis, on what you "cell" is doing so that we know you're active, and can update other members and also new "recruits" as to what's going on in their localities. It also helps us recognize members who have done somethig worthy of recognition by the club.

You might Email Gary to get more insight from him, Gary's a Retired U.S. Navy Master Chief Petty Officer and one heck of a decent guy, I'm sure he'd be able to tell you more about the Founding of the club and some of the members who comprise the current leadership within MFI.

I hope you find some of my info, of some use to you.

Just to get this thread back on trek (sic) I'm good with the 14th.  Although, it's starting to sound like a MFI/SFI smoker and less an Army.ca one....

Danj, could you change the subject line to include the actual date once confirmed.

Sapper6 said:
Just to get this thread back on trek (sic) I'm good with the 14th.  Although, it's starting to sound like a MFI/SFI smoker and less an Army.ca one....

Danj, could you change the subject line to include the actual date once confirmed.


I'm going for the beer!!

I believe that the date is decided, I've edited the topic title accordingly.

Now we just need the two locations, one we tell the Trekkies, and the real one for us (oops, typo  ;) ) location

Edit: the typo had a typo

I need to go wherever Danjanou goes!! He's saving me a seat...no pickle stealers are allowed near me...beware.
Ok Preliminary recce done, but I may need to do more. I’ve eliminated some possibles due to size, and/or location. Staying downtown within a close walk to a subway station.

Remaining are

The Duke of Glouster Yonge and Bloor

The Duke of Argyll John and King

Paupers Pub Bloor and Spadina

All are fairly large so getting a table for 10-12 should not be a problem. Two also have patios n just in case this global warming thing takes off.

The Artful Dodger at Yonge and Isabella also has potential.
the 48th regulator said:
Me, I am going to wear my traditional army.ca get together Footbal Jersey.
The "Jersey of Invisibility"?
Journeyman said:
:rofl:  Miss one smoker......

Actually he's missed two of the last three in Toronto. Funny before that he was attending more than most on average. it's just the fac tthat the two he missed are the one's he organised.  8)

Crap I better not bail on the 14th now.
I was also very late on my first one, and I bailed on the recce for this one.

It is my way of getting everyone away from the site to look dedicated while I am here slogging away!



Dodger1967 said:
Shoot I got vetted for volunteer duty on behalf of my Star Trek Club, at an event.

I'll be done to the 9's in my Maquis Forces Marine Corps Uniform, but would still like to come and play, I'll be off by 19:00 Hrs.

I hope you guys don't take a stroke for wearing the uniform of my Organization to the meet and greet. It's pretty paramilitary looking !

If you think it'll be offensive let me know now and I'll just wait to show up another time !

Thanks Guys.


P.S. the club can be seen at www.maquis.com

I'm saved by the bell, I'll be coming sans uniform. Whoo Hoo, now I can wear jeans, my G.G.H.G. black t and my black leather jacket.

Fracking -A

Ah Paul, after all that you are just going to wear jeans.......and leather coat. Well at least we got to learn a few things about your club!

Cheerz to you also!

proudnurse said:
Ah Paul, after all that you are just going to wear jeans.......and leather coat. Well at least we got to learn a few things about your club!

Cheerz to you also!


Sorry to disappont ya. Now if the pants had velcroe seams, I'd wear it and put on a show ! :o

The Librarian said:
I believe that the date is decided, I've edited the topic title accordingly.


Thanks.  Now if we could only nail down the pub.
