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"Armed Forces put lives on the line every day"


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Hey everyone,
I have been lurking on Army.ca for a little while now and I read something today that compelled me to make my first post (hopefully it's in the correct place).  As someone planning to join the Canadian Forces in the near future, this definitely summed up not only what I have been trying to explain to friends and family about my decision to join, but also what I have been telling people who do not support our armed forces in general and our involvement with Afghanistan specifically.


Armed Forces put lives on the line every day
(Jun 16, 2006)

I have a son who is in our Canadian Forces. He was in the Army Reserves for years and is now in the regular forces in the Air Force. I am very proud of my son and if there was ever a world war, I am sure that he and every one who is in our Armed Forces wouldn't hesitate to protect our country. That is why these men and women joined up. They wanted to take on the job of protecting us. They didn't sign up to sit back and waste their training. They want to help when they are needed.

There are a lot of innocent people in Afghanistan that need our help. How could we sit back as a free country and watch while these innocent people are being hurt? The people who joined our Armed Forces know the risks involved when they joined, but they are willing to take that risk just as police officers, fire fighters and others take on these risks everyday.

Would you sit back and watch if you saw someone harming another person? I hope not. We finally have a government that supports our troops and it has been a long time coming. We may not always like or agree on the politics of U.S. President George Bush, but we all need to stand together because one day we may need each other.

People in our country need to wake up and understand that we are not free from harm and realize that we are a free country because of the men and women who go to work each day to do jobs that may potentially put their lives on the line such as our Canadian Forces. They give of themselves to safeguard rights and freedoms that Canadians have come to know and deserve every day.

We all need to support our troops whatever way we can. Next time you bump into a service man or women thank them for your freedom and tell them well done.

Janet Lupal

Proud Canadian Forces Mom

Thanks Cadarn, and thanks Mrs Lupal.
