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APRIL FOOLS 2006 - Army.ca Transfer of Ownership

I stand fast in my resistance.

Long live the revolution.

hasta siempre la victoria, tess o muerre!!


They aren't wasting any time. I just received an e-mail stating (when you read between the lines) that because I reside in a country other than Canada, my services as a Moderator posed a "problem", and that effective the takeover date, my status would be that of Regular member, should I choose to stay....

Hasta la pizza!!  Vaya con carne, amigos!! >:D
Well at least they are cleaning house with the damn American moderators...as it should be.
 I have thought about it and with heavy heart decided that a DND run army.ca was not for me either. Its been a blast but I resign.
Well, it's been an interesting Psych experiment so far, with this being the 4th response I've drafted.
Let's see.....shock....anger....disbelief.....sorrow.....anger......well, the texts tell us that acceptance will be coming.

Well, I'm disappointed, but I completely understand. Hopefully you'll stick around through the transition to see how things end up. I will have an update to post on this before noon today.
Well at least they are cleaning house with the damn American moderators...as it should be

Aren't you missing a re-run of Prison Break, there, Mongo?
That's not fair Mike.  Like local news adds :" Tune in at 11:00 to find out if this common household cleaner will ignite in your toilet"
Still working out the details... what I can say now though is that anyone with any doubts should use the opt out form. It will not delete your info, but will allow you to re-establish yourself after the transfer with no penalties if you choose to.

I thought our privacy was a guarantee Mike??? WTF I Just got off the phone with my Divisional Officer, I am to see my XO first thing Monday morning regarding comments made on this site. Thanks a fucking lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't jump the gun, it may not be what it seems. It's possible your XO wants to counsel you to stay on as DS after the transfer.
Quote from Bobbitt,
I will have an update to post on this before noon today.

Do you think I'm some kind of " poisson" that will wait around? If so your more the fool than I....
Mike, what the **** were you thinking ?  You should have sold it to me as i obviously have too much money and too much time on my hands.  Now you have screwed me, i've been informed my leave is cancelled and i have to report to the Wing Commander to explain my comments on here.

Entirely unsatisfactory state of affairs
This fucking day just keeps getting better.....my P1 just gave me a blast. Just shows that Monday is not going to be a good day. just waiting for the damn Queen to call now.

Anyone else get a call from their superiors yet?
As a Chaplain.. I find this totally disgracefull..

This action is Immoral, unethical and destroys the moral
and the spirit of the very troops you meant to serve by having
this site over the last 11 years.

Your actions are thoughtless, careless and irresponsible.
You are damaging lives and careers by this.  It would be
better to have simply shut down the site than to hand
it over to the military.  Even I fear for repercussions as I'm
sure my conduct will now be called into question since they
own the site now.

I cannot in good conscience have any part of this.  Despite I JUST
renewed my membership like 2 days ago... (thief.. since you knew
you were doing this and took my renewal) I am resigning effective
immediately from this site.