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Applying For Green Card in US (how to?)

  • Thread starter Thread starter SteelMag
  • Start date Start date
I was in the process of getting my  green card, bewarned it is a costly  procedure.

I was married to an American. now divorced
step 1) ordering the forms cost free
step 2) completing forms cost free if you do it yourself
step 3) Medical  cost depending on the fees charge by  the doctor or hospital costs for me being a Canadian it was cheaper but here was the break down from the hospital where I had mone done in Iowa.  all prices US dollars  in 2000,  $365.00 up front for the clinic,  plus $25.00 for the local public health unit for TB test.  they offered a $50.00 refund if I made it to all appointments on time , meanin i had to be early.
Because  I was Canadian I did not have to do all the medical testing, so I got some money back including my  50 bucks. i think the total cost was $290.00
Step 4) temp SSN card fee $100.00 then you had to get a new card when done the green card
Step 5) Filing Fee for US VISA  $125.00
step 6)  INS Filing  some where around $500.00
Step 7) waiting for paperwork to come back and pay  for finger printing, INS charge  $25.00 for the paper work, local Law enforcement office if on list had own fees in my case another $25.00 to the county sherrif office
step 8) wait and se eif they accept or reject paperwork

total costs was around $1500.00 bucks I think when everything was done . I never did get my card, I was divorced sooner.

Medical Forms are very  personal and very funny
asks if you are into any  illegal sex acts.  Depending on the State, your sex life might be deemed illegal

INS forms asked about prior military service and dates, ranks  and such.
also asked the question if you have ever planned to over throw the US Government or are planning to overthrow the US Goverment by  force.    As if you were going to tell them you were planning that in writing.

You also have to be prepared for a huge interview about your life and your spouses life before and after you met.
Good luck if your interested in getting your work permit and it does last for your life time
they  do expire

Thank you for your interest in the United States Marine Corps.

We're sorry, but if you are a U.S. citizen living outside of the U.S. or the 11 U.S. Territories, we are unable to process your request for more information via this web site. Instead, please contact your nearest U.S. Embassy to inquire about enlisting in the Marine Corps. If, however, you are not a U.S. citizen, U.S. federal law is very specific concerning the current enlistment standards of the U.S. Armed Forces. Only U.S. naturalized citizens, or aliens registered with Immigration and Naturalization Service as residents of the United States can enlist. This requirement cannot be waived. The United States Marine Corps cannot assist anyone with residency, nor can any enlistment processing occur until this requirement is met. Of course, after meeting citizenship requirements, everyone must also meet other qualifications, including a thorough background investigation, a complete physical examination and a comprehensive written examination of English language and mathematical skills. Your nearest U. S. Embassy or Consulate can give you the information you need concerning U.S. citizenship or alien status. Additionally, information is available through the Immigration & Naturalization Service web site at http://uscis.gov/graphics/index.htm  Upon establishing permanent legal residence in the U.S., you should address specific questions regarding your enlistment to your local Marine Corps recruiter..

join the US military, get a Horn. Discharge and you'll get a Green card....

Had a few Marines for Hati that did that years back when I was in, along with a guy from some Africa coutries that have since undegone a name change in the not so distant (for me) past.  His leave's made for some interesting activites until, well they kicked all the white folks out....
sigpig said:
If they aren't scrapping the barrel they are beating the hell out of the guard and reserve and taxing the reg army. Tours are being extended for units at almost the last minute and more guard/reserve units seem to be called up all the time.

If the regime wants to play world savior....

Playing 'world saviour'? Do I detect a bit of anti-Americanism here? What, would you rather have the US sit back and do nothing. I don't get where you are coming from.

quite typical for enlistment rates to be down this time of year, summer in the US on the beach with good looking women in thongs  or Boot Camp.... tough choice...
same as last year, and over all at the end of the year enlistment rates with meeting quotas.

But sad to say after 9/11 NIS has cracked down a bit.

Option #2, fly to Mexico, go for a walk, north.... like we're gonna know a Canadian from an American  lol  SS ID Cards are like $50 on any corner of LA.... of course that would be againest the Imigration laws....
well I certinly am not advising it, it could come back to haunt ya later...  I can't find the specifics on the web at this time, but I do believe our screwed up imigration laws currently do the following if "caught" coming across the Mexican border
a, if your mexican, you get a free plane ticket back the Souther Mexico, pisses off the Mexican goverment to no ends...
b, if your (add you nationality here) you get released onto the streets with a court date with the NIS....

Odd I have to say the least..... 

granted other paperwork is desired to make your stay here more secure, I'm not going to go into how one aquires that.  SS ID card just makes it easier to get a job....  if you speak english and don't look like an illegal alien (not trying to be racist....) I'd say 99% of all employers will never even ask for one during the application process.  Again better to fill all the right forms and cross all the correct T's.  If life in Canada that bad you want to move here?

There is always the old fashion way, marry an american, sorry this is not an offer.....

Steve99 said:
You can also in some cases join threw employment. For this to work you need to find a company in the U.S. who wants to sponsor you to work for them. They also need to prove they cannot find an American to fill the position they want you for. If you know of a company in the U.S. who would like to hire you this might be a good method, and while working for the company you could still join the Marine or Army reserve.

Great post steve99 but I'd like to touch on a few points.  There is something called the TN1 visa for Canadians to work for US employers through the free trade agreement.  If anyone is looking for an employment based visa, many employers will go down this street rather than sponsor someone for a green card.  A TN1 visa ties you to your employer and does not lead to a green card.  It is a non-immigrant visa.  A TN1 visa does not allow you to join the armed forces of the US.

Since it seems alot of the people on this board are interested in joining the Marine Corps, it should also be noted that the maximum age limit to enlist USMC is currently 28. You should probably keep this in mind since it would be a huge pain to go threw all the trouble of getting a green card and the long waiting periods, to relize you are already to old to enlist.   However, if you don't have your heart set on the Marines, the U.S. Army max. age is 35, and the Army reserve is max. age is 40. I've heard you can get age waivers for both the Marines and Army, however I have no idea how likely it is to actually get one.

As for the age limit for the Marines, you can still join past the age of 28 with an age waiver.  Your recruiter will put in the proper appllication to Recruiting Command to get this done during your application process.  It is on a case by case basis.  Boot camp is physically demanding and they want to make sure can get through it without getting hurt or permanently injured.  The max age for all active duty branches of the military is 35.  This is in accordance with Title 10 United States Code...it's the law.  The only reason the army is able to get away with the 39 year old age limit for National guard and reserves is due to a clause in Title 10 USC for war-time service which increases the age limit.  They are using this clause for a limited time only (2 years I think).

PJ D-Dog
On the age limit topic, I just wanted to add that on Friday, the Pentagon has asked Congress to raise the enlistment age limit for all branches of service from 35 to 42.  This will have some far reaching effects since the age limit for retirement will be pushed to 62 in order to accomodate the 20 year career path.  In addition, it will also change the entire dynamic of the military adding a bit of maturity to the ranks but at the same time, increase the number of married armed services personnel with families.  Depending on how it is managed, it could be beneficial or create new problems.

In my view, this is a way for the Pentagone to postpone requesting the draft in the hopes that it will fill the much needed gap for new recruits in the US Focres.  If it works, then there would be no need to institute a draft.  The US Army has been having problems recruiting enough soldiers to serve in the service support trades and I think that this is a move to fill this void.  I could see, if this passes Congress, that older recruits will be limited to serving in non-combat arms roles due to age and the physical demands of such a job.  This new age limit can also affect the basic standards required in basic training as it may drive down the current standards in the Marine Corps depending on how the new policy would be applied.  It will be interesting to see how this plays out should it pass Congress.  Food for thought.

PJ D-Dog
If you keep bringing back threads from the dead you WILL get shit canned, you know that right? you have to stop that its just a warning and if you plan on actually joining the military you'd better learn to pipe down and be less annoying. just a thought.